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Free Trial
- Publication:
- The Washington Posti
- Location:
- Washington, District of Columbia
- Issue Date:
- Page:
- 6
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Extracted Article Text (OCR)
THE WASHINGTONPOST WEDNESDAY DECEMBER 6 1905 FOE SALE HOUSES A WASHINGTON HEIOTTS BARGAIN 1 Splendid Home at a Sacrifice 6500 Renting for 50 HlrSMPiaiiii Ten Rooms Hot water Heat STONE FAIRFAX 804 806 808 st and 134a New York are FOR 3ALE AN UNUSUAL OFFER We aay unusual because in all oor experience In Selling real esate vre hare never known a desirable property to be offered far sale upon such accommodating lern a A Marly ne exceptionally ell built 3 torv 0 room brick dwelling altuated on Washington Height went of 18th rt la offered for sale for S10OOU Ternia J1000 nth j1000 payable JM a month The balance JsAOO can remain on the house for a period of TEN 10 year at a low rate of tntet est with the privilege of making payments The house la well constructed and well arranged parlor reception hall llnlnc rcom pantrT and kltthen on one floor two bdroom HOT WATEK HEAT front rear and Bide windowi an opportunity that sou mar never hare agair STONE FAIRFAX 1342 New York ave and 804 806 808 st ATTCTTOirSALES SLOAN a CO Auctioneers 1407 at nw RAILEOADS PENNSYLVANIA RAILROAD Station Corner of Sixth and Streets TRUSTEES SALE OP VALUABLE REAL a jjr jn pnixpiRP VVPRVql TATE SITUATED ON FOURTH STREET 5 Mr V1 PI11iBH liXrKtba AJiD CHICAGO SPECIAlrarior ana Dining cars Harrisburg to Pittsburg Connects for Chiceo Cincinnati In a lnd Vero Dict cSnTbU feSKifr jl PS A5S TATE SITUATED ON FOURTH STREET NORTHEAST EXTENDED Under and br Tlrtue of a deed of trust dated the 74th day of May A 100 and recorded in liber J484 at folio xl et sea and also by aor Vr and Pennsylvania itauroao virtu of a decree of the Supreme Conrt of the we car to HarnsDurg Dlatrlct of Columbia paaaed in equity cue nam 1 1050 A dally MAIN LINE EXPRESS bered 2S0U wa the undersigned tmateea will Pullman Buffet Parlor Car to Harris tell at publl auction la front of the premlaee I burs Parlor Car Harrisburg to Pitts oa MONDAT the nth day of December A 1 i burg Pennsylvania Railroad Cafe Car IMS at 4 oclock In the afternoon the following I Harrisburg to Altoona deacrlbed real eaute altnaud In the Dlatrlct 1201 dally 8T LOUIS LIMITED Columbia on Fourth atreet northeast extended I Sleeping Dining Smoking and Observa and deilgnated and knowa aa and being all of tion tVra intm HiirninrJ For Plncin iSiZ2 by If Buffe Parlor Car I to Harrtsbur the late Waahlrgton Berry by John A Mlddletoa tJf rr THB EN8 iSU and Thomaa Berry trustees and Bled with their LIMITED Pullman Sleeping Dining lint report of sales In the chancery ault of Mtd lle amoklng and Observation Cars from ton et al against Berry et al No SCO Equity Harrisburg For Chicago Cleveland Docket 7 in the Supreme Court of the District or Toledo and Detroit Buffet Parlor Car Columbia a copy of which plat la also recorded to Harrisburg in liber Governor Shepherd folio 41 of the tweordj I Z40 jj dally THE PENNSYLVANIA it0 ot surveyor of aall Dlatrlct I SPECIAL IS hours to Chicago Pull tiEr so much or said lots numbered man Sleroln ninlnir Rmnkin and Ob and eighteen aa Is Included within the lines of Fourth street east extended as shown on plat recorded in liber county No folio ST the aforesaid surveyor office records said lots numbered live 51 six ieven 1 eight en 1 and nineteen 11 containing inclusive ot the laid now embraced In Fourth atreet about twenty nine 2s acre and siity seren one hundredths 7 100 of an acre of land Terma of sale One third of the purchase money In cash and the balance in two equal installnwnU payable in one and two years from the date ot rale for which the promissory notes of the purchaser must be flren bearing date the dty of sale with interest at Ave 5 per centum per annum payable seml arfttually and to be secured ly deed of trust on the property solo or all casY at the option of the purchaser A deposit of tlve hundred 600 dollars will be required at the time of the sale and all conveyarctng and recording will be at the cost of the purchaser The terms of sale must be compiled with within twtnty lays from the day of ale otherwise the trustees re serve the right to resell the property at the risk and cost of the defaulting purchaser after fire days advertisem*nt of such resale In some news eper published In the city of Washington District of Columbia JOHN ARMS S10 atreet northwest tristee JAMES HOOD 1405 a street northwest substituted trustee Beautiful Home tor Member of Congress 9000 FRONTING ON AVEXCE 1M FEET WIDE CONVENIENT TO CAPTTOT AND CAR LINES NOT A BETTER BUILT OR MORE ATTRACTIVE HOtSE ON CAPITOli HILL WIDE FRONTAGE OF FEET WITH GOOD DEPTH AND SIDE ALLEY ALL THE ROOMS JN THIS TWO 8TORT AND CELLAR HOUSE WELL LIGHTED AND ROOMY ROOMS TILED BATH PANTRY HOT WATER HKVT THIS HOUSE WILL BE APPRECIATED BY ONE WHO KNOWS GOOD BUILDING MATERIAL AND CONSTRUCTION JOSEPH I WELLER Realty Broker 602F st nw MOORE HILL Inc BARGAIN PRICE 9000 1310 0th street near Kalorama avenue a choice lo itlon surrounoed by Bee homes a ml deta led house rooms 2 baths a ser ants hath larre beck porches hot water teat beautiful view of Roc CreK Park vlelnly Will coLstder an etchange MOORE HILL Inc 717 lith at nw WALTER WILLIAMS a CO AUCTIONEERS CHANCERY PARTITION SALE OF VALUABLP BUILDING LOT 0 FEET 7 INCHES BY ABOLT 1S9 FEET ON SOUTH SIDE MASSACHUSETTS AVE BET 17TH AND 1VTH STS NW TO AN ALLEY By authority of a decree ot the Supreme Court of the District at Columbia paased In the case of Dorse et al vs Melor et al Equity Docket No iT we will on MONDAY December Uth 1905 at half past 4 oclock offer for sale at public auction the west half of lot 20 in square 153 In the city of Washington together with improvements and appurtenances lufcett however to a debt of t7000 with Interest thereon from June 15 two at Eve per centum per annum secured by deed of trust oa tho property The improvement consist of a small ttame house Terma One third in cash of which 250 must be aid at the time of aale and the balance In equal payments In one and two years from the day of sale or all cash at the option of the purchaser deferred payments to be Mnced by the pur chaaers promissory notes secured by deed of tiust on the property aold All conveyancing at the purchasers cost ARTHUR A BIENUY Trustee 602 11th stiret ANDREW DUVALL Trustee no2t d4ds Columbian Building LEGAL NOTICES 17000 MAGNIFICENT HOME PROPERTY Near IStli st and Maa ave nw in very best neighborhood House built by dir labor and ben material used throughout to make a delightful home lot 25 ft front 3 stories 13 spaciou rooms and cellar good architecture hot water heat This bouse co 122000 must be sold at once to settle an estate COLLINS GUERRY CO 621 13th st nw rOR SALE 421 st nw No cash payment only 230 per month water and werage FOR SALE 8J15 st room ame no csh payment 120 per month water anl newel ae FOR SALE 1327 30th st brick store and dwell ng S1C0 cash payment 30 per month rents for 320 50 RFAL ESTATE CO Inc 1323 12D STREET PHONE WEST 40 The Miller Shoemaker WANTEDHOUSES I have two cash customers for room houses anywhere In the nw not over 35 000 JOSEPH ATKINSON 141 1 st nw TO PURCHASE 6 ROOM HOUSE good location nw modern improvements price n6t to exceed 3000 Ad dresa BOX C7 this office 7 BY JAN 15 DESIRABLE HOUSE 7 or 8 room convenient to Ave cars about 20 or 22 50 BOX 238 this office 8 ANTED A 0 ROOM HOUSE IX Nr only ownere need apply Address HOUSE tM office OFFICE OF COLLECTOR OF TAXES District of Columbia Washington Nov 29 1905 Taxpayers ot the District of Columbia will take notice that the undersigned has received the statement of assessment of realty taxes for the District of Columbia for the year ending June 30 1W6 and will be ready to receive payment of taxes at this office on and after this ttate The act of Congress approved Feb tuary 14 1902 provides That on and after the 1st of November of each yeRr the tax may be paid in two equal instalments the first in November and the setN ond in May but no penalty shall accrue for delinquency until the following June a hereafter provided or If the whole or any part of said tax upon real and personal property shall not be paid before the first day of June In each year the same bhall thereafter be in arrears and delinquent and there shall then be added to lt collected with the said tax a penalty of 1 per centum per month upon the amount thereof and a like penalty on the first dray of each succeeding month until payment of said tax and penalty and tie whole together shall constitute the delinquent tax to be dealt with In the manner now prescribed by law Attest DAVIS Collector of Taxes deld6t PROPOSALS a HR HOUSE IN NW NOT TO Exceed 5ti this office 6 FOR SALE SUBURBAN TO CONTRACTORS Proposals are invited for the ADMINISTRATION BUILDING of the JAMESTOWN EXPOSITION COMPANY Sealed proposals for the above building will be received up to 4 Saturday December 16 1905 in accordance with the plans and specifications prepared for the same by the AeocIated Architects and Engineers of the Jamestown Exposition Company Drawings and specifications may be 00 taned on application to the Associated Architects and Engineers Thtrd Floor New Century Building Norfolk Va on the following conditions Each bidder Is to deposit a certified check payable to the Jamestown Exposition Company in the amount of twenly nve dpHars 2500 for each set of plans and specifications he desires This check will be returned when the plans and specifications are returned One set of plans and specifications lor five 5 days use will be supplied without charge The exclusive use of one set or any additional number of sets for the exclusive use for the entire period of bidding will be at the price of ten dollars 10 CO for each set so ud This ten dollars or each set Is to be paid In advance A certified check for three thousand dollars 300000 payable to the Jamestown Exposition Company must accompany each bid Bond as set forth in detail in the specifications must furnished by the successful bidder The right to reject any and all bids is reserved The Jamestown Exoostion Company Norfolk Virginia servation Cars from Harrisburg for Chl cago Sleeping Car to Harrisburg 340 daily CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS EXPRESS Sleeping Cars Washington St Louis Sleeping and Dining Cars Harrisburg to Chicago Indianapolis St Louis and Nashville via Cincinnati and Louisville Sleeping Car to Harrisburg 6 40 daily CHICAGO LIMITED Slplng Car Washington to Chicago and Cleveland Pennsylvania Railroad Cafe Car Baltimore to Harrisburg bleeping Smoking Dining and Observation Cars from Jarrisburg For Chicago and Cleveland 716 daily ST LOUIS EXPRESS Pullman Sleeping Car Harrisburg to St Louis and Cincinnati 0 dally WESTERN EXPRESS I ruuraui sleeping uar to pittsDurg anu SPk Dining Car to Cnicago 740 daily CLEVELAND AND CINCINNATI Pullman Sleeping Cars Washington to Harrisburg and Harrisburg to Cleveland and Cincinnati Dining Car 30i2p dally PITTSBURG SPE CIALPulliraan Sleeping Car to Pittsburg Dining Car Altoona to Pittsburg burg 1040 dally PACIFIC EXPRES8 Pullman Sleeping Car to Pittsburg Connects for Toledo 750 A dally BUFFALO DAY EXPRESS with through Parlor Car Pennsylvania Railroad Cafe Car and Coaches to Buffalo via Emporium Junction 750 A for Erie dally Canandalgua Rochester and Niagara Falls dally except Sunday 0150 A for Elmlra and Ronovo dallv except Sunday tor Wllllamsport dally S40 715 dallv BUFFALO NiliHT EXPRESS with through Buffet Sleeping Car and Coaches to Buffalo via Emporium Junction 740 11 asiMv for Frle Rochester Buffalo and Niagara Falls with Sleeping Car Washington to Rochester 10 40 dailv for Erie Canandaltrua Rochester Buffalo ar Nlicara Falls For Philadelphia New Yorkand the East 4 00 CONGRESSIONAL LIMITED for New York only dally all Parlor Cars Dining Car Express 655 850 1000 New York only and 1100 A 1235 iOO S15 445 650 100 1230 nisrht On Sundays dO 11KX A 1201 3K 315 445 650 and 1000 1230 nlrtit For PhlladelDhla only Express 740 1000 A 121 week days 200 400 SiS and 540 daily 655 A Sundavs For Boston without change 740 a week days and 535 dallv For Baltimore 500 615 655 740 750 850 1000 1050 1100 a 1201 1235 115 200 300 315 340 4 00 4 00 Limited 420 445 448 535 540 610 650 715 740 1000 1040 1135 and 1230 nlirht week dys On Sundays 655 750 8W 9 05 1050 110 a ro 121 115 20 30 315 340 40 400 Limited 420 445 525 640 610 650 715 740 1000 1040 and 1230 night For Annapolis 740 a 1235 420 and 540 week days Sundays 50 a 50spd 30 40 For Popes Creek Line 750 a and 443 wek days 905 a Sundays Ticket offices corner Fifteenth and streets and pt tbc station Sixth and streets where orders can be left for the checking of baggaga to destination from hotels and rc sld nces Telephone call Main S730 for Pennsylvania Rallioad Cob Service Dining Car WV ATTERBURY WOOD General Manaeer Passr Traffic Mgr GEORGE BOYD Genwal Passenger Agent RAILROADS 1 4 AND 1 2 ACRE LOTS NEAR THE new extension of 14th st now being graded only 20c a sq ft adjoining ground selling at 40c and tiear iy ground selling 11 nnrt i a sa ft 1 4 acre lot tTA msh lalance to suit 1 2 acreHH cash balance to suit A person of moderate means can 1 Jay the tounaaiton ror a tortune by hold one of these lots for a few years FULTON GORDON Suburban Realty Operator ROBERT HEATER Mgr li Colorado Bide tf COUNTRY HOME H3 4 ACRES 10 room house hot and cold water steam heat acetvlene gas attic concreted cellar under entire house large lawn shade shrubbery flowers fruit substantia stable and outbuildings new and in best condition in every detail one hour from Washington bv electric cars a bargain Anplv Room 23 Wyatt Bldg 11 FOR EXCHANGE REAL ESTATE TO EXCHANGE FOR VIRGINIA FARMS Good Chicago Income producing property aleo residences Write me what you have I will send you full description of what I hirve In ejretrsnge A DICKSON Room 216 t05 Washington St Chicago 111 FOR RENT STORES STORE TOR RENT LARGE STORE room heat and water 809 Vt ave nw Arrnlv Ronrvi HIT jj st nw HORSES AND VEHICLES GREAT BARGAIN IN FINE CAR rtages belonging tc foreign legation Thch has boi ght automobiles consisting of pair bay family carriage horses sound and kind also grand exterslon front brcugham and Victoria all rubber tired end good as lew also harness saddles and bridles cinnamon bear robes ye alo have 20 other tarriarea belonging to other people who wish to sell hackney cart horse show cart coupe Rockaway Victorias cut inler runabou ladys trap scats 2 or 4 Brewster lb speed wagon Eaeket pony governess cart canopy lop surrey cheap automobile seating 6 persons In first class running order price C50 gasoline runabout price 200 call and examine 404 and 4iC 14th st nw below Pa ave 49 FOR SALE LIGHT BROUGHAM WITH pole and shafts New York Flandreau manufacture fine condition bargain at 350 can be seen at Lawton Sons 2704 sU west erd Pa ave bridge particulars may be obtained from FULLER owner 609 14th st de3463 FAMhIE8 WISHING TO DISPOSE OF their harses broughams and all klids carriages harness saddles nd bridles for cash call on HOUSER 404 and 446 14th st nw after 10 a WANTED HORSES TO BOARD ON farm near city 550 per month refs riven Address FARM this office 7 Ulnar Pullman Ptrlo BuBet Parlor i hr trail Diner and Pullman PaIor Car Diner and Pulman rlor far Diner anl Pullman Paror Ca Royal Limited All Pullman Coachea to Phi adelpha Diner and Pullman Pailo Coaches to Philadelphia Sleepers Seepen T9 00 tJ a BALTIMORE AND OHIO RAILROAD LEAVE STATION New Jerwr ave andC it Royal Bine Line Trains Every Other Hour on the Odd Honr to Philadelphia and New York NEW TERMINAL iSD ST NEW YORK 7 00 a 00 a 00 a til 00 a 1 00 I 00 14 00 00 8 00 ni 11 S0 57 a Atlantic City t00 19 00 tll30 a 10 300 is Every Hour on the Hour To Baltimore with Pullman Service Week day 157 600 8 30 700 7 20 IXO t30 tV0 S0 10 00 110 a 1200 neon 12cS laO 200 300 400 443 00 603 630 100 30 700 8 00 IOO 1130 1135 Sundaya 257 7 00 720 i 9 00 1000 1100 a 100 116 300 330 5C0 630 60 00 1P00 30 11 55 Westward CHICAGO AND NORTHWEST UXra 6J CINCINNATI ST LOUIS and LOUISVILLE 1005 a in 05 and 1I5 nl4ht PITTSBURG OO a night CLEVELAND lS colvmms 5 JO WHEELING 10 05 a and 5S0 WINCHESTER t8 15 a 14 0 t00 to ANNAPOLIS week days 729 a 1205 noon 445 ad 00 Sundaya 830 a 520 RAY AND ELKTON M06 Through Parlor Car FREDERICK tt35 1935 11005 tllM a tl 15 T4 03 ti3S HAGERSTOWN 05 a and tiCj in BOTH and way potnU 1835 915 a 113 t6HM tt 35 11015 tH30 GAITHEKSBURO and way pointa WK 1915 a tl2 50 1J5 tS 30 irtS fiJS t50 7S5 1015 til 30 WASHINGTON JUNCTION ad Way Points tl 35 915 a 115 t00 t5S0 Dally 1ErPt Sundays Sundays only Basgag called for and erecked torn hotels and residences by Union Transfer Company on orders left at ticket offices 19 Pennsylvania are nw Vew Tork ave and 15th st and at station KEGE Dlatrlct Passenger Agent aaire checked through from hotels and reoldent es Phone Main 2730 for Cab Servle SPENCER Gen Mg November 26 HARDWirK Pass fraf Mgr 1905 TATLTE Gen Piss Agent 9 BROWN Gen Agent SOUTHERN RAILWAY 735 a Dally Local for Harrisonburg War renton Danville and way atatlons 1051 a Dally Washington and Florida Limited FIrst cIaas Coaches and Seepera to Oolumrta Savannah and Jacksonville Dining Car Service 11 15 a Dally United SUtes Fast Mail Flrst rlass Coaches and Sleepers to New Orleans Dining Car Service 4 01 Week Days Local for Han lsonburg and way stations en Manaasaa Branch 4 56 to Dally Local for Warrenton and Charlottesville 730 Dally New York and Atlanta ExpreM First class Coach to Atlanta Sleeper to Columbus Sunset Route Tourist Sleeper Washington to San Francivo Mondays Wednesdas and Fridays 9 50 Dally New York and Florida Eitre Through coachea and sleepers to Columbia Savannah and Jacksonville Sleepers to Augusta and Port Tamia Dining Car Service a la carte 10 Dally New York and Memphis Limited via Lynchburg Flret class Coach anl Sleep era to Roanoke KnonlUe Chattanooga and Memphis Sleepers to Birmingham and New Or Icana Dining Car Service 1045 Dally Washington and Southwestern Limited All Pullman train Observation Car to Atlanta and Macon Club Car to Atlanta Slcepe to Nashville Atlanta Macon Birmingham Mem phis New Orleans Dining Car Serilce TRAINS ON THE BLUEMONT BRANCH Leave Washlngtor week days 10 a ISO 445 505 for Bluemont 28 week days for Leesburg tnly on Smday leave Wahlng ton 910 a 506 for Bluemont Through trains from the South a rlv Washington 42 THE LEGAL RECORD RECORD OP rECEMBER 5 190G United States Supreme Court I01 citon Birney a 7oodara uxt Raiaton a Slddona Preaent The Otlar Juattc Mr Justlca Harlan i Br0 Mr llt turaabla Decamber WiT Complainant Uce Whit Mr Juatlc Peckham Mr Jurtlce Mc oiidtor Bradlay dtfndnf llcitorR Jvenna Mr Justlcs Holmes and Mr Jostle Day Behrend T111 Ed Br00kln aa Burrlt ri Naaly Martha Burritt appointed mutM to practice trustee and reference to auditor Complainant No 14 Original Ezparte In th matter of solicitor A Duvall defendant solicitor Blerce limited petitioner leave grant Linklna ed to withdraw certified transcript of record ilggeatZj iiy 3i id hri 10 361 Cobb Ta American Newspaper Syndl flled herein as 1 aahlbit to petition on motion of cate Attorneys I PeyMr Lambert llaker Mr FTederie McKenney for petitioner A Newmon and fa*gue No 502 Sewerage apd Water Board of New 399 Battineau OGrady Attorney Ral OrleaM petitioner The National Contracting to Ud27M 5fch a Piiiriu ntix 420 Phelps va Phelps Attorneys A Company petition for a writ of certiorari to the johIUWI1B rjiyle and HavelL United SUtes Circuit Court of Appeal for the 1 I EQUITY COURT NO 2 Mr Justice Stafford Brill vs Washington Railway and Electric Company on bearing Complalnanta solicitors Church Church and Rawle defendants solicitors Wrfleld ft Duell No assignment tor Wednesday December 1905 CIRCUIT COURT NO I Mr Justice Barnard Green vs Kengla order for kL fa Plaintiff attorneys Gordon ft Gordon Dodg vs Rush verdict for defendant Plain tltrs attorneys Smith Thompson Jr and Hendler defendants attorney Wllllsta Henry While Assignment for Wednecday December 1905 Bradshaw vs Baltimore and Potomac Martha Noyaa part original lot 27 square T25 no CLARK MILLS ESTATXJacob Roorback to Martin Deary lot 60 IK CHICHESTER William II Arnold at al ta Sarah A Arnold lots 1 to 20 to 23 31 33 310 NO 747 AND 71754 SEVENTH STREET SOUTHEAST Sam to urns part lot 4L square 73 110 THIRTT SECOND AND STREETS NORTH WEST Charles Cragin Jr trustee SAILOR DOWN WITH SMALLPOX Malady Discovered After He Had Gone to Marine Hospital A new case of smallpox waa discovered Monday nlxnt the victim toeing one I of the deck hands on the vessel North umberland named Thomaa Jordan E4 um ro bruin jr uustv Henry Hanek and Robert Cumberland whose home la In Leonardtown Md The lot is and part lot square 1174 37550 1 iMortnumoertana came to port on ilon COLUMBIA HEIGHTS LewU Brennlnger day nlht and the man who had been 110 utrumw 1 uazriocK IOC Dinca siv NOS 153 AND 10 STREET NORTHEAST Pat I rick Carr et 11 to Percy Cranford lot 24 THEIR TROUBLES BEGIN Printers Start Embalmment of Congressional Record Ill during the greater part of the trip from Baltimore was sent to the Marine Hos uauaxx0 OF THE MAKE TJP Fifth circuit submitted by Mr Omer Vlllere and Mr Samuel Cllmore for the petitioner No 89 Warner et al trustees et al appellants vs David Grayson trustee et al No 90 Maurice Talbott et al appellants vs David Grayson trustee et al and No 439 Frank I Wood et al appellants vs David Grayson trustee et al argument continued by Mr Darlington for Grayson trus at al and concluded by Mr Charles Ca rusl for Wood and Talbott No 9L Frel Kolie administrator et al appellants vs Charlotte Hoadley submitted by Mr John Richards for the appellants and bv Mr Herman Rttllman fnr th iniwIlM No 92 Wabash Railroad Company plaintiff In Kallroad Attorneys A Kelgwln and error Genevieve Halstead Mathew argument Downing McKenney ft Flannery commenced by Mr Frederic McKenney for the I No 37 Weaver vs Walter Attorneys plaintiff in error continued bv Mr Grant Ros Roller Williams Roller No 121 Koontz vs District of Columbia et al Attorneys Padgett ft Forrest Thomas and Hamilton Colbert No 199 Goanell vs Wilson Attorneys Loucks Thomas No 189 Knabe vs Hunter Attorneys Leo Simmons Gies No 191 Graham vs Washington Railway and Electric Company Attorneys Gordon ft Gordon Darlington No 5 Savoy vs Capital Traction Company Attorneys Davis Tucker ft Kenyon and Bailey Ross Perry ft Son and Thomaa Dunlop No 97 Rlendenhardy vs Washington Railway I and Electric Company Attorneys Birney ft Woodard A Douglass No 69 Dodge vs Rush Attorneys Smith Thompson Jr and Hendler White I No 85 Tuns vs McComaa Attorneys Moulton Darlington No 17 Kllleen vs Washington Alexandria and Mount Vernon Railway Company Attorneys Thompson ft Laskey and Mattlngly A A I Hoehllng No 291 Grandlson vs Washington Hallway and Electric Company Attorneys Whltt A Douglass No 135 Brensler vs Central Dispensary and Emergency Hospital Attorneys De Putron Archer Lewis Ross Ferry ft Son CIRCUIT COURT NO Chief Justice Clahauh Assignment for Wednesday December 1905 No 138 Diets vs Anacostla and Potomac Rall road Company Attorneys Keane Darlington No 148 Johnson vs Washington Railway and Electric Company Attorneys Whltt Darlington No 16 Wells vs Washington Post Company Attorneys A A Lipscomb and Wheatley Chap In Brown No 410 Dwyer vs Northern Market Company Attorneys Merlllat Carusl ft Sons Classic Baker and Rosenberg CRIMINAL COURT NO 1 Mr Justice Wright United States vs William Crawford violating sections 5438 and 54M 6 on trial At torney Worthlngton Hoald Fralley CRIMINAL COURT NO 2 Mr Justice Gould Apple vs Hercn verdict for plaintiff for J10O1O without docket fee PlaJctlfT attorney Thomas defendants attorney Emlg Caldwell va Brown ccmmlsslan ordered to Issue Grimm va Berens on trial Plaintiffs attorney Gles defendants attorney Matthews lr Assignment for Wednesday December 6 1905 No 81 Miller Shoemaker Real Estate Company vs Fulton Attorneys Tucker ft Kenyon Cox Leckla ft Fulton No 106 Thrift vs Bailey Attorney Ambi 03 No 108 Booth vs Perkins Attorneys Jones Hamilton Colbert No 109 Taylor vs West Attorneys Cobb aria Richardson King No 110 McDonald vs Webb Attorney Willi im Stone Abort No ill 4Ierzog vs Li of cot Attorney David Scaggs and Strasburger No 112 Field vs Burke Attorneys David Malnatt vs Thomas judfiment affirm ful Fulton and Cox No 111 Psyue Taylor Attorney Smith Padgett ft Forrest No 116 Temple Capita City Benefit Society Attorneys Gardiner Taylor PROBATE COURT Mr Juatlc Stafford Estae of James Osmon petition tor letters of administration filed Attorney Ambrose Estate of Peter Hornlg will dated December 31 1H02 filed with petition for piobate Attorneys Sheeny Hogan Estate of Crescentia Mesmer petition for probata ot will filed Attorney Joseph Sullivan DM AnnA1 Mn VII fn Ttt nnl lia tlnn nt Wil Ham A SehraubstUter decision of Commissioner probate and letters testamentary granted to Frank of Patents affirmed Opinion by Mr Justice Duell Carpenter bond 310000 Attorney A New Patent Appeal No 309 In re application of Wll man 11am Hswley decision of Commissioner of Pat 1 Estate of Marguerite it ONeill will admitted enzwelg for the defendant In error and concluded by Mr Frsderlc McKenney for the plaintiff In error No 9 Minnesota Iron Company plaintiff in error va Mark Kline argument commenced by Mr Frank Kellogg for the plaintiff In error continued by Mr A Anderson for the defendant In error and concluded by Mr Frank Kellogg for the plaintiff in error No 97 Frank Cole Brown plaintiff In error vs Charles Duncan Gurney No 98 Josiah Appleton Small plaintiff In error Frank Cole Brown and No 99 Frank Cole Brown plaintiff in error vs Josiah Appleton Small argued by Mr William Prentiss for Brown and submitted by Mr Charles a Butler for Gurney No brief filed tor Small No 102 Agueda Benedicto de la Rama appellant vs Esteban de la Rama argument commenced by Mr Frederic Coudert for the appellant Adjourned until to day at 12 oclock The day call tor Wednesday December 6 will be as follows Nos 102 103 104 106 106 and 165 107 108 110 111 and 113 Court of Appeals District of Columbia Present The Chief Justice Mr Justice Duell and Mr Justice McComaa No 1572 Computing Scale Company vs Automatic Seal Company appeal to United States Supreme Court prayed by Mr Melville Church attorney for appellant allowed and bond fixed at 3300 No 1580 Knoll vs United SUtes placed at foot of calendar No 1623 Geist et al vs United States continued No 1618 Raymond vs United States motion for rehearing overruled No 1564 Gassenhelmer vs United States on motion the appellant Is allowed thirty minutes additional time in the argument argument commenced by Mr Hogan for appellant continued by Mr Easby Smlth for appellee and by Mr Davis for appellant No 1619 Burge vs United States suggestion of diminution of record and petition for certiorari submitted by Mr Taggart of coutisel for appellant in support of petition and granted No 1559 United State ex rel Romero vs Cortelyou Postmaster General judgment reversed with costs and cause remanded with direction to render a Judgment granting the prayer of the petition Opinion by Mr Chief Justice Shepard No 1555 United States ex rel West vs Hitchco*ck Judgment affirmed with costs Opinion by Mr Justice Duell No 151 Bradford vs National Benefit Association Judgment affirmed with costs Opinion by Mr Justice McComas No 1662 Payne et al vs Robinson et al decree reversed with costs to be paid by the executor out of the assets ot the estate in his bands and cause remanded with direction to enter a decree in conformity with the opinion of this court Opinion by Chief Justice Shepard No 1565 Posey vs United States Judgment af firmed Opinion by Mr Justice Duell No 1588 ed with costs Opinion by Mr Justice McComas Patent Anneal No 807 In re application of George Thurston decision of Coirmljaloner of Patents affirmed opinion ty umer justice snep ard Patent Appeal No 316 Rolfe vs Hoffmann decision of Commissioner of Patents reersed and priority of Invention awarded to Rolfe Opinion hy Mr Justice McComas Patent Appeal No 305 In re application cf Ed ward A Hill decision of Commissioner of Patents reversed aa to claims 6 and 7 and affirmed as to all other claims Opinion by Mr Justice McComaa Patent Appeal No 296 French vs Holcomb decision of Commissioner of Patents affirmed Onlnlon bv Chief Justice Shepard in re application ot nil ents affirmed Opinion by Chief Justice Shepard Patent Appeal No 315 Leeberger vs Russell decision of Commissioner of Patents reversed Opinion by Chief Justice Shepard Patent Appeal No 319 Bauer vs Crone decision of Commissioner of Patents affirmed Opinion by Chief Justice Shepard Patent Appeal No 325 Laas et al vs Scott decision of Commissioner of Patents reversed Ot ln hv Chief Jtttlc hepsrd Assignment for Wednesday December 6 1905 N11 8 Gassenhelmer vs United 8tates on hear rng Appellants attorneys Davis snd Hogani appellees attorney Easby Smtth No IS United states vs Baltimore ana unio probate and lettera testamentary granted to Harry Nichols and John Coughlan bond 3400 Attorney Coughlan Estate of Thomaa Lookerman will admitted to piobate and letters testamentary granted to Mary and Hiram Barrett bond 31600 Attorney Ambrose Estate of James Oxmon letters of administration granted to Theresla Osmon bond 3200 Attorney Ambrose Esute of Mary A Swain will admitted to probate and letters testamentary granted to Emily Stewart Boarman and Frank A Jones bond 3100 Attorney Boarman Estate of James Wilson letter ot administration granted to Emma Wilson bond 3200 At torney a Allemsn t71icnil Prtmnanv Annuitants atforaev 6 340 and 9 30 a 3 00 30 anl 950 Baker appelleea attorneys Hamilton Colbert dally Local trains from Harrison lurg 115 No jg cook vs United States Appellants at a wSfR oavs ana i in aary rom torneys Hayden Johnson and McD Carrlngton Charlottesville 8 10 a from Lynchburg 9 20 appellees attorney Baker fir I a rr TiiAw lMllnta attur Tickets leering car reservations and dUlll e7s A A Birney and A Worthlngton appel LraSSS I toGVoV Zurnlr tid informstlon can be had at tcket omces 705 15th lees attorney Fulton Lewis 1VS0 Auorair florae COertmfn im ann pnncr vn crHtn xtmm i 1 mtit rinti rvmtt JLooo Attorney trorge uertman I no rjl iv wwi pBfl TmHI Orr ul nf rhatt author ized Attorney Irving rilllamson Estate of Martha Wilson petition for disbursem*nt of fund filed Attorney Hilton Jackson Estate of Julia Batch order allowing special bond Attorneys Blair ft Thorn No 21 Bryant vs District of Columbia Dental Sccletv Appellants attorneys Irving Williamson and Johnson sppellees attorneys Syme and Douglass ft Douglass No 23 Hamilton vs United States Appellants attorney David appellees attorney Baker No 27 American Graphophone Company vs CHESAPEAKE AND OHIO RY SK VSr appe Schedule Effective Nov 20 3905 I No 12 Knell vs United SUtes Appellants at ri lr rvnnv1vnl st tomes Glttlngs Chimberlin and Trains Kas Pennsylvania Stiton pneiiBh anDelleea attorney Baker 1S0 DAIL CHICAGO AND ST LOUIS HReV caU aorner SPECIAL Sollo vestlbuled elrtrle llghted No 1490 Clements vs Potomac Electric Power Dining Car Tra 11 Cincinnati reaches Clncln Comosny Appellants attorneys Tucker natl 8 00 a Loaisvllle 1100 a St Kenyon and Bailey ti i ChVaso 5 30 rn No 1518 National Council Junior Order United Louis 6 SO Jl nI FuUm American Mechanics vs Stata Council District of Sleepers to Louisville Cincinnati Indlarapolli rColumbi Junor Order United American Mechai Chicago ana tun viuciion ior vir Cs Appellants attorreys A A Birney Lawsuits 48161 Orren Staples Benjamin Mc Cali notes 3110S Flilntlfis attornjy Lambert gjhla Hot Springs week iays Dining car from Williams and A Shunk appellees attorney Washington meals a la cxrte 11 10 DAiLT UMITED Sotd vr tibuUd electric lighted Dining Car Train to Cincinnati Pullman Sloepeia to Cincinnati Lexington and Louisville v1thout change Compartment Sleeper to Virginia Hot Springs Darlington Supreme Court District of Columbia EQUIT CTOURT NO 1 Mr Justice Anderson Newton vs Valentin Newton appointed dally except Sunday Sleepu Clnelnnvi to trustee to sell bond 33000 Complainants so Chlcasr and St Louis Dlnlng car service jicKor Nwton ft Glllett and Ridout defend Retrvatlon and tickets at Cheareke and Ohi nt oHcltors A Cobb and Richardson NORFOLK AND WESTERN RAILWAY SCHEDULETN EFFECT SEPT IMS Leave Washington Station Sixth and streota 725 a ix Dairy All points on Norfolk and Western also Knoxvllle Chattanooga and Mem phis M00 ro Dailjr Roinoke Brlwol Winston Salem Kroxvtlle Chattanooga Nashville Memphis New Oriesna Thugh Sleepers Dining ra i For Norfolk Leave Washington 439 a dtlr 1034 a dally 245 dally Arrive Norfolk 1120 a 520 nv and 1030 From 4 Station 40 daily Berry run six Pennsylvania avenue 6ti Fourteenth street near and at the station Teephoi call 1110 tor Pennsylvania Cab Service FULLE1 Telephone Main 1068 Ticral Passenger A i FLORIDA ATLANTIC COAST LINE Effective November 26 1905 4 JO a va Dalli Sleeping Cas New Tork te Jacksonville Fla 145 Daily Seeplng Cara New York to Jacksonville Fla New York to Port Tampa Fla Via Jacksonville New York to Augutta Ga New Tork to Charleston Washington i to Wilmington Connects st Petersburg for Norfolk via ft DINING CAR SERVICE For tickets and all information apply at the OF F1CE OF THE LIVE 601 PFVSXSYLVAVIA AVE NUE NORTHWEST and PENNSYLVANIA RAIL ROAD STATION GEO JAMES tHstrlct Passenger 4gent Washington CRAIG EMERS lN Gen Pa Agent Traffic Manager York vs Harris substitution of trustee ordered Complainants solicitor Sholes Arams va Goffney leave to file amended bill granted Complainants solicitors Hughes A Oray defendant solicitor Wissner Wsde vs Wade submitted without argument Complainant solicitors Wilson ft Barksdale defendants solicitor HUB Atkinson Union Trust Company vs Hicks leave to Intervene and become parties granted Complalnanta solicitor Hamilton defendants solicitor Perrl Stewart vs Stewart trustee authorised to make lease Complalnanta solicitor Lewis defend SEABOARD AIR LINE RAILWAY Ticket Office 1431 Penna Ave For Petersburg Raleigh Wilmington Columbia Savannah Jacksonville Tampa Atlanta Blrrclngl luam Mobile Pensarola and New Orleans 1050 A DAILY Seaboard Mall Through Pullman Sleeper to Jacksonville Fla conn ct nj at Hamlet with Pullman Sleeper to Birmingham Cafe Dining Car Washington to Hamlet 25 DAILY Seaboard Exp esa Solid trala with PUUtran Sleeper to Jacksonville and Ta npa Through Sleeprr to Atlanta and Birmingham Cafj Dlalcg Car Waehlpgton to Richmond Va Successful Strike Against lung trouble can be engineered by Dr Kings New Discovery for Consumption Coughs and Colds 60c and tl All druggists Proof of Publication Mailed TO LAWYERS AS SOON AS LEGAL NOTICE Has Been Printed the Required Number of Times WASHINGTON SOUTHERN RAILWAY Fur Richmond Va and pointa South via Alexandria and Fredericksburg Leive Station sth snd I streets 434 a and 345 01 dally for Richmond and points on Atlactc Coast Lin and Florida 10CO a and 25 dally fur Rlobmond and points on Seaboard Air Line Railway and Florid 1S0 a train due to connect at Rlcnmona wiui at kj ior Newport jnews I Old Point ftc 7l a week days SO at THE SILENCE CO 910 ST NW ally tor Rlcnmona only Pullman sleeping or par 1 Artistic wall papers and manufacturers I cara oa all abov traias ejeept train living 0 aM kinds of window shades our prices at TM a week days AcconurodatliBs for YtJ A i ii 1 aY ksV4MTfce Umatefurshedl PnerMalnr EEST QUALITY OIL OPAQUE WIN WINDOW SHADES vine Lnray Shenandoeh BIkon Pn lna lo rivals departure and connections nbi guana 5L JL 22 anT i JTV ctlp tatlo dow shades 50c Scotch Holland shades vsnui 3HIUU uu a rzj All Info matloa FourteeaU street ana Nw rork I Gtn uai i avenue Bond IUUalng Hlehrnd Va Trat Man T5e all shades hung free will call with bllUiVICO ll AA Equity Suits 2S885 Benedict Roth et al vs Frederick Herring et al to substitute trustee Complainant solicitors Lester ft Price 25886 Lucy York et al vs Walter Harris et al to substitute trustee Complainant solicitor Sholes 25887 Samuel Clarke vs Mammle Clarke limited divorce Complainants solicitor Dlggs 15S88 Rudolph Schneider vs Sarah Potter to declare sale Complainants solicitors Dlalr Thorn REAL ESTATE TRANSFERS EAST DEANWOOD Frank Rawllnga et ax to Moses A Campbell lot 33 block 12 lid WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Rosier Dulaney trustee et 01 to John Warren lot 5 block J60375O DOBBINS ADDITION Lewis Brennlnger et ux to Charles Wenger lot 40 square 4 S10 NORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS George Robinson et al to Jajnas Macklln lots to 6 block 3 926 91 CHICHESTER Bralnard Warner ux to Louisa Moore lot 240 to 243 310 NO 920 TWENTT SIXTH STREET NORTHWEST Auguste Bauman to Robert Browning south half lot 24 square 5 310 Robert Brpwnlng conveys same property to William Bauman jr 1100 VERMONT AVENUE NORTHWEST between and streets Edward Nealley to William Allison part lot 37 and 7 square Ut J19900 THIRTEENTH STREET SOUTHEAST between A and streets Frank Beakmore et ax to Edward Becke lot square 1037 tlO MOORE ft BARBOURS ADDITION Thomaa Parker et ux to Bushrod Garrison lot 9 block 2 10 MOORE ft BARBOURS SECOND ADDITION William Browning et ox to Bernard Matthews lot 55 block 8 10 MOUNT PLEASANT AND PLEASANT PLAINS Elisabeth Varney to Anna Milium lot 70 lit UNIVERSITY PARK Gilbert Osterman et aL to William Gatchell lot 40 block 45 no NO 04 STREET NORTHEAST William Gatchell et ux to Raymond Cooley lot 127 square 81 310 HALF STREET SOUTHEAST between and atreet James Martin et ax to Thomaa Martin lota 144 aad 145 square 701 310 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Ella Brayley to Harry Wlllson part lot 11 block 25 310 WILLARD STREET NORTHWEST between Seventeenth and Eighteenth street Harry Wlllson et ax to Ella Brayley lot 222 square 151 10 SECOND STREET NORTHEAST between aad streets Jeennette WUson to Clarence and BARRY FARM Albert Richardson et al trustees to Samuel Stewart part lot 37 section 3 530 ADDITION TO CONGRESS HEIGHTS Henry Longneeker et ux to Harry and Miggle Berry lot 7 section 3 10 NORTH COLUMBIA HEIGHTS George Robinson et al lo William Hitchco*ck lots 7 sal 10 block la Jl8218s Sam to A Tull Oyster Company lot block 2 1050 Oeorgt Robinson et ux to Daniel Trimmer half Interest In lot 15 to 1 and 28 block 1 lot IS block 3 lot li block 5 and part lot 24 block 5 lota 18 and 21 block 10 TENNESSEE AVENUE NORTHEAST between A and streets George Newton et ux to Sadie Ree lot S3 square 1911 10 PRETTY PROSPECT Frederle Shsron et ux to Edward Stellwagen trustee ps 10 ADDITION TO LE DROIT PARK Middargh Shannon incorporated to Cella Newland lot 113 square 25 10 Sam to Julltu and Floience Wilson lot HI tqua 25 10 Same to Charles and Eva Nelson lot 110 square 25 10 Sair to Joseph and Louise Cleary lot 10 square 25 10 Same to Amanda McCurdy lot 108 square 25 10 Sam to Thomas Rooney lot 114 square 25 10 Sam to Edgar Hlatt and Rose Htatt lot 197 square 25 10 Sere lo Francis Lanigan lot 111 squara 10 DOBBINS ADDITION Mlddangh ft Shannon Incorporated to Isabella Allan lorstO squa 10 GRANBY Norman Beslor executor to Henry A Vleth lot 10 MOUNT PLEASANT Richsrd Gordon ft al trustees to Thomas Shoemsker part lot 2 10 Thomas Shomeaker convey tme land to Anna Myers 10 DEEDS OF TRUST WASHINGTON HEIGHTS Carolyn A Wright to Percy Russell and Howenstetn to enre ThOTfSa Banes 550O 4 months 6 per cent semi annually lot 33 block SQUARE 1037 Edward Becke et ax to Edward York and William Sholes to secur Frank Bleakmore 4000 1 year 5 per cent semiannually lot 53 SQUARE 580 Margaret SUnsel et vlr John to George Emmerich and Douglass MackalL lo secure Washington Six Per Cent Permanent Building Association 2500 part ot original lot 3 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Delia Klggln to Elmer Ramey and Jay Howell to secure Frank Klggtns 1000 on demand without interest part of lot 2 block 22 CLARK MILLS ESTATE Martin Deery et ux to Sprigg Poole and George Llnklns to secure Annie Poole 1000 2 years per cent semi annually lot 50 Same to Benjamin Holman and John Knott to secure John Knopp 525 I to 51 months par cent lot 50 SQUARE 1174 Henry Hanek et ux and Robert Cumberland et ux to Charles Llnklns and Charles McCarteney to secure Charles Cragin trustee 1566250 1 2 and 3 years 5 per cent semi annually lot 10 and part of lot 9 COLUMBIA HEIGHTS Gertrude Garriott et vlr Edward to Thomas Riley and Norman Sansbury to secure Lewis Breunin ger 1250 1 to 31 months per cent semiannually lot 69 block 33 MOORE ft BARBOURS SECOND ADDITION Bernard Matthews et ux to Bate Warren and John Warren to Becure William Brown 1ir 5 23 1 to 15 months per tent lot block 8 SQUARE 1011 Sadie Roe to Watson Newton and Frank A Jones to secure George New ten 600 1 to 24 months 5 per cent semiannually ADDITION TO LE DROIT PARK Cella New land to Francis Saul and Walter Hilton to secure William Fentress 3250 3 yean 5 per cent semi annually lot 113 square 25 Julius Wilson et ux to American Security and Trust Company to secure East Washington Casings Bauk 3260 3 5 per cent semi annually lot 113 square 23 ADDITION TO LE DROIT PARK Charles Nelson et ux to Francis Saul and Walter Hlton to secure William Fcntreaa 3250 3 years 5 per cent semi annually lot 110 square 25 Joseph Clary et ux to Ben Jamiif Lelghton and Francis Saul to secure WlUlam Fantrlss 3250 3 years per cent semi annually lot 109 square 25 Amanda McCurdy to Francis Saul and Walter Hilton to secure William Fentress 3250 3 years 5 per cent semi annuallyannually lot 103 square 25 SQUARE 25 Thomas Rooney et ux to American Security and Trust Company to secure The East Washington Savings Bsnk 3250 3 years 5 per cent semi annually lot 114 DOBBINS ADDITION Isabelle Allan to Francis Ssul and Walter Hilton to secure Ray Mlddaugh 2750 3 years 6 per cent semiannually lot 29 square 6 ADDITION TO LE DROIT PARK Frsncls Lanigan et ux to Francis Saul and Walter Hilton to secure William Fentress 3250 3 years 6 per cent semi annually lot 111 square 25 Edgsr Hlatt et ux to Benjamin Lelghton and Francis Saul to secure Wlinam Fentress 3250 3 years 5 per cent semi annually lot 107 square 25 GRANBY Henry A Velth et ux to Town send and Edward Lawrence to secure Norman Bestor eiecutor 4500 I 9 12 months 6 per cent lot MOUNT PLEASANT Anna Myers et vlr George A to Samuel Bond and Edwin Bond to secure Richsrd Gordon executor 2500 2 and 5 years 5 per cent semi annuallyannually part lot 2 SQUARE 207 Mary Balrd to Joseph Cox snd William A Foy to secure A Leckle 50u 3 months I per cent lot 4 SQUARE 215 Robert Longstreet to National Safe Deposit Security and Trust Company to secure American Security and Trust Company 10000 5 years 5 per cent semi annually lot A and part lot pital on the supposition that he was suf fertng from another contagious disease The physicians there diagnosed th case as it mild form of smallpox notified the How Senator Flareups Oratorical Ef neaiui oince ana uie man was taKen to the smallpox hospital Yesterday the health office ordered the disinfecting of the vessel or that part of It occupied by the sailor and aiose who came In contact with him were vaccinated CONCERT AND SMOKER forts Are Handled After the Typo Gets Them North Carolinas Spelling Typewriters Help Some Senatorial Speech that Was Not Printed With a battery of thirty eight tTP setting machines and a force of 12T men Foreman Berg of the Congressional Record has begun his work of eoibilm ment and intenrent and the dullest and most widely unread newspaper In America District Council Royal Arcanum to Entertain Its Friends A concert followed by a smoker will be given by District Council No 1596 Royal Arcanum this evening at 8 oclock at Sacngert und Hall 314 street north west The officers of the grand council makes its appearance will be present and a large attendance ot The Record has a fair clientage and members and their friends is expected a wide circulation covering a peculiar Among those who have promised to par field of Its own aqd causing newspapers tlclpate in the entertainment are tht fol proper to have no fears of a scoop If lowing singers Instrumentalists and a beat has ever been made by the Record monologlsts Messrs A Porter Fred it is something unknown to the oldest Selbold Charts Moore Herndon correspondent on the Row But the Morrell George OConnor Fin Hay Record is not always a dull daily some Hajes Randolph A Gardner times it is gayly humorous and might Cook Clabaugh Hall Ward Vlehmejers classed as a comic dally It Is supposed Gemelenyi and Prof Launshce Victor to slve the outside world the actual pro whlch promises a programmeof rare ex ceedlngsof Congress each days output cellence of thought wisdom and columns ot stuff I that Is worthless The proceedings ot Congress that wide awake newspapers ANNUAL DEAD LETTER SALE would not think about printing is Just what the Record Is filled with If a large force was essential to tht making of a first class dally then the It Will include 115000 Articles ofidI2S011S Mnrp or I Vlm Senate on Its staff and besides th regu throughout the country who send to this editorial force numerous petitions and memorials which find themselves in one Contained in 8000 Packages Described in way and another into the printed pages ui mis remaraauie uuLmi aiiuii wuvc Catalogue Begins December at 1407 Street At the annual dead letter ofnce sale of undellverable merchandise to be held at 1407 street northwes on December 1 Typewritten copy has cut down and les Sams dally has no editor In chief no managing editor but a force of copy preparers sweat and cuss acu cuss and sweat from sundown to sunup and a few years as foreman of the Record fits the man for a berth at Lizzies across the river It makes him nuttyVratty and puts him In the Old Spav class 11 more than 115000 articles will be sold under the hammer to the highest bidder Public Interest In this sale Increases each year and the officials of the post office expect this years sale to surpass any of the previous ones The catalogue offered for the sale contains the names of articles and pieces of merchandise which have accumulated In the office from July 1 1904 to May 1 1905 and Includes 37000 articles found without sened the output of profanity among printers on the Record and now If the Keep Commission will Issue an edict prohibiting holding back of proofs and revision of matter after it is In type there may be a chance for some of the Record machine operators and typesetters to become fairly nonswearing citizens Revision of the Proofs The revisions and changes are many and most of the copy comes in late There Is no city editor to make the staff get a ray day movement and they work when wrappers and the contents of 77000 ad I they Ilease and just as they please Last dressed parcels which proved to be undellverable and have been awaiting I reclamation These 115000 dead articles have been carefully divided up and placed in 8000 packages making 8000 numbers of separate sales for the catalogue Charles Dalzell chief of the property branch of the dead letter division and three assistants who will be In charge of the sale estimates that It will take about two weeks to dispose of all Che articles He believes the government will derive a profit of about 3500 from the sale an Increase of about 200 over last year Mr Dalzell expects each article sold to bring on an average about 105 The parcels offered for sale are prepared for disposal under a statute en acted in 1872 when about 3000 lnclos Session one of the copy and proof runners was sent out vvith a couple of proofs for a certain Western Senator to revise It was 11 oclock when the runner found the Senator The lawmaker was engaged In a ciulet game of poker and kept the runner waiting until after 1 oclock before he dropped Ms cards and looked over th proof The habit of revision has grown to alarming proportions and It naturally follows that the Record is less and lessji true transcript of what takes place on tr floors of the House and Senate In a debate Senator Flareup says some things which he knows would not meet the approval of his constituents and he aska that he be allowed the privilege of revising before being sent to the printer Of course this request is always granted and he trims and tones to suit himself ures of undellverable merchandise ac ln congressman Knows me cuumrj cumulated during the year Tlils law I Js yearning to hear from him and wh probably did not contemplate the receipt makes himself heard on the floor or of over 115000 pieces of the character the House he is mighty apt to read and described yearly whloh embrace almost I reread his remarks before it goes out in every conceivable small article of mer co*kl type chandlse The holding of the proceeds of unimportant inclosures consisting of cheap jewelry cotton handkerchiefs small dolls and the like for the time mentioned In the statute four years so that the price of each article may be recovered within the time specified is as carefully observed as the conditions warrant It has been found necessary however In If all the copy Intended for the Recoid was subjected to the scrutinizing eye cf an editor before It reaches the big pnn ery it would aid things materially As ft is it comes in every kind of shape frequently copy being written onboth sides qf a sheet The larger portion of all copy is typewritten but some of the lav makers who have not yet sidetracked a typewriter send in their copy in their own anme Instances to srroun a numW nf handwriting often fearfully bad some instances to group a number of amusing story is told of a former pieces of original mall matter consist representative from Xcrth Carolina He lng of unimportant inclosures under one was in the habit of getting up an eight catalogue number The more important page speech for the edification of his cop and valuable Inclosures are prepared In stituents He usually mployed some one such a manner as to secure the recovery i JV of the proceeds either by the senders or the printer the addressees during the period named ldnt Know IMCtlonary makers Addressed matter may be easily traced if the Kepresentative ever had been on on the books of original entry of this I speaking terms with any of tbe dictionary orfice to the sales record and the price i makers he had cut their acquaintance obtained paid to the owners upon appli when he ieft home On one occasion he cation therefor i carried m3 matter to the office himself The merchandise described as found and tod the foreman that he gues ed hed without wrappers embraces not only ar nnci tt about correct It was given out to tides which are found loose owing to a swlft and he soon struck snags in the negligent packing but mall matter re shape of agricultural curiosities such as covered by post office Inspectors In mall hey otes taters beens wheet depredation cases and Inclosures found in and korn mall received from railroad wrecks and The foreman told the printer to give partly burnad mall cars I it a free translation Into English and The inclosures in unmaiuble and ad dd retaining the original ideas vertlsed uncLtlmed addressed parcels in jiTi ul nr eluded in the catalogue in many cases but sa modifying the construction of the were originally sent as gifts to families wnoie speecn iuai mc uui and comprise articles designed for the it impossible to read it by copy The Rational Defense of Christianity The Kirk Find lectures founded for the rational defense of Christian doctrine began for the season at the New Church before a large audience on Sunday night with a lecture by the Rev William Lor ing Worcester of the Chestnut and TwentyTwenty second Street Church In Philadelphia Mr Worcester is a learned scholar familiar by travel with Oriental lands and traditions and had for his subject the Early Promises of a Word Redeemer reviewing1 the ancient Saviour promises In the traditions of all known religions and showing their realization In the Incarnation of the divine word In Jesus Christ The next Sundays lecture will be by the use of the hou3ehoia 0r several of lu Representative called to look over the The Rev JuMan Smyth the able and elo quent pastor of the Church of the New Jerusalem Thirty fifth street New York who will discuss How the Redeemer came the mystery of the virgin birth of Christ the nature and the results of the world redemption He wrought Army Marriages To the Kditor of the Army and Navy Journal Kvery army man expects If he dies in service that his children will be pensioned until of age and Tils widow pensioned for life The nation fha pays these pensions wht other nation pays pensions to the members The contents of such parcels Droof and when he had read It said are not separated uut at scjia unaer Hits astcmlshln how you printers can U11Q UUUIUS anu uic ucMiiiiiiiin i wu sequently furnish rather combination of articles of merchandise in one catalogue Item ARE YOU LEFT EYED New York Oculist Says It Is Larger and Brighter Than the Other From th Nw Tork Prsss remlfrkaWe tne9e things fer that speech Is Just as 1 writ it worn ior wum Many lawmakers who Insist on writing out their own speeches with pen or pencil are the ones who make life a burden to the printer and cause the atmosphere i of the Record room to assume a bluish I An 1 tva T7a 1 trt Trw tvr lint Aum uia en out as a Merg product it makes the need for good copy even the more press is unuerstouu iiiai me uiw jw ii rr anj jg understood inai ine uitu Left eyed people simply own the town OIf tne hill will be asked to exercise these days said a Broadway oculist If more care in preparing their words oi nAHtnAnn awA twiynwtTfa rt hot nlnin TnPffire SendlU it tO the big widows and children of its officers cer I optic continue to Increase we shall one VrT ou nVicle SanVs daify will be talnly has the right to say what service day be a left eyed race In more than ff VjS decreased as well as the cost mnrer shall Derform before he sub half the patients I treat the left eye Is JLn Qri revision serve to make jects the country to the burden of this already considerably lger than the the work of the makers of tne Record more responsinie ana iue the night cannot be said to be of that class of government employes who have an easy berth Strange it is too that mistakes In the Record are of rare occurrence No matter how late copy gets has not per much more useful the left eye is than the in how great the rush the force is efficient mil right systematized that It 4s almost irnpossi Iengtu sSirt 1 devoutly hope that I shall nevar lose Ahr tCno uenslon tax right it is Drignier ana it lasts longer A man 14 appointed an officer in the If you want to find out which eye Is army and marries a few days after he re stronger try to read first with one then ceives his commission and dies a few with the other unassisted by Its mate weeks later and his widow is paid a pen i Nine times out of ten that test shows how sion forever Yet the officer formed even one days really ltary duty for the nation duri nlAA IToA Tno HvmI five 1 hio romtnf wrmlrl tmvA tuui tlma lust as devoutly hope that it will be the iVrtiatln 3000000 to read 300 to decide whether he was a competent right There was a time when the super 000000 and it so appeared In the Rec man and likely to become a valuable offi ktltlous and even specialists on eyes be ord There stenoirtphe ceror an Incompetent and worthless one lleved 1 that only Utt handed people were jn order ttaterrSrs may bTtraced In the latter case he could not Justly and ieveloVment of the lett Ire to he Hght plrtles all copy i saved pn should not be permitted to subject the ffff Tli dUeis 1 the lottlUl country to a pension tax for a widow and peculiar effects of which are already ao Record which Is the book or reference children iaint In many faces for all time An officer marries for his own pleasure Speeches to Be Buried and not for the benefit of the army or the The Gallant Elephant rvirrressmen themselves jr that a country and if any law is maae reguiat Fnm TJmfc a made only t0 be nuried in the lng marriage he always baa the option of An eiepilant of a traveling circus man Rord and the truth of this cannot be resigning and as a clvlHan can marry to loose the other and went shown than thia experience please himself for a walk up Bubbling Well road finally When the late Hickman was been a subject of discussion in our army men where a lady was sit foreman of the Record he was taken off for at 7 SozUme the erlnda whe his feet one morning Just a the Record discussion hns been very heated and bit 001 TOme flcwer8 and 4 put to press and the salooh over tf slTwn hf CIeVpubfh1 and then dronned on his krtees on the row opened up for business by then advocated a law prohibiting all officers from marrying who expected to perform active military duty hi the field To div officers peem to think that a law prohibiting an officer from marrying until he has served nve years witn 111s regiment and has passed his examination for promotion to his next grade would be benefit to the officer end a very grat benefit to the army 2 Running Jfo Risk Tranalatsd from the French Hardup Ill never go to that restaurant He waa evidently asking for some re one of his makers up coming to his desk freshraent but it is not stated whether and saying obtained It or not the arrival of his Hick old man Im off my resignation keeper putting an end to the interesting is In situation Whats the matter pardr asked the foreman who was loved by hi men Saw His Chickens Weighed Well Hick that blgbroadride table 0 which went with the speech of Senator From the Kansas City Journal felj pieces Just as I was putting It an nM farmer hauled a crate of chick in th fnrm There was no time to re ens to Topeka the other day to sell Like set it and I piled Jt in the drawer and all farmers he was arrata tne grocer SShTj reWnaUon would cheat him He haa a spirited team Jp ay nothing Ill bat coons When the grocer put the chickens oa the aUn tnat Senator will never discover scales the farmer wanted to see that he that It has been left out and no one hnvf wafirht Ho rtrannsl aVkp will ever know that it OUKBt to have again The last time I was there a rnan went around to the scales Sn so thatll be the end of iu got my overcoat and left his in Its place lir dash and it cost the enough Foreman Hickman waa Weloff But the proprietor wasnt IO The horses made a dasn ana 11 cost tne rlffht for the absence of the tabular nrat hhmMita proprietor wasn to UrmtT jq to Ket hU wagon and harness was never discovered and the maker No but might meet the other man I repaired But he got full weight for his up Is still at work to the office.
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