iiea'ny "'t ry" SITfnday, Way 15, 1992 A The Atlanta Journal The Atlanta Constitution CLASSIFIED 1075 Autos Autos Autos 1075 Autos 1075 1075 Autos 1075 1075 Autos LEXUS SC490 Cee '91 lack MAZDA MXt 10 Sunroof, sport MERCEDES Guaranteed lowest Autos Autos Autos 1075 1075 1075 creom lea foctorvspoiler, lexus MERCEDES 188 SEL 1970. A low mnes, immaculate original conaition. All oooks ft records. Autos 1075 HONDA ACCORD LX tO Coupe, wheels, loaded. $9995 Ray Sigers inces in Ye.
on oil 92 s. coil leve Oblas, ATLANTA CLASSIC MAZOA 414 GT TURBO I9W, Sar, block, tan interior, 1-owner, non-smoker, oil op! ions, new tires, exc cond $10,750. Roswell area- 6H PRIZM AuKltrons," HONDA CIVIC 17. 4dr. AC low phone 4K miles $42,900 Hemessy Lexus 457-4800 HONDA PRELUDE 18 SI 1987, white, fully looaed.
sunroof, aula CARS, 296 13130T 1-800-745 5728- $7500 444-4V44 LINCOLN TOWNCARS '88 2 In stock, your choice both priced ot $6888 Coll BoO Smith 72-2277Dlr. LINCOLN TOWN CARS '93 All power. Keyless enlry, geometric wheels, Leather. 7 to choose storting at $21,995. MAZDA PROTEGE DX '91.
OL coss, PW, PDL, Auto. $11 9VJ. miles, great value on great car. Day 227-15. TVB 3536 home Joe.
Block, 17K. 5Soa. coss. Air. WILlt I I WfcSI 4-4654 exccona.
s4uu. ys5-56uy. LEXUS SC 488 CPS 12 Garnet Lexus pone cc 3piece wheels MAZDA 414 GT TURBO 1967, 4dr, 1 own A country Hondo 924-9000 HONDA ACCORO LX '91. 4dr, showroom condiiion. $12,850 MERCEDES CLASS HONDA CIVIC 18.
WoK red. low HONDA PRELUDE '84. silver Wrrty Boby Due! $8485 261-2121. MAZDA PROTEGE LX '90 Bur- 900 457-6800 Hennessy Lexus 1 owner, al reds. 15400 call 1 owner, all power, loaded, sunroof, phone, AC.
$4,995. Sieve gray int. 5-spa, sunroof, 1 15k bxc. indy, tuil power, clean 8450 WILLt 1 I HVEM V4-4a54 RA CARLAND 623-9211 cond'lioni SJQV5 upu. J4-5y3 982-9971, 980-9595.
LE XUS SC 48 Cue '92 Indigo blue creom leather factory cd no luxury tax $42 900 457-6800 HEN- 19496ogt casserie. sjvva. EEGLMSSAH WM614 CEO (TOKM 6SI 1 WO-Red rw 50K, bpo, oc. onvtm drivers airbus, new CEO STORM CSI '10 Auto, spoiler, coss, only $740. SANDY SPRGSTOYoTa I4MM GEO STORM 1W0 Assume loan.
$0 down. 40K miles. Blue, outo. '89 300 SE WhiteGrew HONDA ACCORD LX '92. 4dr, auto.
3000 miles, perfect. $15,995. Coll Jim Do vie t-ronk Jockson LM 448-9401 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 1991 white wbiue Ithr, dual 4 way seats, alloy wheels, new Michelins, tinted windows, extra clean, sell lor wholesale. $17,499. 993-1209, 483-4017.
HONDA PRELUDE '85. Proof, alloys, red, 1 owner. $4950. SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 147-1480 HONDA CIVIC '88 PS, PB, Oir, cassette. 1 owner $4950 S94-86Jogt MAZDA PROTEGE 1990 red, spd, gir, coss, $39vs NtbbYLtXUi MAZDA 424LX 1984, Looded, sunroot, spd.
omfm steieo, 90K4 mi, exc. cond $2400 992 4882 90 300 SE BlackGrey LEXUS SC488 1991 sliver spruce. Rasweii Mazda, 993-4999 KJUC LA5E 474-7800 HONDA CIVIC '89 4x4 Stationwa- MAZDA 414 LX 1984. 4dr, auto, 4K ml. Fully loaded.
Perfect cond. $41,500. 912-890-1483-evenlngs, gon. Automatic. Only 30,000 MAZDA PROTEGE 1990 46k miles, outo trans, AC, onVfrn '90 300 SE Black PeartCreme '91 300SE Black PearlGrey loaded, sunrf, 79k, good cond.
HONDA PRELUDE' 88 Cpt, Mr. SI, 4ws, oc, coss, sr. 8989S COBB CO. TOYOTA 472-8555 LINCOLN TOWNCAR 1983, fully loaded, oil power, wsunroof, Must Sell $3500060. Chris 493-7127 daytime, 912-985-0417, owner mi.
Ac. 4x4. Anvtm coss. Mint cond $8990 Doys 29! 3453. $3450 Call 444-7144.
MERCEDES UtSEL 4.5 1973-. Must SELL drastically reduced, $44WM60ft MERCEDES 38CSE 1971, metallic beige, brown interior, low miles, excellent condition, I owner car $5000 404-534-0504 MERCEDES" 288 SE 1960-126 Series, everything new. Looks like 1989 $10 000 440-7352 MERCEOES IM 1973, yellow, good cond, need some valve work. Nice interior. $3 000 MERCEDES 188CD 1960 Goroged, only 45K mi, extremely clean, burg $10,500 obo 444-0308 MERCEDES J40CD 1982, SUver.
blueblock mtM sunroof, $9790 997-6009 MERCEDES SS CD 19fJ0-Coupe. Low miles. Sunrf. well mo ml. HONDA ACCORD SE 1991-Teale, leotner, sunrf, alarm.
ABS, 49K. 813.900 425-2740 HONDA ACCORDS 11-10. 12 10 choose, all sole priced. ves-901-8818. Ask tor Stanley.
'89 300 SEL TaupeCreme tope, gooa cond. S6W5 JH-vm MAZDA PROTEGE 11. AvVFM cass, AC, PS, PB, X-cleon, $995. MAZDA WORLD 498 2277 LEXUS SC408 '92, silver spruce, 8.500 miles, leather, roof, memory $40,500 or assume lease, consider MAZDA tit LX 1987, 4 door, speed. tIK.
PL, PW, sunrool, per-fect cor. $5350 OBO. Tony 454)44 HYUNDAI EXCEL CL 17, SDr, SSpd, 45K, AMFMCas, New Tires 11 500, 333 9548 LINCOLN TOWNCAR 1991, more thon loaded, immoculatt. Must see $25 000 394-4678 CEO STORM ItM RED Mk mil. Sss, oc, oiroog, new tires, twoo-f'i'f wwments al '90 300 SEL Blk PeartBlack HONDA CIVIC '90 H'B DX, auto, oc, stereo, excellent.
$8950. OBO 968-1500001 trade, L5 400 owner, yvj-51v. MAZDA PROTEGE 13. white DTlR DltK USED CARS 452-7777 HONDA ACCORO 1980 Auto. I.
Recently rebuilt ena. Green. LINCOLN TOWNCAR 1988. Blue. 91 350 SDL SmokeCreme MAZDA 4U LX '88 Sedan auto wpwr roof stereo cass.
SoVSO. CURRY HONDA 451-2700. blue. loaded, less IK 811,500 349-7448 424 9739. MAZDA RX7 CONVERTIBLE HONDA CIVIC '90 22k, PS.
pb. oc 1 owner. SAVE! $8850 82000 Edison 294-9111. CEO TRACKER 1991 Converts wKl. very clean, StSODmeg.
Wj-tjonviime, beeper 417-taAl. HYUNDAI EXCELL 1988, Silver, aula ac cassette, $2995 RICKCASE 474-2800 HYUNDAI 6L 1988-Air amtm 5 S9K ml. Very clean. $3m 938-8441 leather, 54K miles, $9900. Brad.
075.4541 N-464-0934 LINCOLN TOWNCAR 1988 Signature, sve'd regular ft gor'd, Michelins. nice $8500 428-0309. '91 350 SD WhiteGrey '87420SEI BlacWlrey sve Bldck 5sp, 46K, loaded HONDA CRX DX 1989-Silver Auto, AC, Psunroof, Burgundy Ton leotner, 33 000 mites. Excel- 813,750 944-9041 or 440-1452 MAZDA 674 TURBO '88 Sspd.4dr, loadea, cass, excellent cond. $7295, METROMAZDA 454-8208 block, tinted windows, regular MAZDA RX-7 CONVERTIBLE lent $28 900 979-877dlr.
88 300 SEL SilverBurgundy HONOA ACCORO 1982, 5spd, w. Iskt nm CaH 4O4-229-6220. HONDA ACCORO 1983, blue wbiue interior, outo, AC, cruise, sunroof. Excel, mecrtonicol cond. $3COneg 454-4270 lye msg.
maintenance, exc. 4BK. miles. $7,000 (irm. (4041 732 1253.
$7800 674-0037, 239-0044. '90 5SDd. rh, CD. PW. PL.
S17.995 HYUNDAI GL '89 4 DR, Red, Aula oc, Stereo WILLETT TOYOTA 299-8858 LINCOLN TOWNCAR Moonroof, 64K ml $11,500 or trade for sportscor. 444-8074. MAZDA tit TURBO '89. Touring MAZDA WORLD 498-2277 Sedan, low miles, options. $8450.
'86 420 SEL CabernelCreme '89 420 Sa Blk PearlCreme HONOA CRX SI, 1987. must see, oil pwr. loaded, very thorp Must sell $5500. 442-0545. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SIGNATURE '89, 40K ve-lour int, CO player, moonroot, all power, car phone, extra clean, 1 owner, ext warr.
$14 900, OBO. WILLI: I I Wb5l V42-4654 HONDA Absolutely the largest selection of new and used Hondas in the Southeast! VOYIES HONDA HONDA ACCORD 93K INFINITI G28 "91. BlueGrey, loaded $15,989. DYLR DYER USED CARS 457-7777 MAZDA RX7 GXL 1984. Blue.
spd, AC, looded. sun rf, cass, excel. corv950jpt)oJp-8iS5 MAZDA RX7 GXL 1984, 5-spd, LINCOLN TOWNCAR 15 Loaded, 1 owner, perfect! Wnat a price ot $3995 237-8504 or 434-1124 oir cond $3650 060. MAZDA 474 1982. Luxury Sedan, Ssp, looded, pwr sunroof, looks ft runs great.
82200OBO. 806-0145 HONDA CRX SI 1988-Leoving tor Europe. sp Yellow Snri. 28K 958 700(D), i45-S797iE) Very gouo cond 40V-0094 LINCOLN TOWN CAR 14 mi $7500 874-3854 872 1844. INFINITI G28 1.
13k, 4dr, auto, Ithr, looded 815,888. 948-1500 ogl. MERCEDES I88CO '64. Exc. cond.
L19M Ivoryrnenno. 900obo. Records 549 W27. MERCEDES ISttCD '85 Turbo Diesel, beige wtrjn leother, moonroot, immoculote, nenl ml $12,988 475-9500dlr MERCEDES JMCE 1991, while worv, 4,000 mi, nw $44,008. 1 205 251-K52; M5-879-3504.
MERCEDES JMCE VI MidnioW- Poioni.no int, 30K miles, $45,900. mint cruise, new Shocks, new tires. $4)00. 333-7452. MAZDA tit 1984-450440 speed, air, cassette $1995.
HONDA ACCORD 1985 4Door, outo, air, loaded, $3995 Roy Sigert 161 -6550dlr, i INFINITI M38 1991 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL MARK '7. Whlwht, burg, ft rose leoth. 34K mi, all power, every opt, mnrf, new tires, Immac cond $5500. D998-0752, B449-4S57 KILE- lA5t 46 2BW HONDA CRX SI 1988. Silver, Sspd, new tires, oil extras.
Garaged. Adult driven. Exc. cond. $6950.
Coll 985-1853 or 588-7757. miles, loaded, $18,000. 951-2211 MAZDA RX7 GXL 1988, red wleather, speed, sunroof, 46K miles, exc. $10,000. 557-0327.
Champagne, nice car, one owner. Low miles $5495. Fronk Jockson LM 466-9601 LINCOLN TOWN CAR '86 Signature series, White, Blue Leather, Carriage top. Wire Wheels, Moonroof. Won't astatSI0.995! '90 420 SEL WhiteGrey '91 420 SEL Black PearlGrey '89 560 SEL WhiteBlue '90 560 SEL N.
BlueGrey All cars hove Mercedes Foctorv Warrontv. RBM OF ATLANTA 390-0700 Leave message, yyy-340- HONDA ACCORD, 1986, ROOQIjBO. 333-7944 MAZDA tit 1984, grey, new tires, good cond. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL HONDA ACCORD CPE LXI 19. Beautiful, good mi's, sharp.
$W50. WILLETT WEST 942 54 361-5 MAZOA RX7 GXL '88. oil opts. $3,500 dwn, assume pymts. no INFINITI 045 1990- Pearl, 27K ml.
Loaded, lull warranty. $27,250. Bill 704 322-463L HONDA CRX SI 1989 35K exc. blk. all $8,500 261-1454.
credit check, Z77-2r7 43yj MAZDA tit 1989, dr. turbo, gorgeous white wblue 50K, sun MARK TV, Whlwht, burg, ft rose leath. 34K mi, all power, every opt, mnrf, new tires, Immac cond! $5500. D998-0752, E449-4B57 Fronk Jockson UM 448-9401 INFINITI CMS 1991, sond beige, SK HONDA ACCORD DX coupe 1991, exc. condition, auto, ac, new tires, HONDA CRXsl '89.
Red, power MAZDA RX7 SE '88. Red, Sspd, MERCEDES M8D TURBO 1987. diamond blueblue, every options, HONDA ACCORD 1987-HB, silver, 1-owner, new tires, txc. cond. 84000OBO.
933-8717, HONDA ACCORD 188 DX 4 door, gold, low miles $8000 355-4815. loaded, full wrnty, non-smkr. low mites, gorgeous cor. $8795. roof, xx ean sovel $9450 Kiwrnnes.S'MJrj.
434-54 10. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Like 578-9710 454-8200 594-8694091 IWt I KUMAUA root, pwr. windowslocks, 1-owner, mint cond MAZDA tit '85. 4dr, 80k, Sspd, dC, like new. $3950.
OBO 948-1500 agt. LINCOLN TOWNCAR '88. Sky bluewhite Ithr, Signature series, moon root, $1 1 500 284-0366ogt LINCOLN TOWNCAR '88 SlW lure. 1 owner, always goroged! $900 944-2277dlr. MAZDA INFINITI CMS '90.
Ithr, proof, 210 choose. $23,500. SIGNA1URE 1990. I4K miles. Perfect.
Light titonlumlthr, oil options, moonroot, JBL sound. HONDA CRX SI '89. Red, Sspd, ac root, alloys. $7988. new tires, leo.ow) mnes, very nice, only 815,900 343-9961.
MERCEDES JSD Turbo. 198S. SlV- verblue. 4 pw, prtunrt.low price, lyop tmtn RX.7 RX7'5 RX7 5 RX7'S RX7'S HONDA ACCORD 1990, EX 4DR HON DA ACCORD DX 1985, grey grey clntti, 4 door, 5 70k, very good retail $4600 Sacrifice (4200000. 434-01132.
Me-0591. Agt SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847-1480 433-07 1 Vdir MAZDA '90. Luxury Sedan, serviced, clean ft priced at $15,250. outo, champagne, one owner, non- $19,950, 1-404-347-5474 '85 thru 11 modeis. Call Jim Doyle for detailed list.
Smoker, ISUZU I MARK TURBO 1988, 4dr, onlv S4K mi. looks drives areat. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 10 HONDA CRX SI '89. 35k, block ft sporty, exlro clean car. $7995.
MERCEDES 198E 1985. Original owner, excellent shape, must see to appreciate. Nautical bluePalomino. Must sell! Asking $11,500. 237-3787; 874-2500.
Poul, MERCEDES 198 i 1984. 2.3-ltV, silverblck, 14K pampered ml, perfect $24K. 449-1790, 399-0499, MERCEDES 198E 1984. silver grey, 97 ml. new tire sve reds.
ROSWell MOIdo, 993-4999 CURRY HONDA 451-2700. Sia. ser es. Black on ack, Lots of options Priced under the MAZDA RX7 1987. ac.
exc. tUVUYLESAlUKA 457-8800 HON OA ACCORD DX 1989, 2dr Hotcnback. aulo, 73k ml, $6100 OR BEST OFFER 921-1508. Leather, Moonroof. CD plover, HONOA ACCORO '84.
Ssnd, 2DR, clean, runs great oniy $250. CURRY HONDA 451-2700. marker oi yri-1652 MERCEDES J80O-T 1985, Excel- lent condition, smoke silver-oolo- mino. 95.000 ml, 617.900 988 9059. MERCEDES 3UD 1981.
Block, tan interior, 1 owner, oil records. $7000. 395 7579. MAZDA 939 1988 All Power, Moonroof 39K miles. Leather.
Must see at $10,595. AlWr-M LOSStireSCIUICh SUMI, red $2,000 390-5517. prone, Low Miles only 1 rank Jackson UM 668-9601 ISUZU l-MARK 1988-AC, 4DR, LINCOLN TOWN CAR '90 Cortier Edition, Silver, Silver Leather, one owner, Low Miles $19,595. Fronk Jockson LM 668-9401 LINCOLN TOWN CAR '90 Signature, Grey, Ithr, sr, x-sharp. Call Kurt Hennessy Cadillac 241 -5OOj HONDA CRX SI '90.
Block, owner, low ml, all reds. $8400 Cl ACURA CARLAND623-92II Frank Jockson LM 668-9401 spa, oiiovs, wnireDlue int, 40K, 82995 Exc cond. 445-8934 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Signa HONDA ACCORD DX 1987 Air, coss, sod, 4DR, exc cond, tiwy miles. VtSSO 969-7t5. HONDA ACCORD DX 19B7-I HONDA ACCORD 15 5 Sad, OC, ps, Pb, coss SAVE I $2950.
594-8494AGT. MAZDA RX7 1982, Block, omtm. Sun-roof, ac, louvers, good-condition sio.yauooo wbw. MAZDA 929 1988. Burn.
outo. air. ture, ivyo, maroon, itnr, toaaea garaged, 23K excel cond 60K pwr sunroof, oil pwr equip ISUZU IMARK 1988, white, 4DR, oulo, oir, cass, 1 owner, $4888 RICKCASE 474-2800 HONDA ACCORD '88 40K ml. HONDA CRX 1984. spd, air, PS, PB, sun rf, new paint, new timing bell, new clutch, new wtveels, AmFm exc.
cond, 1 owner, must see 83000 333-4915. MAZDA RX7 1982, Sspd, new paint ml. nutm. NILK L5C 46 mM cruise, new clutctVbrokeV white, 4dr. Coll LeRoy or Jack LINCOLN TOWNCAR '90 Loaded, digital dash, super nice, $15,843.
Coll 977-7277dlr MAZDA 919 1968 sunroof, loaded LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '(9 fires. 74K 8670P. VJ8-KH5, Ttireyciutcn sunroot, runs exc, looks great. $2,250 OBO. 889-9124 ISUZU l-Mork 1988.
Mr. blue. Toll power eouip, 51 exc cond. LEWIS WhLCH OLDSVW 968 1800 MERCEDE8 MOD 1987, dork blue ton, only 48k miles, excellent, oil records, 823,900 438-1649 wkendt. MERCEDES 308D 1987, perfect, -RBM maintained.
Toupepalomtno Ithr, tinted, 74K. 870.900 926-467i MERCEDES J00D TURBO 1991 -Pearl Gray, Oroy Tex mt 3900 HONDA ACCORD DX 1985 hatch- Sig. Looded, sunroot, hi ml, drives like newl Only $8995! 337-8504 or outo ac exc. cond, asking $4,000 MERCEDES 19E 1988, 32,000 miles, warranty, new tires, excellent, Coll 679 1062, MERCEDES 1988, 1 owner, perfect bookssvc reds Must sell 1st 814,900 buys II. 972-6490 oft 4pm MERCEDES 198E 1986, white now, sik miles.
1 owner, oil records $17 500 648-0805. 10,500, LOII 706 542-4944. 8-5 HONDA CRX 1988, automatic red, perfect! $5000. ODO. 4V3-532.
434-1124 LINCOLN TOWN CAR '90 Signature series, moon roof, 44K mi, exc cond MAZDA 919 1969, must sell or take MAZDA RX) 1987 Turbo, sp. PW, tilt, cruise, alarm, much more. $7300 872-5272; oft 5pm. 279-3272. MAZDA RX7 1986.
convert, white. HONDA CIVIC DX 1987. 1 owner, 4 dr, AT, AC, PS, PB, AmEm coss, burgundycloth, excel, cond, 1992 oock, goto, 5 spa, gooa original owner. UOOO 841-9107. HONDA ACCORD DX '84.
4dr, I owner, oc, coss 13990. ISUZU IMPULSE 1986-100K4 565-2254 over lease pmts of $474mo. Good condition. Coll 644 5111. exc.
outo, red, fully loaded! HONDA CRX 1988 UK, red, new MASERATI OUATTROPORTE LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Sig. '88-lmmoc. very low mi. oil pwr. options, garaged, non-smoker, leolh.
$11,500 log $4450. 591-8426, S7V0COOO. V4V-4IB4 S-sp. CD. looks new.
osking SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847-1410 MAZDA 919 1991-Leother seats. tires, ArWFM cassette, gar. oir, $5400, 1982-Silver grey. 53K $9O00UBU. 14151 383-9084 500.
Work. HONDA CIVIC DX 1988, 4 door, speed, oir, stereo, new clutch. sunroot, siv.ouyooo. 974 9038 ISUZU IMPULSE 1988 5 spd, ac, coss, PW, PDL, $699S. Town 8, Country Honda 924-9000 HONDA ACCORD EX 1991-2dr, green wy ton Ithr, oil options.
$33 995 creamputt i MERCEDES 3880 '83. BluePal, terrific records. $990). 457-6100 Hennessy Lexus, MERCEDES M8 '67 dark oreydove srev, perfect, 79K. MASERATI VI TURBO 1985 24,000 MAZDA RX7 1988-Convertible.
Black, Sspd. SOK. $14,000. Ground Verv eon. 87K rm.
85400. 954-8202. HONDA CRX 1989, White. speed, perfect condition, 44,000 miles. $7700.
590-0537. Catherine. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '89 Signature series, moonroof, vehicle looded, $9878 Call Chuck tinted windows, like new, 18K. 457-5905 MERCEDES 190E Silver, 35K, mini, goroged, RBM maintained 825K. 394 1 868.
MERCEDES 198E 1991 2 3, 13,800 miles, perfect, 1-owner. $24,200 962-9562 MAZDA 939 '68 Auto, power rnof. PW. PL. $10,495 miles.
$7000. 404-437-9148 or 812-0753 Olter6.30pm ertea. 241-1159 JAGUAR TYPE 1972 2 2, 12, new point, S8.000K mis, $15,500 HONDA CIVIC DX I988HB. Ssod. 116,000 U-4JV-0786; N-474-BJ7, HONDA ACCORD EX 1991 y7-227rair.
HONDA CRX 1998 metallic blue. MAZDA RX7 1988, GTU, 40 ml, MAZDA WORLD 498 3277 oc, ps, 58K, new tires. Exc. OOO, 1404 353-3535. LINCOLN CONTINENTAL Wagon Loaded, Brand new cond.
MAZDA 919 '88 kAoonrool. amtm sp, oc, omtnvcass, non smoker, 01 445-9914 exc cona, block, sunroot. $vjoo. 266-923L cond. Sjy5Q.
451-ZV45 JAGUAR XJS Convertible 1990, 1991 -Signature Series, Ithr fin. difllculty forces sole. 11000 coss, ac, PW, pd, 46K 1 own ml exc. COnQ.Siy,5W. 4U4-74-JUJM, 110.875 4fl mfl.
tinonclna ova 1 oke over pymrs. 945-443V. red, 15K ml. Perfect cond. $39,500.
904-574-4661 MAZDA ATLANTA'S NO 1 VOLUME DEALER JIM ELLIS MAZDA M0-44M HONDA CRX 1991, 21,000 ml, AC, ArWFMtaoe. Assume payments. HONDA CIVIC DX 1990. HB, 34,000 ml, 5 spd, AC, stereo 4 extras 87200. 443-9520, eves wknds.
MERCEDES 1WE 1.1 1967. Pearl block-red, 60K mi, RBM maintained, M4113 MERCEDES 1WE 1.8 1969 Block sunroof, AmFrrVlfoss, alloy CHRIS BMW 292-1400 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1991, HONDA ACCOR EX 1991 Wogon, green, outo, only Ilk ml, mint 977-9131 JAGUAR XJS Convertible '90, Exec. 34K full warranty, must wneeis. $1131x1. 4vb-uu5u.
MAZDA 929 13. Teal, Premium MERCEDES 160D '91 2.5. 4k, pearl Otovorey, $31,500 firm. 404 535-2590 doy, 532-7061 0v 4 MERCEDES JOOE, 1986, pearl blockpolomino, 90 miles, one owner, booksrecords, new Michelins, mint, $16,500. 973-70ti.
MERCEDES M8E 1984, 120,000 miles, nor 141-0TK 10K, mint, bluenavy top, wire sell, $15,900 steals It 231-3441, HONDA CRX '84. 44k, red, ac, He- Pka. thr. root, CD over, cona. rirm.
wj-uiu. MAZDA RX7 11. White. Exc. cond.
Must see to appreciate. All HONDA CIVIC DX 1991, 4-dr, 5-spd, AC, Kenwood sterwo, 19,000 mi. $990IOBO. 449-5742. wheels, phone, $3,500, 524-1423, reo.Beouiitui.
$5400. 968-1500 agt. JIM ELLIS MAZDA 429-8420 HONDA ACCORD EX 1991 -Mr, all MAZDA COSMO 1977 ft 1974 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL 1988, Dark Blueleather, loaded, 84K, recroas. $2500. 998 1420, JAGUAR XJS 1985, new polntint.
Dlock, BBb wills, Anvnn CD. looded, MERCEDES 19DE 1.8 records, soraved, dovt grey, top cond. $16,500. 30V MO. options, learner, 116,000 tlrm, Exc cond, $7950.
739-4011, RX 4 won, both wnew 13B motors, straight ft solid. Must MAZDA RX7 '64 GS Ssp charcoal a 4gy-nuw, iv. msg. wire wheels, immac. cona.
$9850obo. 473-4833; 477-2435 HONDA CRX 17 One owner mint cond 10 10 miles 5 sp omtm coss ac whitegray ext wblue int must sell $5850 Call David Belser HONDA CIVIC EX 1990, automatic, 27K miles, $8500. Coll 463-2W. A-xlrn ean 13995 LINCOLN CONTINENTAL '90 HONDA ACCORD EX 1991-Black sell! $7275 ft $1875. call tor pic JIM LLIS MAZDA 479-6620 Lea.
40K must ao Great car JAGUAR XJS 1985, 12 cyl, sap Won ml, no credit needed. $2500 lure 415-4V4-7889 otter 6pm, HENNESSY LEXUS 457-6800 968-l24VairOr 474-5432 aepi. voymo. m-un oa no. 1 1 MERCEDES IKE '89.
7 6, only 41 miles, Just sve'd, still under foctorv worr, $21,490. 457-4600 MAZDA Ml ATA 1991 okg, phire blue wbiscult leather, co plover, exc cond. all records, MAZDA RX7 '66 conv. white blue lea 36K mi spd $14,900 457-6800 HONDA CIVIC EX 1990, Sod, 4 all extras, 37K excel, cond $9400 tlrm. 634-8299.
MERCEDES JO0E 1987, Dlomond BlueCream, 115K ml, all records, jl recent exc. cond. A Musi Seel jl LINCOLN CONTINENTAL SIG MERCEDES CLASS '88 260 GreyGrey '89 300 BlackGrey '89 300 Blue GreenCreme hardtop, cruise, PW, alrbag, oc HONDA CRX 17. 44k, oc, cass, must see. Red.
$5950. OBO 948-1500 HONDA ACCORD EX 1990-4 door, 5 speed, mint condition. $12 Hennessy Lexus 1VB9. i owner, sunroot, loaaea, Hennessy Lexus. onvtm coss.
HONDA CIVIC GL 1987-4DR, ogt B5k. SWB5U 731-3441. MAZDA RX7 11. Red, block lea MX) MAZDA MIATA 1991-Pockage HONDA CRX '88 AC. cassette.
Sspd. pwr sunroot, LD player, $17, spd, Ac, Exc cond. orig, like new, High ml. $3500 986-0128. HONDA ACCORD EX 1991, 4 dr, red, custom cover, 1 owner, txc.
cond. 813,900. 534-0624 low miles, A Real Diamond, $4450. LINCOLN MARK VIII 1985 Good condition. S5O0OFIRM.
Call 941-4646 after 6PM. 4vo. 457-48UU Hennessy Lexus. MERCEDES JOOE IVHB, peon block, gray Int. 67K ml, exc cond.
$28,500 or assume Ise $626mo. MUST BELLI! 80O-75J-947J auto, iv, oark red, on pwr, sunn, WILLbl I TO! V47-4456 MAZDA 123DX 1987- 4dr, AC, 1 exc COnd. 644-5587. HONDA CIVIC HB '90 28k, oc, stereo, like new. $7900.
OBO. never wrecked. 81 1,000. 634-mi JAGUAR XJS 1989, red with gold 12k ml. Mint.
$37,500. John. JAGUAR XJS 1989 33K. Immaculate! Dork Blue. 100K mile warranty njpM88J7m 3735312 JAGUAR XJS SOVEREIGN 1991, blueblue ext, 8,000 mi, 31 mo.
foe-tory wore, $33,500. 205-947-7234. rnxiun mmm itti, neu, B-pkg. 30K, cruise, AC, CD, alarm '87 190 2.3 HONOA ACCORD EX 1991, 4 door, days; eves 706-790-1212, Rome. owner, $3000.
Ad No 4532 372-2773 LINCOLN MARK VII LSC '90 Dk Titanium, Grey leather, Moon 968-1500 ogt. power everything, tope weq, all foctorv options, new tires, 50,000 (iino trans, green, $13,900, W8-31B. HONDA CIVIC LX 1989-Auto. 8, more, so.uw.inrisiopner, W404-542-4449. H546-1106.
SilverBlue B. PearlGrey SmokeCreme '87 190 2.3 WhitePal SmokeCreme WhiteBlue D. BlueBlue root, Frank Jockson LM 668-9601 MAZDA 123 DX 17 4Dr, Aulo, ac Stereo. S4788 loaded. 40,000 ml.
Must '89 300 TE "89 300 TE '89 300 TE '873000 '91 300 mi, osking $10,500. 972-2811, aft all doy wknds. MAZDAMIATA 1991, Red. B-Pkg, negotiable. 457-1978 MERCEDES JME 1988, PearV Gray, 4VK ml.
mint cond. $26,900 obo. 331-3417; 967-3817. MERCEDES MCE 1989. ")ork ml.
Great Cond! $78,500. Scott 451-0615 days, 395-1874 eves. WILLETT TOYOTA 399-8858 HONOA ACCORD EX 1990-7 dr, while, 5 sp, 38K ml. Spoiler, mags. Excel.
813,500. 992-4417. hardtop, low miles, always go- LINCOLN MARK VII LSC '88 One owner fully loaded immoc. cond HONDA PRELUDE SI 1988 Red. MAZOA 313LX 1984, 4dr, Sspd, raged.
4t5-49l-J8. HONDA CIVIC LX 1999, 4 dr, Sspd, oir, power everything, clean, 54K 5 speed. Loaded. 53K miles. Power Lost Chance! $11,450 Call David JAGUAR XJS VDP '84, cranberry, 82K, exceptional COII440-7759.
SilverGrey WhiteCreme 61 looded, 1 owner, oil pwr. s'roof. Exc conaVclean. $4200. ml, must sell.
S6750UBO. 405-0418, Beiser y6B-l24vair or 44-5432 MAZDA MIATA 1991-Sllver (no longer mode), onvtm oc BlackGrey HONDA ACCORD EX 1990. 2-dr, red. low $12,600. 972-2887, Garaged, rjxe.
cond. $9900. Cali HONDA CIVIC LX 1990. 4dr, Ssod, LINCOLN MARK VII LSC JAGUAR XJ4 VDP '86, Immoc. 377.3631 1IK 814,700 65I-97BS KOb 279-8027 M-r, 9-5; 24K, fiJC, oil power, cruise, orrvlm orig own, block wmagnolia int leather, moon root, excellent con- MAZDA 111 LX 1984 4 dr.
outo. '88 190 2.3 '91 190 2.3 '91 190 2.3 '89 190 2.6 '89 190 2.6 '90 190 2.6 '91 190 2.6 MAZDA MIATA. 10, 24k miles. GreyGrey HONDA PRELUDE SI 1986- Lt $12,500. 233-7391.
COSS, S5W. 82-4U4J, dltlon. S4W5. 925-4547 rm, HONDA ACCORD EX 10 Outo 70K, Immaculate, must sell. $2600 white, almost perfect, trades con- blue, pwr rt, AC, anvtm cass.
63K. HONDA CIVIC LX 1990-4 door, 5 '91 300 CE Black PeartBlack All cars have Mercedes Foctorv Warranty. RBM OF ATLANTA 390-0700 irons, itn nl compact aisc, stab or pest otter, yi-v84. WhiteCreme sidered, $13,000. 397-oopi.
LINCOLN MARK VII LSC '85, loaded, low like new, $5400 or XC COhO $7750 neg. 424-4598, speed, white, stereo, 29K miles. MAZDA 321, 1965, 4 door, 69K ti7er, Arcadia green: $13,500. Joe 912-438-9941 or 912-438-3422 eve- HONDA PRELUDE SI 1987-Blue. must Sell, S8U0, V4V-U224, trade 10) 514-4240; 1H) 58-1340, miles, 5 speed, air, one owner, MAZDA MIATA 11.
Blue, ac Sspd, like new, alloy wheels, only 7500 miles. Prlred to sell. JAGUAR XJt 1982. 4dr. Brown.
Tan interior. Sunroof. Just mar-fled. Must sell. $6000.
404-884-7929, JAGUAR XJS 1983-Buraundy with ton leather, exceptional condition, beautiful car. 1st $4900, 493-8430. 47K, exc. cond. Inside ft oul.
New SmokeCreme TealCreme ningS; HONDA CIVIC LX 1991, Cass, LINCOLN MARK VII 1977, very $3,300. 493-6430, tlresDroKes. $V100 644-7035 auto, oir, 9 mos old, exc cond, 15K, good cond; $2500 or trode anything METROMAZDA 454-8700 MAZDA 123 1984, looks great, runs nunm Mwwnu en tu. al, low mi, 1 owner, reds. $14,000 Call -Red, moinl.
records, $10,300. 32V-0514. ot voiue. 444-BU4. HONDA PRELUDE SI 1989-automatic.
$9800. MAZDA MIATA 11. Conv, one '91 190 2.6 SmokeCreme great. 1 owner, $3725. 664-8366.
ftltJKALAKLAND 623-9711 HONDA CIVIC LX 1991, 5 spd, aC LINCOLN MARK VII '84. Loaded, Call 634-7353 owner trade-in, excellent congi- lion $14,580. HONDA ACCORD EX JAGUAR XJS 1984. like brand new, excellent, Must sell. $7800.
928-6479. MAZDA 323 1967. AC, 3dr, $250 ste AWi-m cass. 24k mi. $yjw.
Call 545-7884. HONDA PRELUDE SI 1989-While. aulo wn te sroot S15.900 ED VOYLES ACURA 452-8600 reo, new tires, 83K exc. cond. Alt cars have Mercedes Factory Warranty.
457-6800 HENNESSY LEXUS HONDA CIVIC LX 1991. 4dr. auto. '85 380 SL BluePal Auto. 25K mi.
Beautiful carl Must sell! $9900. 443-1011. MAZDA MIATA '91. Ukmllet, Sil sunroof, Carphone, white, 14k ml, JAGUAR XJS 19SS sopphlre blue 5 ray, looksruns great. $9350 obo.
ohn 729-0209 RBM OF ATLANTA 390-0700 low ml, I owner, reds. $15,400 Call '88 560 SL Black PearlGrey HONDA PRELUDE SI 1987. Ssp, blue, 75K miles, one owner, $7000. Coll 442-5511 after 4PM ALU KA LAHLAIMU623-V7II 6X mi, SJ6UU 636-1 176 Or 2J-B5U4 LINCOLN MARK VII '91. LSC, 9kmi.
Wade's 1-2-3. Ask for Scott Morris. 333-5920 LINCOLN MERCURY TRACER 1989, spd, low miles. Real sharp car. $4995.
Frank Jockson LM 468-9601 LINCOLN SIGNATURE '89. White, Ithr, 1 owner, $12,500 284-0346qgt HONDA CIVIC LX '89. 4dr, loaded. I owner, low miles. $7990.
MERCEDES 248D 1978, excellent dll books records, air, 85500. 436-4546. BlackPal '88 560 SL inside a out, sw. v36-uuy4 MAZDA 123 1988 will sell tor cosh to highest bidder. Fridoy 051593 at 10am.
Vehicle stored and may be inspected al 5291 Port Boulevard, College Park, seller reserves right to bid, Omni Recovery Service, will conduct sale tor First Virginia Bank, 767-2732, JAGUAR XJS 19864 door, nice clean, $10,500. Coll, 477-1145. MERCEDES $88 1989, white, ton Interior, many extras, 34K mltev Coll 452-7084. MERCEDES 160E 1990-Pearl black, gray Ither Inter, warrty, loaded, garage kept, mint condl-, on.1000 miles, $36,500. 263-8852 1 MERCEDES JOOE 1990, burgundy, exc.
53,000 Must sell. 998-421 7 Ewkends. MERCEDES JOOE '68, anthracite Srev, new tires, exc. cond. $24,900.
33-0017-N; S23-3300 (Wilson). MERCEDES JOOE '88. Smoke Sll- ver, bks 8, records, $20,900., 457-4600 Hennessy Lexus. MERCEDES JOSE '89. Garogt.
kept, 1 owner, records, new tires 40k, mint cond! 827,675 262-2886 MERCEDES 106 SOL. 1987-Creomputfl 1I0K, looded elec. travel pilot mapping sys. $26K 5141111 MERCEDES M0SDL 1967-DKh' mond Blue, clean Beige per-. feci records! 823,995.
501-0447 MERCEDES 388 SDL graypal. II7K. Bookvrec-, ords. 461-1787, 440-9419 MERCEDES J88SDL 19B7, A Grey, 63K, oil rec. Exc.
Cond. Coll 706-746-5049 HONDA ACCORD EX '91. 4dr, outo, block, sroof, all pwr, like SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847-1480 HONDA PRELUDE SI 1988, White, 2.0, Speed, sunroof, SOK, new tires, 810,000. 394 1255. new.
iswogt. HONDA CIVIC SI 1986. Red MERCEDES 140 1976, Excellent body, $1,600. Needs engine. 987-3792 JAGUAR XJt 1988V, Bug.
with ton leather, 65k mites. Fast sell fitenbk, Sspd, AC, AMFM stereo, HONDA ACCORD EX '92, ABS, moonroot, air bog, loaded, mini HONDA PRELUDE SI 1988, outo. 37 MKG. $3800 UHO. 5I4-7IV0.
8I3.5O0. 949-7150. '88 560 SL '88 560 SL '89 560 SL '91 500SL ChampagnePal WhiteBlue WhitePal RedCream sunroof, white, low mileage, HONDA CIVIC WAGON 1067- MERCEDES 240D 1983, 4 sod, looded, pbone, service records. auto, oc, anvtm cass. New tires.
JAGUAR XJt '84 Immoc! Low mi, Alpine CD Sys, 91 Jog Wheels, Looded! $7,900 449-4925, tooaeo. siu.wu, 451-iyye. HONDA PRELUDE SI 1989. 2.0, MUSI sell. S64V5.
ver. $13,950. SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847-1480 MAZDA MPV '89. BPKG, Alloy's, Dual air, 47k, 1 owner. $12990 SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847-1490 MAZDA MXIOT 1968, Turbo, block, 5-spd, power sunroof, PW, olarm, ac, AMFM coss.
weauoliier, cruise, car cover ft bro, 56 ml, $9,500. 953-9273. MAZDA MXt GT 1989-Turtx, red, 5 speed, power package excellent condition, asking $9500; 973-7451. MAZDA MXt LX '89, 40K. Elegant.
Mint PW, PDL, Ssp. $8395080. Must sell. 493-1323 MAZDA MXt 1989, 5-spd, oc, 39K mi. CD plover, AMFM cast.
1 owner. 87500. Call 977-7563. brakes, very good cond. 133K mis, auto, 34k, SR, loaded.
Excel. $2450. 435-U4UI. MERCEDES 240D 1964. Excellent condition, 90.000 miles.
$6500obo. Home 378-4013, Work 352-3922. HONDA CIVIC Waaon 1985. auto. LINCOLN STRETCH LIMO 1983, TV, bar, window divider, Blue gray.
$7995, Coll (904 223-9928, LINCOLN STRETCH LIMO, 1988, white, fully optioned, very sharp. $19,000, 1-800-849-4426. LINCOLN'S '91 Starting at $16,995 Ask for the Bulliner ot Wade's 1-2-3. 333-5920. JAGUAR XJt 19.
White, 1 owner, oil records. Coll Robv Tumlin Hennessy Cadillac 341-5700. amrm, 4 or, txc cona, MAZDA 323 blue, AMFM coss, exc. cond. 13900.
Greg, 868-4111 or 231-8630 MAZOA 323 1989-Excellent Call 850-9586. MAZDA 32 1991 toke over payments. BodNo credit ok. Coll oe-fore 9pm. $13,000.
320-4069 MAZDA 313 '90. A Great Grod Gift, MAZDA WORLD 498-3277 550ODO. 518-UV37; POger 26U-03Q. HONDA PRELUDE SI '88 Auto, 2SK ml, I owner, verv clean $8995 CHRIS BMW 292 1400 Condition, HONDA ACCORD EX 12-Must sen tor payoff. Ext.
warranty. All opts. 9K miles. 817,000. 739-7474.
HONOA ACCORD LXI Coupe 1999, white, outo Irons, ailov whis, rear wing, eooollier, console, 32K mi, foe wrnty. $10,500. 928-4785 HONDA ACCORD LXI 1988, 4 dqpr, burgbeige, loaded, showrm. cond. Babbled by I ovfer.
8780Q. 292-8301, 619-5507. All cors hove Mercedes Foctorv Warranty. RBM OF ATLANTA 390-0700 83VOP 752-4911. HONDA CIVIC 1979, 2 door.
JAGUAR. 1991, silver blue, excellent condition, CD plover ft alarm, coll 9am- speed, runs good. Must sell. $400 MERCEDES 164E 1987, gold, ext. wrnty, 59K sunroof, 1 owner.
$18,500 Coll 266-1029; 399-4483. MERCEDES 280GE 1985. 4x4, 1-Of-A-Kind! All extras. Must sell 824,900080. Coil (704)372-3455.
OBO. CPU 996-7630. 5pm, 904-877-5549, HONOA PRELUDE SI '89 Red, 58,000 1 own miles, ac, Sspd, pw, pb. This is 0 nice one for $11,100 Phn Eorlot261 18517Dlr. MERCEDES Sports Cars.
Selling Collection. '75 450SL, '76 450SLC, '69 260SL. Your choice, $14,500. 415-573-8365. HONDA CIVIC 1984.
new eno. new LINCOLN TOWNCAR Sig Series, '68, leather, 82 hwy excel-lent cond. clutch, new oir cond, new tires JAQUAR XJt 1988 V. bluegray, S4K, sunroof, loaded. $14,900 43M298, 394-4094.
must Sell $7995 978-9422 ONDA CIVIC 1984. 4 door. NDA ACCORO LXI 1988 hbk. Blueblue cloth, outo. an.
1 Owner, 50 miles. $5500. HONDA PRELUDE SI '89. I owner, all sve records. $10,500.
Coll ACURA CARLAND 423-9211 HONUA PRELUDE SI '89. 4 wheel steering, loaded! 1 owner! $6950 o-speea, new tires, new praxes, CREDIT PROBLEMS? JEEP CHEROKEE Laredo, 91, 4dr, red, auto, looded like new 2wd, 24K ml. Your wholesale bid of $15,950 con buy before auction. Con be seen at CARS AUCTION iignt oiue, gooa condition, $2550. 246-1 761 alter 6.
NDA ACCORD LXI 1987, Gray, 5V4-8496logl To purchase your new Audi, Saab, or Porsche come by First Motor Cars HONDA CIVIC 1985-Stolion owereauipmenl, loaded $7395 wagon, Ai, anvrm cossene, RICK CASE 474-2800 HONDA PRELUDE SI '90. Low ml, 1 owner, all reds. $12,200 Call ACURA CARLAND 623-9211 WD, SSPd, $3500, 594-7934. JEEP WRANGLER SAHARA 1989 Brand New Mercury Tracer REPOSSESSIONS BANKRUPTCY SLOW PAYS CHARGE-OFFS CREDIT PROBLEMS NDA ACCORD LXI 1987 ly loaded, 4 door, good cond. Excellent condition 89500.
928-3307 after 7 charcoalarov. Sspd. ale. AMFaA HONDA PRELUDE SI '92. Red, auto, sports package, like newl 'OOO.
4JJ-4UII cass. Exc cond, nice graduation tt 1 Z-4aHik LAMBORGHINI COUNTACH presem. syju. Y246i4, WE WILL NOT BE UNDERSOLD 0 Down lyrayi, mint condition, low miles, black wlon gold whls, Coll 448-7773 394-2123 HONDA CIVIC 1986, 4-dr, gold, MEDICAL COLLECTIONS be oe nter or, auto, al, P5. a mlnum wheels $3850.
Coll 993-9328 HONOA PRELUDE 1988, 5 speed, great cond. But 94k miles. HONDA PRELUDE 1980. Sunroof, AC, alloy whls, needs paint, great LAMBORGHINI JALPA 1985. $29,000.
H9NDA ACCORD LXI 1989 coupe, white, Ssp. loaded, 36K, 1 440-8588 HONDA ACCORD LXI 1988, black, loaned, sunroof, custom design, $SO0must sell! 294-2105. HONDA ACCORD LXI 1988, 4 dr, oulo, 101 miles, all options, $6TO0 768-3441, 252-5210. or Pager 902-4000. complete factory authorized parts and service available Call 448-777? or 396-Z1Z3.
244-1647. stonding vehicles Call Hennessy COSS. SJV50. 5V4-V34. HONDA PRELUDE 1985.
89K. Sale Price $9999 Price includes factory rebate with approved credit. Based on 60 mos financing. Add Ga. sales lax only.
APR 7.4 Total of payments $11,940. 199mo. Lexus 457-6800 HON DA CIVIC 1987 new tires, alloys, AMFM cass. AC, exc. cond.
$5300. 404-443 2429. 4DA ACCORD LX HNC 1989. 2dr, 4sp, rodiacoss; good tires, Cdupe. all oria LEXUS ES308 1992, 4Dr, Blk, wtoupe liner, all options, 5K miles.
will sell for excellent, $7oo. 351-7452 HONDA Prelude 1985 Sspd-AC-PB-PS-Sunroot-1 owner-excel cond. t9295obo. 934-1210. SPECIAL FINANCING DEPARTMENT ASK FOR JAY 659-3673 HONDA CIVIC 1988.
4 door. blue. $78,500. S-speed, air, cassette, like new, HONDA ACCORD LXI 1988. 36 rni exc.
outo. all opts4 new LEXUS ES3M '92 Fully loaded. $5750. 343-VBIB. Incl.
cd ft phone $28,900 457-6800 IllfS, 89,700. 241-1454. HONDA CIVIC 1989. 4dr. DX.
HONDA PRELUDE 1987 red, outo, 1 owner, low miles. $7900. 953-2375 spd, 1 owner, 45k, new tires, casst, HONDA ACCORD LXI 1918-Loaded, 4dr, auto, stereo, ac AL, exc. S6V00. 444-4631.
PIlPW, SO rt, 42K. $8400. 425-9646. Where Volume Sales HONDA CIVIC 19894 sp, oc, omfm stereo, sok mis, must sen. ui HONDA ACCORD LXI 1987, 4 door, tag, runs good, clean, Mean Volume Savings vorcea.
$4975. V57-1833 Mixe 86TUQ. rii-YilB. HONDA CIVIC 1990. hatchback 4spd, ac, stereo.
73K Ml, very HONDA PRELUDE 1987. Auto, pow sunrf, oc, 51k, garaged kept, non-smkr. $8500. 396-7062. HONDA PRELUDE 1989, outo, redblack, black BBS whls, 13k mi, HONDA PRELUDE 1989-4WS.
All ml. $11,500. 435-5329 otter 5pm HONDA PRELUDE 1992 5K ml, outo, mint, $16,900. 455-0139 aeon. P6-im.
HONDA ACCORD LXI 1987. HB, 13tk, 1 owner. Good cond. except trgns problem. $5000.
977-0971 HONDA Accord LXI 1986 excel card. Loaded. New clutch ft tim HONDA CIVIC 1990-4 door. Hennessy Lexus LEXUS LS4M 1990. Jode block.
Looded. Exc. COnd. 33K mi. 500.
739-0)61. LEXUS LS400 1990-Sllver with grey, track control heated seats, 19K, $28,900. 843-9575, 341-3261 LEXUS LS408 1992, 4K miles, pristine condition. $41,900 985-1444 osk for Tony M. LEXUS LS400 '90 Whiteton lea traction control, new tires $33,900 457-6600 Hennessy Lexus LEXUS LS 400 '91 BlockIvory CD Gold wheels UK miles $39,900 457-6800 Hennessy Lexus LEXUS LS 400 '91 Whiteton lea cd memory deots $37,900 457-6800 Hennessy Lexus credit check, takeover $307 pmts.
LQii4uy-iyii5. 1992 CHEVY CAVULIER 1 2 Door 5028 a ri i ii inn ei Oil Li SI ing pen. S6UUODO. 352-0150 HONDA CVIC '82 4dr. Auto, AC, ireat conait on yvs HONDA ACCORD LXI 1988.
2dr, oatiuo green wtan Int, Sspd, AC, 190020 logged, txc Long, swuu. 58-4747, HONDA PRELUDE 3.8 SI 1987-Block, moonroof, alloys, looded, clean I HONDA CIVIC '86 H'back, stk, ac. Stereo $3250. HONDA ACCORD LXI 1988 coupe, Wl LLETT TOYOTA 299-8858 tompogne, non-smoker, )i ml. $7450OBO.
564-2111 HONDA CIVIC 17. 3dr, 73k. Great HONDA PRELUDE It SI Auto, 24k, lowner. $11,900. 248-9211dlr.
COrl HONDA ACCORD LXI 17. 4dr, 010 sunroof, 1-owner trade-in, Ep VOYLES ACURA 457-8800 ii tnnH I I Ii Residual Value $2695. Total ot Payments S8100. I PACF I Georgia's First Honda Dealer! HCNDA ACCORD LXI '88 Black, otfto trans, power roof, all the but- S949S fvfvZDA WORLD 498-2277 HbNDA ACCORD LXI '88. AT, low mi, 1 owner, all reds.
$9200. yy 1992 MO PICKUP I V6 Tahoe Equipment Air Power Steering AMFM Cass I CPU AlUKAlAKLANU42J-y2ll r. wi ACT NOV! 110 PAYMENTS TIL JUNE oifio Burg Sedan. Won't lastl J99S0 dlRRY HONDA 451-2700. HONDA ACCORD LXI '88.
One WjaW 7 5MMI owner, roof, Super Deal, $7450. 1 WILlfcH Wtil Y47-4454 HONDA ACCORO LXI '81, 4 dr, aeto 8, sunrf, new tires, oil pwr, esc cond. burg. 119K 87450 279-1O99 1 mol I II Residual Value $3350. Total of Payments $8640.
LEASE HI I HONDA ACCORD LXI '88 Leaded. 4 door. speed. Maroon, qulppeJ with air condl. frlonlna.
air bog, JtMPM sst-ee-ro coiiotto Ik mucti moro. Mat this price). very clean. $7400. S24-I34.
he 1 1 a 1 1 HONDA ACCORD LXI '89 7Dr, block on ton, AT, oil power. $8995. UlLt sw I I III IUM4 bVIII.I. 7.K I I $580 Drive-Out Fee Down htonk JQCXSOn Lm 46g-y601 Honda accoro lxi '89. Block, twiy loooedi Mvel sevso 5TP 66VVOBT Vj14938J I II Air Cruise Power WindowsLocks AMFM Cass I I Zamsmimk I SteP Bumper vRaised Letter Tires 4026 A F1 fl I HONDA ACCORD LXI '89.
2dr, rauoe. outo. one owner. $11,500. EfiVOYLES ACURA 452-8800 1992 PROTEGE WAIR reanuol, v.
clean, gold, rvllres, all Pter, $6500. 425-3131 8-oacfeKl svlttl air eorellor-Irsa, pooei windows K)N DA ACCORD LX 1984- 4drs. i mm owooc-i Air Conditioning, Power Steenng, 16 valve EFI Engine, Power Front Disc Brakes, AM-FM Cassette. 5899 inded, oil power, well main ecus, jtMPM ereo cos- or 1 -etto A mucti moro. 19 aC 70" lined.
ImmOC. inn prtco. HONDA ACCORD LX 1985, 4 door, DX ccrrv, group 4 cylinder, gray, good condition, $620 Drive-Out Fee Down HONDA ACCORD LX 1985. Silver blueblue. Automatic.
Air. Coss. I ttVlf-'MiW'M: -J 5norp! $3900. 3I5-I65V. Residual Value $4995.
Toal ot Payments 12.840. LEASE sZZTT 1992 ASTRO VAM I Ww I Air 'Raised Letter Tires Tilt Cruise 8 Pass 1 6o)(o)Ill HONDA ACCORD LX 1987- Looded, new clutcn, gray, only 42 5SPQ. srw OOO. er4-5J0. HONDA ACCORD LX 1989, 4 29K miles, spd, 100K extended wrnty, excel, cond.
$8900. 442-1433, HONDA ACCORD LX 1987. Cham 1992 MAZDA 929 WLEATHEI pagne, 4 door, extra aeon, $5yw. Looetoel nwltti air eorMllHorv Ina, air baa. MfM ea-otto, oowor wlncJowss locks, much moro.
at ttilo prtco $676 Drive-Out Pee Down LOII 36 month closed end leaso, wist payment plus Jiooo cash or Irada equity due at delivery. Residual values $12,924, 45,000 miles wl 12c per mile penalty in excess 369 SGZm HONDA ACCORD LX 1983. 2 door hatch, new AC, spd, 1 owner, ps, i in I Total of payments 12,924. Plus tax wapproved credit thru pb. $7840 OOO.
242-yy. HONDA ACCORO LX 1987-Blu no security aeposn requtrea, oik. wdi 4ar, auto, oc, anvrm coss. III Hesirjuai value BibO. loraiotr'ayTnents siB.860.
LEASE I El innn ir in rrn in 11 I CELLENTI $5495. 339 HONDA ACCORO LX 1989, outl PW, 1 owner, very clean, 44.IX NJ 1 1 I33C iP-iU J-IU 1 I 1 blOOiU II V6 Auto AirjAMFM Cass Tilt Tint Glass 1803 I 1 minun Atvunu s.v itti, uii auto. 10K, Leaving U.S.A. $19,750 or assume sjuumo lease. yv-5044 nunux huvnv s-m itwjiiwi.
anvtm alarm, good Loodod with powor tiwn- otto, powor wlnaowo ocito, much mora. at this prlco $731 Drive-Out Fee Down COnd. $10, TOO. y6J-8584 0tl.6pm. I I II I IQ ri HONOA ACCORO LX 1990 spd, loaded, SSK, like new, 4dr.
110,400. 5J4 1374. Plus tax, tag title. All rebates assigned to dealer. Not appHcable to leasee.
Vz Mile inside 1-285 at P'tree Ind. Blvd. HONDA ACCORD LX 1990 All tros 4 dr. outo, celular phone, Ex- 454-8200 Ctllent $12,000 OOO. 971-5582.
I lyResidual Value $5455. Total ol Payttiena $14,820. LEASeJ HONDA ACCORD LX '84. 4dr, IWiurgi S-TIf V'ftl ew, Coll ACURA CARLAND473-92II flZXi 1991 HONDA CRX'S (1) AUTO, TRANS HONDA ACCORD LX '85, hotclv bock, 5-spa, new tires, kvkb, oc II I 60morikuiMliaai(i)l eiJraM Husl4i.Ug.lM (DiUcri)y I I I I "reieJeH BIV iryt V4r rrwiTy KltJ 1 I ffililijia HIW 1991 ACCCHO IX COUPE. AUTO.
TRANS exc. cona. S4uw yje jw HONDA ACCORD LX '84. Sspd, rnit. two to choose $4990.
NEW 1991 ACCORD DX SEDAN, AER COND. NEW 1991 ACCORD EXWCNS (2) SUN ROOP SANDY SPRGS TOYOTA 847-1480 92 MAZDA MPVS "lrcond SAVE THOUSANDS! HONDA ACCORD LX 17. white. 5 low ml exc. $7,000 I i .1 4t tl -I i 1 I ono.
tn vwi u. yy-i n. HONDA ACCORO LX '88, aula, '92 MAZDA 626's Karrcona From $9900 4 dr. wmie. loeK i $5700 843-3755 I l.
If. IJ IL-jC limT'Tvr(TTir'rTrTr rrntM W-vl HONDA ACCORD LX '89 4DR auto on 2K r-s must ooi 457 4800 HFNNESSf LEXUS Willi Y4- I 1 1 1 1 irs5t3rKcs3rlr3 '91 PROTEGE SAVE THOUSANDS! HONDA ACCORO LX 19. 4dr, Oil wr, nice. $11,950. pwr, nice.
$11 i48 921)dlr. ml 8 oi.