h. 3 rW S-S ff S. SS- I I 8 THE ALT LAKE TE TELEGRAM EGRA r. TUESDAY EVENING JULY 3 1928 I i Arm IN OMA A A- ii I SOlD TO OMAHA tAlIA Neb eb JUly 3 AP Sale the tt-the the Omaha News Bee e. ws to William I was announced to- by to- I to- to I by Nelson B.
Updike publisher i I the newspaper Mr tr Hearst wili take possession i an and begin operation of the Bee Bee- News August 1 1 Mr Updike saidsaldlie also announced formerformer- Go i J. Alien of Kansas publisher of the Deacon Beacon will come to Omaha as publisher of the paper 1 ConsIdConsideration Involved In the transaction was as not announced Mr r. Updike said hohe woulddevote devote- SS kU aU ot of his time to his extensive grain and land Interests With th the purchase of the tho nee flee the tho Hearst chain now now num- num Lr rM twenty four newspapers In In- eighteen cities stretching from constcoast Co Coast I The flee Bee a a. merger of the Omaha Bee Ilee and the Omaha DallyDaily Ne New was first published In Its form In February The Bee was founded In 18711311 by- by Rosewater while the DallyDaily I I News hailhad existed twenty eight It years before Its merger with the th- er te- te TheDall News was WIlS founded i as a. oneene of the ScrIpps chain of news news- I papers i I Be Be The Th Daily News ew vas as founded II by F.
W. Pasadena I Calif And L. V. Ashbough de- i tie tie- i eased Ceased Ii HEAVY FOG HALTS SEARCH FOR MEN MEN- II LOST IN ARCTIC 1 i page 1 i i Thoho rt walking from TheNo the No- I No- No I i bile crew toward safety Three dog dog- SS teams are searching for them There Js Is no word of the fate of nten nien who tooted floated away with the I ofthe polar rolar dirigible talia The envelope was last seen I a pillar of smoke moke floating from It It I heading Into the east I Wre re different nt opinions as i 3 to the fate of the lost men Peter arctic explorer who deplored do de- the trip ofthe said Bald he he- II Roald Amundsen's plane lan had overturned In choppy I waters and the men killed I tot of the Norwegian Nort air I routes doubted this saying the plane could ride out the the 1 difficulties I NEW EXPEDITIONS I Three new relief expeditions were promised today three nations Nor NoryNony asked Great Britain for two Planes that might be used In Ice I landings Britain greed Germany offered a two seater plane equipped I with which wilt be flown by by- the by- thethe prominent German aviator Ude The seventh se Swedish expedition ws was s- II I expected to start Into the north tin tin- mediately OSLO Nor Norway 3 The AP-The base ship DraganzaBraganza with the No Nor- Nor Nor- welan fliersfilers Captain len sen and Lieutenant ibm Holm II II arrived at Kings Ings Day from north north- I em ern today nd the airmen air- i air air- i men will immediately begin a search I for tor Roal A lund En and his five I 1 I ral Umberto Nobile Confined to Bed KIKINGSGS DAY Spitzbergen July Jul 3 AP Umberto Nobile was wa In a feverish feverish- condition today and wars confined to hisbed aboard aboud thebase ship Citta DI with with- aa physician In attendance 12 IN- IN FRONT OF OF- OFFICE OF J. P.
MORGAN Continued from page 1 him from the sedan and placed paced him und under arrest ne lie gave ga his name asaa Robert Miner lIner editor of The DallyDaily Worker Arrested with him 35 Harry Gann Gannes sec secretary of the Imperialist anti league A ter the crowd had been dis I pollpolice allowed no one to on the corner I FOLLOW TO STATION The rhe crowd and demonstrators demonstrator fOllowedMiner lIner and CannesGannes to the the- SS police station Speakers among the demonstrators mounted an Improvised Im- Im near the station and sought to gather an audience quickly broke up this meeting and arrested ten more per persons One of the patrolmen was bitten on the finger while making an an- arrest SeVeral Se women were among the who ho Included Max a. a editor of The lAbor Defender George one rowers Powers architectural archi archi- Iron Workers Union Philip Ph Frankfield Young Workers Leal League Ue Harriet Silverman SIl secretary secre- secre tary NewYork Imperialist League gue and Kate TO HIT FOUR STATES DO REA HEAVY VY DAMAGE Continued from page 1 when a barn collapsed at Lake Park ark A similar accident ne near Alice N. P. proved fatal to Jo JOe HeinzeHeinse a farmer Miss Iss Grace HaUlda Halliday of Aberdeen S. D.
died when her automobile overturned as sheahe raced a a. storm torm neat near N. D. In Minnesota the damage a ate ate- peered to be heaviest aroun around An- An aka olcaand Clear Lake Other points In this tate state which were hard hitbit included Sabin Moorhead Star Staples Mapleaple Lake and Winona were ere destroyed and livestock live livestock killed Osceola and Clear Lake both oth in Wisconsin reported damage IY by a tornado Sections In North Dakota Dakota Da- Da kota and South Dakota also auf auf- II NAMED TO COMMITTEES COMMITTEE SUP SUPERIOR RIOn Wis is July 3 AP- AP Charleot Charl G. Abbott secretary of the Smithsonian Institution wag appointed apeap- pointed today by President Coolidge to be a member of the national ad- ad viory committee for aeronautics 1 ii Gypsies Gypsi Assembling to Lay Roses On Bier er of Old 85 Chieftain Continued from page palte 1 Born In England King Naylor Caine amo to America where his Amazing strength and his fairness won him a gypsy throne In th th midst of luxury King Naylor Nay Naylor lh lit lit-ed simplylImply The Th onlytime his er dared violate an an- ee edict was when some ome of them bought a automobiles The king never owned ned on The SO queen Louise Laube receives re- re elves visitors with quiet cour ray court lIls funeral probablY wm will be beheld beheld held next Tuesday she saId saIde e- must e- must must give all members rs of the tribe time Ume to arrive King KIDS Naylor suffered a paralytic stroke tour four years ears ago and never took to the road again lIe Contented contented con contented himself with staying In Morristown settling minor disputes among amonS' his subjects Last week King Nayor Naylor sold a apiece apiece piece of St.
St Louis real estate for Hoover to Ignore Dry Issue at First Smith Has Days ys of Rest Ahead I De 1 Duties Dutie of Commerce Dc- Dc Hold Nomi flees nees Attention Continued fron 1 would carry his state In the Novem Novem- barber election Some uncertainty as to the time Mr r. Hoover will leave the capital to present his resignation to President Presi- dentdent Coolidge and receive formal notification of his nomination has arisen arben andth task of making arrangements or- or for fo the trip has bbeen en temporarily postponed SUPERIOR July 3 United Press President Coolidge will do everything he canS can toward making Herbert rt Hoover his successor Inthe In In- thetheWhite House The Republican party had that assurance today fromthe chief cx- cx 1 after his first major cal conference at Cedar Island lodge Mr II Coolidge Coolidge's willingness to participate te In the Hoover Curtis campaign 38 expressed to Dr Hubert ilu- ilu bert Work chairman of the lI lican an national committee who will direct the can campaign DR WORK RESIGNS Dr Work tork who submitted his resignation as secretary of the Interior In- In tenor yesterday said before leaving here last night that tilethe president would make his own choice as to the manner In which he will assist as- as aist the party The retiring cabinet member said he would confer with Republican leaders In Chicago today on onar arrangements ar arrangements for establishing the western campaign headquarters and then will leave for Washington Discussing the coming campaign the national committee chairman said the Republican procedure would be quiet dignified constructive Uve tive and educational Active cam cam- he asserted would get under way not later than September Septem Septem- herber I. I with Secretary Hoover the nominee confining his speeches to the radio 11 1 Lagoon Entries f- JJ GOO JOCKEY cum July 4 4 1928 1828 Weather clear track rut fast INDEPENDENCE DAY DAT First race pur HOO claiming 3 a- a and older five furlong rca lea Tater Tailor xii un CureCuco Kilt Kitty me 10 un sin Chevalier ii issi Fore Flyer 10 10 un ltd Ed 30 Johnnie 11 I 0 Second race purse pune HOO claiming a- a and five furlongs Roe no Deer a 99 DI BIgwig xIO 32 Flo Flo xiOl 2919 Id Mr Pat lilan fI 10 3 xIOEIO Jack LedlLedi It Dangerous Dan xIO 5 I Third race pure pune HOO claiming 3 a year year-elds and older and nd ng SIll sac Eunice lot Quintana Boo noo mid GirtGirl Sunnyland ii 2553 Dobby lIen Allen xiO 31 Operetta 1 10 Note ote Gallant 1111 10 dO I Fourth race purse pune HOO claiming 3 2 ur and nd older Futurity coursecoune SUO ii 34 Mahatma Tie Ti Grand poll Poil On Genee lIeU Delle Dlack 1111 lOT lOT- 1 FirthFifth race rc Hotel handicap purse pune 1500 1000 aU all age alU fire and nd one ball furlongs FlIcker io Ink Omar sin Conquistador 1114 SUT Jack ill 23 Pat Pat ill Doll Dunn bc Livestock and Show compan 83 Sixth race purse pun 1600 claiming 3 ur and older mile and Walter aUn Dant ill ISU lied nd Weed flo Do hughes Lihue Yellow Pine Irish Pat Ill 9 I claiming pu purSe independence I Day sod ci older lull and seventy yar yards Fore Gold Prince hermes Clrenna Ill Ferguson 33 im C. ci Old 01 Drada 11 Iii IUS Tone Toney Drown 11 7 Eighth race nc pursepune HOO claiming 3 1 year ole and olderelder one on mile Wolf olf Jr JUt Weary Dick I 1 Poodle 11 1 Sees Lura Lur ill Sam flamLorch nl 10 Ita 9 allowance claimed First pot poet time Jill July 4 2 I p. m.
ITS IT'S UNITED STATES SMITH WEEK Starts Today Capitol Theatre OF JULY EXCURSIONS Via Denver Rio Grande Western RR R.R. R. R. One and Third One Fare for Round Trip altall In Utah and New Mexico Tickets on sat ul Juno June to July return limit July trip Roundtrip tickets also on sale ul same um dates datil at One On and Three Three- fifths Fare with thirty day r. return re- re turn limit Ticket Offices 24 South Main 2338 2335 Rio Grand Depot 1 i it I JJJ SPECIALSFOR PLENTY OF CHOICE SPRING CHICKENS For Your Picnic Lunch CITY FISH MARKET 70 West Vest 1st South St.
St 1 WB GREENHAGEN'S CASH AND SAVE THE DIFFERENCE RASPBERRY CANNING TIME TODAY AND TOMORROW CASES OF REAL FANCY BERRiES Juu Each case at OPEN EVERY DAY IN THE YEAR UNTIL 11 P. M. SO STATE S. E. COR 2ND SO AND STATE We reserve rIght to limit quantities OPEN ALL DAY THE 1 WEEK VE iJ I More Than Fifteen Years of Experience has ta taught ugh lovers of tuna to prefer WHITE STAR TUNA I Tender fleshed firm delicious i the choicest of the catch I only goes into the convenient economical can all grocers sell Ask for WHITE STAR 1 bei TUNA when you buy Cream Tuna I Mix one large ta tablespoonful II of butter and one table table- CHICKEN of flour with one on op cup cp of milk When cooked SEA Ii add one small cat can of White Whit I Star Brand Tuna season to cc IL the taste tute and serve tin toast WH WHEEL lIE STAR TUNA noo Join the S'S Procession i I I- I of I Outdoor A America I The Telegram now offer for your convenience ce Resorts an anu two new Resorts Resort and Entertainment and VacatIon Vacation Suggestions EntertaInment Suggestions and Supplies Whether you have one day or two and SupplIes weeks for your vacation or outing you may find in these two columns complete details about where to go and what you wIll Inch I-Inch pies pie In fri 20 Swim In Spend penO the your crystal clear ur holidays dear tal-dear at water Lagoon takelake a f.
en youge th ere Al A I so ii tl IS a comp complete I eels 1 0 a esob In Snail Small fruit run aze and ze In cram- In cram fruits 9 10 10 zippy ride down the we wa- to 0 take a WI with th you P. Pies Jes po potato 1 t. 0 ChiPS I co cold Id drinks nn a each ch tr ter chutes and pIa play In theclean doughnuts etc white sand In the evening you ou can uc pr dondoz creamery strains dance free ree of of Oh the charge Lu Lucky to the tantalizing Or Or- I 0 comp I 1 enJoy your read the two new co cot cot- 1 Silver Nut Ian butter other 20 vacation tOe lOe brea bread 3 2 chestra There are alsoabo many in The Telegram unique concessions For a and new wonderful time come to Lagoon Lacoon Auto Gun ai raci Golf oit gate per car trip round fare fare Sc an er ta anc and shop hop Good In connection SOMETHING DIFFERENT and Bohemia Nit NUe Club In a FOI I the canyon breeze Music with grove de VacatIon SuggestIons and Supplies bUlla Tents Tenia now nov at special prk We sene Chicken our Incomparable Potto ChIp for Bohemian TELEGRAM WANT PAY Very In of hu and ADS Drink Car for spec a pa is I Call Doue 0 W. AS Chole Picnic out WASATCH ATCH Special Pork not b. i Al AI Turns Down Invitation tion to Address Klan Meeting Continued from pace 1 Long Island and It has been his custom custom cus- cus tom to spend weekends week here during the summer while President Cool- Idge Coolidge Cool Cool- Idge Is a way away from Washington MEETS LEADERS During the day Governor Smith saw several Democratic leaders but said visits Ire I re purely ocial laL laL- andand that politics was not dIscussed The governor Is avoiding political discussions pending the two highlights highlights high highlights of the Democratic period One of these will be be- the be- the the meeting of the national committee committee com com- here July 11 11 at which time time- aa new chairman and other officers arearo to be named and the other his formal speech of acceptance of the nomination at Albany late In Jul July or early In August The speech of acceptance Is likely likely like like- lyto bethe real keynote presentation presentation presen- presen tation of the Issues upon which he governor expects to make his fight Ife He has let It be known that he will elaborate his views on prohibition In his acceptance address A statement by Josephus Daniels secretary of the navy under President Presi- dentdentWilson urging southern Democrats Dem Dem- to vote for the party candidate candidate candi- candi dateand fIght In congressany attempt to modify time the prohibition laws was called to Governor Smiths Smith's attention TO MAKE STAND CLEAR I have already said commented the governor that t.
would make my position perfectly clear In mY acceptance address Telegrams and letters let let- et- ten ten of congratulation continue to pour In on the governor from all allover all- overover the world One of those received received re- re was from Trader horn Whose hose real name Is Alfred Aloysius Smith Heartiest convivial lal congratulations to Governor Smith as one Alfred Alfred Al- Al fred Smith to another the South African author wired from England DALLAS Tex July 3 Texas AP-Texas democracy today faced new threats of a a. split following announcements by two candidates for high state offices that they would not support Go Governor Alfred E. Smith for pres- pres Ident State Senator Thomas B. Love of Dallas former Democratic national committeeman and a a. candidate forlor lieutenant governor In announcing he would not support Smith said WONTWON'TVOTE FOR SMITH My ly conscience would not let me vote to put a sachemof Tammany Hall fall In the White House even If there was no liquor question Involved In- In In Smiths Smith's candidacy Whom I shall cast my vote for I have not decided as I expect some developments developments develop developments before the time I must makeup make make- upup my mind Mrs Edith Wilmans candidate for governor declared the national Democratic convention had given the Democrats of Texas a rotten deal and that she wouldnot support support sup support Governor Smith 1 feel that It would be better for for- the for- thethe Democratic party to tall fail she said than to succeed In forcing upon the good citizens of the United States a a.
man who by his acts as governor of New York has nullified died fied the prohibition amendment In Inthe in- thethe state of New York Al Expects Hard Fought Battle NEW EW YORK YORI JUly 3 AP aci today that he the race to- be to to- bebe a hud hald fight but he made mad It clear that this was not In tribute III 0 1 any strength of his 1 present reent po- po adversary Certainly lie he told a 3 porter r-porter who asked him if Jf heb the batlo would ud be be hard t. 1 nt knew of one WitS us easy Ar you Jou In good shape phyrl- phyrl cally for such a battle lie he ws asked asked- d. It if It was to start sUnt right now Im I'm aU all right he said laid But he Immediately made plain his hll realization that the battle must no no be begun prematurely A reporter reporter re- re porter asked It the governor had anything to say about his campaign plans Nothing at all he replied hats the use of trying to start the campaign on JUly 3 Nothing 11 bedecided until the meeting of the Democratic national committee commit committee tE on ththe It tad had not been determined yet he said whether his headquarters would be In New York or Albany during the campaign He decided today that he had so little Informa- tiontion to make public that be would vc only one press interview dallydaily hereafter insteadof two I Utah and Idaho News I I Ib Brigham City to Hold Pl Fo Fourth rth of July CITY July July 2 Fourth be observed In BrighamCity the program for for- the for- thethe day being In the hands ofthe the- mm merchantscommittee of the local ocal hamb of COmmerce Hervin Bunderson Is general chairman The program will include tho tiring firing of of- A of- a A salute by battery it A. twenty sec venty sm andond field artillery under the of Captain Ernest Freeman The Brigham concert band directed directed di- di by C. C.
Watkins furnish fur fur- nishniah music for thecelebration and wilt give an open air concert at 10 o'clock In the morning A patriotic parade In which more than a a. thousand children will vili march will go go forward In the business business busi- busi ness section at 11 Primary children of the wards of the stake are cooperating In this feature There will be races and contests for everybody at the tabernacle grounds at 3 2 o'clock A feature of the celebration Is a grand pageant to be given at the high school campcampus at 6 o'clock under the direction of the stake primary board The pageant will depict the activities of this organ- Ization organization organ organ- from Its beginningfifty years ears ago up tip to the to-the the present time Marie C. Lindskog Buried at Corinne I BRIGHAMCITY July 3 Funer at al services for Marie Charlotte Lindskog 85 who died Sunday were held Tuesday afternoon at 2 o'clock at the Corinne ward chapel under thedirection of Bishop Abraham Abra Abraham Evans Interment was In the Bear river city cemetery Surviv- inging arc aro two sons andthree daugh- daugh Youth Hits Wall in Dodging Automobile OGDEN July 3 Sterling Thorn Thorn- Icy ley 18 con of Mr and Mrs Maryin Marvin Mar Maryin vin Thornley Thorney of Layton suffered lacerations Monday night when he shed crashed Into a wall on his bicycle while attempting to avoid colliding with an automobile lIe Is at the Dee hospital Mrs E. H. Francom Dies Near Payson PA PAYSON YSO July 3 3 rs Prudence Hudson wife of Ernest rnest 11 Francom and mother of six young children died yesterday esterday at the tam fain ily Hy home threemiles west vest of Pay Payson Mrs Irs Francom was the daughter daugh- daugh ter ot of Mr and 1 Mrs WilliamWiiliam A A.
Hudsonof where sheahe was born thirty six years ago ao She was married eighteen years ears ago and has since resided In Payson Pay Payson Her husband and the following follow- Ing follow follow- Ing children survive Ernest Hudson Ferrill Mildred Winona Inona Prudence Donna Orpha and Jessie Her parents and the following brothers andsisters alsoaillo survive George n. Hudson William Wil- Wil liam Hudson and Mrs Ella E. Larsen Larsen Lar- Lar sen of Santaquin Albert Ray Hudson Hudson Hud Hudson of Salt Lake Mrs Libbie Wadsworth of Ohio and Mrs Gloria Clason of Payson Funeral services will be conducted conducted con conducted In the Second ward chapel by Bishop Jasper Hill The Claudin Claudin Clau- Clau din fun era directors arearc In charge Continuance Ordered in Price Murder Trial PRICE July A 3 continuance In Inthe Inthe the case ot of John GIb- son GIb- GIb son 38 arraigned Monday on a charge of first degree murder growing out of the shooting to death of James of Helper Helper- InIn 1922 was ordered until July 9 The prisoner entered a a. plea of not guilty but offered no testimony in defense Attorney Herbert A. A Schiller Of Salt Lake askedthe continuance continuance con con- In order to secure Affidavits Affi- Affi davits which he said would prove an alibi Aged O.
05 S. L. Dies at Ogden Home OGDEN July Peter 3 Adam Herdti 70 70 for many years an employee employee em- em ot of the Oregon Short Line railroad died Monday night at his home In the Avon apartments He He was born July 28 25 1857 In Ohio and had been a resident of Ogden for seven forty years Surviving are hit hij wife three sons sons Lawr Lawrence nce Allen of Ogden Russell Glen ot of Rexburg Ida and Eugene D. of Philadelphia Penn one daughter Ruby Herdti of Stewart Stewart Stew Stewart Fla one brother one sister and five grandchildren Girl Hurt in Auto Crash Dies at Provo PROVO July 3 Miss 3 Silvia Johnson John Johnson son 15 15 daughter of Mrs Anna Anna- MM Mahon ot of Lynndyl died In the Aird hospital here last night as the result of Injuries suffered Sunday evening when the automobile in which she was a passenger collided with another machine drIven by JW J. W.
Russell of Ogden Several Severa others others oth- oth ers who were Injured are recovering Physical Psychological Mental Tests to Be Given Utah Teachers Scholarship and mental ability ability will no longer open thetho doors of I Utah's teacher training to student teacher In the future successful applicants must not only present a record cord In their studies but they must pass a physical examination and a a. testteat to show proper character and emotional emo- emo tlona fitness as well vell Decision to re the three tots ic-tots for admittance was reached held of educators at a conference Monday Physical fitness will be determined by the tho schoOl physician emotional fitness will be determined by tests administered by a a. special bureau and Intellectual the scholarship scholarscholar- tests will be based on ship record of the applicant As an Initial step the difficult tiltdif task of determining whether the tho student has the proper character charac- charac emotionallY fitted to ter antiand is hI teach candidates candidate will be required from to present character cards their high schools Dean L. John Nuttall Jr of ham Brigham Young nfl nfl- was appointed to on the character cards now being pro pre pared by the American council on and make as to Its adoption The conference also decided to recommend that teachers be rated on a standardized card their tint first year ear and Dean Milton Bennion Den Ben nion of the University of Utah was vas selected to draw Up rating card which will be presented pre at the next meeting TieTle conference was as attended by by- II from the sit of If Utah the Utah Agricultural Brigham Young university Weber liege Dixie college and mem ers of the state board of education edu- edu cation Boy Injured When Loa Load of Hay Tips Over MT PLEASANT July David li-David year old son of Mr and Mrs W. G.
Wagstaff Is In A critical condition con con- as A result of Injuries suffered suffered suf- suf Monday morning when a a. load of hay on which he was riding tipped over He wasrendered unconscious and and- Is and- Is Is still In that condition MARRIAGE ANNOUNCED MT PLEASANT July 3 1 L. O. Larsen of Spring CIt City announces the marriage of her daughter Dora to lr ln 1 Morley of Moroni George Hibbard Authol and Artist N. July 3 A AP George Geor Hibbard 70 70 author art art- andand lawyer died here today A frequent contributor contributor- to ma mag hohe also published sevc books of short stories One ot of I The paintings lope Hope Clouds was exhibited at the Academy of Design In Nf York He was WIlS a member of New York barhar.