Mahoutsukai Reimeiki (2025)

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Alternative Titles

Synonyms: Mahou Tsukai Reimeiki

Japanese: 魔法使い黎明期

English: The Dawn of the Witch

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Type: TV

Episodes: 12

Status: Finished Airing

Aired: Apr 8, 2022 to Jul 1, 2022

Premiered: Spring 2022

Broadcast: Fridays at 01:58 (JST)

Producers: TBS, Kodansha, NBCUniversal Entertainment Japan, BS11, Nichion, NichiNare, DMM pictures, Bit grooove promotion

Licensors: Crunchyroll

Studios: Tezuka Productions

Source: Light novel

Genres: Action, Adventure, Comedy, Fantasy

Theme: Anthropomorphic

Duration: 24 min. per ep.

Rating: PG-13 - Teens 13 or older


Score: 6.391 (scored by 57,625 users)

1 indicates a weighted score.

Ranked: #77342

2 based on the top anime page. Please note that 'Not yet aired' and 'R18+' titles are excluded.

Popularity: #1467

Members: 170,651

Favorites: 755

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Preliminary Spoiler

Apr 25, 2022


Not Recommended

Preliminary (3/12 eps)

Quite frankly one of the worst shows I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. It's so terrible in fact that I believe it could be used as an educational resource in creative writing classes for how not to write a story; or characters for that matter.

The events of the show are offensively and oppresively rushed, with exposition every five seconds and an absolute deluge of attempted tragic backstories that have no impact either because the characters themselves are uninteresting or have only been on screen for about two minutes. We also have what are supposed to be pivotal character moments happening for no reason ...

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Jul 1, 2022



Even though this anime is actually a spin-off of "Grimoire of Zero" which I haven't seen yet, I thoroughly enjoyed it.

Story was quite interesting, but a bit confusing at times as well. Sometimes the plot moved slowly and then picked up the pace signficantly so I lost track of what was going on. Well to tell you the truth, the plot was mostly driven by characters involved in it, in my opinion.

The three main characters Sayb, Hort and Kuddo are all very likeable. Of the three I liked Kuddo the most. He was very level-headed and had such humourous reactions to different situations they ...

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Jul 2, 2022


Not Recommended

I saw a lot of people complaining about the wrong reasons on this anime, mainly because the story being "way to fast not explaining anything" wich I honestly appreciated, since you know, this isn't the first show in this universe, there's no need to explain everything again, if you want to understand go watch Zero Kara... Also I saw a lot of people complaining about the amount of scenes with exposures, wich honestly what did you guys expected? Didn't you look at the cover? This is Japan, you should've learned by now...

Despite all this is this anime good? Hell no, this anime is awful, the ...

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Apr 22, 2022


Not Recommended

Preliminary (3/12 eps)

I haver been unplesantly suprised by Mahoutsukai Reimeiki this season. So far after the first three episodes I can only said that it lost all benefit of the doubt I had for it. Expected another run of the mill isekai anime but got hit with unispired, poorly made visual novel wannabe with a lot of information just simply cut out and tons of exposition without sense. But lets get to it.
Story of Sable startes with scene of something that looks like another world and someone helping person similar to Sable get to another world... and thats main mystery of this anime as to who was ...

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Apr 28, 2022


Not Recommended

Preliminary (4/12 eps)

This anime had a great build up, by being a follow up on what happened after "The Grimoir of Zero".
The story seems good enough for a binge watch, it's your typical isekai/fantasy stuff, and it being in an already established world made it so that a lot of things didn't need to be explained (if you have watched "Grimoir of Zero" that is).

Art design is again your typical anime art, big boobs, flashy spells and decent background that we quickly zoom past, seen better, seen worse.

Where this anime fails however, is that first of all the characters and interactions between them are quite basic and ...

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May 13, 2022


Not Recommended

Preliminary (6/12 eps)

For the first half of the season, there is no story, the universe is presented lamely, and the people are either stereotypical or irritating.

Let's start with the characters:
- Bossy loli, the only thing that comes to mind is, "Please, just stop overreacting.". She is around 300 years old and acts like a six-year-old.
- Redhead girl dealing with existential problems
- Lizardman, perhaps the only character for whom a character was created
- Our main character is as transparent as glass.

Creation of the world? An insert from some legend and information that it happens some time after the previous anime in this world ...
Story ? The prosecution is ...

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May 6, 2022


Not Recommended

Preliminary (5/12 eps)

I was going to continue watching this after the last episode, just dropped it.

The voice acting and animation are passable for an enjoyable anime but the story just isn't coherent at all. The story was trying to be better in the third episode but each new episode is just a letdown. The story actually started off kinda interesting but gradually lost me. Every new episode tries to touch a new subject but loses it mid-episode and ends on something else completely. The premise did have a good possibility of an interesting anime but this is just a washed up harem at this point.

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Aug 16, 2023


Not Recommended

--- original lenguage: Portuguese --- --- additional lenguage: English ---

English: I watched this anime with very low expectations, and it was for this very reason, it had: nothing innovative, generic story, protagonist who even had a lot of potential for this side "forgotten past" but became just an empty shell, secondary characters without personality and with the past very poorly explained
Unfortunately I have nothing good to comment on this anime but I will not be hypocritical to the point of saying that it was not good to the point of getting a few laughs rarely
anyway, anime 5/10 and honestly deserved at most a 4.

PT-BR: ...

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Jun 4, 2022


Mixed Feelings

Preliminary (7/12 eps)

In the beginning of the season, i see the characters is very annoying. It combined several annoying character, such as "naive protagonist", in the story. The story is also unclear. Until the 5th episode, I still din't know what was the story about. But, since episode 4 the character has been developed. The story pace is very slow. However, this anime has good opening and ending. The opening song was sang by Fripside. The opening animation matched the song very well. Now I think its good for the anime to make the story remain unclear, that make me curious with the remain story

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Jan 12, 2023


Mixed Feelings

I won't lie, I mainly stuck around because of the characters I'm already familiar with and like. This arcs story isn't that bad nor is it anything special, but it's at least something that was consistent and seemed thought out. I would probably say where it shined most was the character progression of the Tyrant. The big thing I didn't like about this arc is the excessive amount of fan service. Like, can you not with the lolis? Don't get me wrong, they did it with Zero in the first arc too, but it was more...palatable? It served more as a tool for comedy, where ...

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Jul 1, 2022



So this a spin off of another series but i am gonna be judiging it on its own.

The story is very simple in both its content and overaching plot, it has more SOL than you would expect and not much adventuring, still those cases do not slow it down as it has a nice pacing and some nice mix of action and downtime, with some nice art, decent animation and pretty good music.

The characters are certainly the better part as it has good enough characterization along with the nice pacing i mentioned, at the least as much as you can expect from a low stakes ...

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Jul 21, 2022


Not Recommended

This is a spin-off of Grimoire of Zero and written by the same writer. I only watched for the cameo of everyone's favorite white tiger bodyguard, and sadly they changed his voice. Spin-off anime are usually bad in general and this one is no exception. If I had not seen the previous series, I would have jumped shipped after the first two episodes. It's frivolous, unoriginal, and aggravating all at the same time. If the generic girl band jpop music in the opening didn't clue you in, you are supposed to turn your brain off.

The three main characters are ripped straight out of other anime. ...

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Jul 22, 2022


Not Recommended

I watched the "Grimoire of Zero" Again Just to freshen up on the story knowing its a Sequel-Spin off, But the story just felt out of place and In all honesty Skipped through about 70% Due to me not having a focus for the main 3 Casting characters and rather skipped to the Parts with "Zero" and "Mercenary" as that i hope this story would involve them more. This is just and overall Rant about how i didnt care much for the Story. They just needed to Do a Grimoire of Zero S2 and things would have done Much Better in My humble Opinion.

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Jun 10, 2022



Preliminary (9/12 eps)

First time writing a review only because I find other reviews too biased. Some are comparing it to isekai shows which this is not. This is a fantasy anime which is a continuation to Grimoire of Zero. And some are complaining they did characters from prequel dirty by turning them into a villians. They're not BTW just a ruse anyone could have guessed by the behaviour of characters from the prequel anime. Sure this anime has some cheesy and idealistic characters but that's what I honestly found refreshing/nostalgic TBH. Animation is okay. I rarely care about anime music so can't comment on that.

If you ...

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Jun 3, 2022


Not Recommended

Preliminary (4/12 eps)

I don't think I have ever seen something as bad as this. No comedy effect. Poor story. Art is mediocre. The excessive 12 yr old lookalike fan service. The bland and annoying main character.

How is there some people that enjoy this anime. We even made a challenge where we woud drink a shot everytime we saw underage (even the ''300yr old'' witch) but we would be in a coma 5 minutes into the episode.

I do not understand why people insist on making anime like these instead of creating something with plot, interest, good characters with personalities? I donn't know.

Even the opening and ending ...

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Aug 7, 2022


Mixed Feelings

Dawn of the Witch could have become a great follow-up to Grimoire of Zero if only its pacing was better.

After hearing the show's announcement, I decided to watch its predecessor Grimoire of Zero to refresh on the story and its lore. I loved its story, characters, and world building with each episode paced and ended brilliantly--making me eager for more. The reason why I brought this up is because Dawn of the Witch failed to do just that. Despite its premise and the mystery aspect of it, the show's intrigue wore down because of its lack luster pacing. It seemed to randomly end each of ...

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Jul 12, 2022


Mixed Feelings

Story: 7/10
Characters: 7/10
Animation: 6/10
Music: 6/10
Enjoyment: 6/10
Overall: 6/10

At first I felt like this was a heap of hot fantasy garbage we get every god damn season but turned out pretty decent in the end with surprising lore and somewhat great story telling through the middle and end of the series. Animation was decent but nothing appalling. Just enough tp not hinder the show. The characters were enjoyable, and made me invest in the anime. Overall I did enjoy this anime but it took 4 episodes for me to really get into it. It isn't great but it is good enough to watch if your bored and ...

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Jul 7, 2022


Not Recommended

Actually a pretty bad anime, it was so hard to watch until the end, but I finally managed to finish it, thank god!

I will just tell what I liked and disliked about the anime overall

I liked Roux, she's so cute and her design so well made, sometimes she acted a bit weird like a baby crying in the floor (I see that this was a act somehow to look funny or something), but despiste that, I liked her the most overall as a character there, pretty much due to her design and after a few episodes she started acting mostly mature.

I also of course ...

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Mahoutsukai Reimeiki (2025)
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Author: Dr. Pierre Goyette

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Rating: 5 / 5 (70 voted)

Reviews: 85% of readers found this page helpful

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Name: Dr. Pierre Goyette

Birthday: 1998-01-29

Address: Apt. 611 3357 Yong Plain, West Audra, IL 70053

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Job: Construction Director

Hobby: Embroidery, Creative writing, Shopping, Driving, Stand-up comedy, Coffee roasting, Scrapbooking

Introduction: My name is Dr. Pierre Goyette, I am a enchanting, powerful, jolly, rich, graceful, colorful, zany person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.