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Call reader's digest's customer service at (800) 304-2807 tocancel the select editions. I just did it, it was smooth andeasy.
Thanks to this website,http://www.consumeraffairs.com/misc/readers_dig.html, where I foundit.
The phone number for the book department is (800) 463-8820.There was no problem canceling future mailings. When I asked whereto send the unwanted book back, they said it could only be returnedif it was unopened. I told him I had to open the box to find outwhere how to cancel and where to send the book back. He tried totell me if I opened the package I had to pay the $31. Then I gotangry. I demanded an address to send them their book back. Finallythe man said he was canceling the bill and I didn't have to returnthe book. It was clear that the man on the phone had a script thathe was required to go through to try to get me to accept the bookand pay the $31.
This answer is:
I want to cancel receiving any more book automatically in the mail. I have a paid subscription to the magazine and want to keep that. act # 00260002886 Margie Colbeck 39400 e 160th ave Keenesburg Co 80643
This answer is:
Well, darling, to cancel your Reader's Digest book subscription, you should contact their customer service and tell them you're done with their literature. Be prepared for them to try and win you back with sweet talk and deals, but stand your ground and make sure they stop sending those books. And remember, there's a whole world of reading out there beyond Reader's Digest - explore and find something that tickles your fancy!
This answer is:
Oh, dude, cancelling a Reader's Digest book subscription is like breaking up with a clingy ex. You gotta call their customer service number, which is probably buried in some tiny print on their website, and tell them you're just not that into them anymore. They'll try to win you back with deals and offers, but stay strong and tell them it's not them, it's you. Good luck, my friend!
This answer is:
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