Fort Worth Star-Telegram from Fort Worth, Texas (2024)

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11 sk 4 4 4 1' lok -I vat I '414 44 1 44 0 1982 FORT WORTH STAR-TELEGRAM FRIDAY EVENING NOVEMBER 19 1982 I PURCHASE 1st and 2nd c-cD) Ar Wil WI es Arc 4 0 1 9 8 2 FORT WORTH STAR TELEGRAM FRIDAY A sk 14 EVENING NOVEMBER 19 Alk 1 Pi 4 1982 PURCHASE lst and 2nd lien notes Call Andy Anselmo (214)349-3564 Lititll 1N Li LI L1(J LJ11 LI uture is looking good CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING or money market funds I BUSINESS i a I 04 BUS! QUESTION It pains the broker through EDITION DEADLINE EDITION we opened our money market mutual all that money staying in the 1 Mon 5 pm Fri TO PLACE ADS Thur fund account to see I I am Sat account multiplying itself He keeps calling i A Tue 335-6850 Fri with all kinds of ideas about investing it else-' Bill (-eok '0 Wed' 5 pm Mon Ask for Ms Black Sat Sun where So far I've been able to fend him off 1 1 5 40 ve) My wife and I have no intention of buying -6-- mEmimmmoommoommonommonond000 PP kt stocks and bonds We are retired and live corn- Doy (Rent-Loose) le 055 Business Property 057 Business Property 059 Office Equipment 072 BusinesS For Salo fortably I suppose we have been spoiled by the allia Opportunities For sale 10 000 ft high income our money market fund has provid- ARLINGTON TEXA NAS LoctioanLocationLocation ego I so class ow Least 'ed However interest rates and the yields on officebuliditng excellent location RETAIL OR SHOF NG OF IC1SPACITi '111i and tenant lis Lease roll IMWESTPPI ENTE 051 0 les 1 I 5 money funds have come down and probably will 1 within 12 mos Price S600cleill I io ll nformatn ca LA Jacobin tik a 8t CO 4 CI 't CeSelq1DaE leJ'Cr t1 Loan $14401:0 equity S456000 457-2797 or 737-2046 Better-tpe crowd patronizes go even lower Given these circ*mstances what small it's virtually nonexistent I didn't read the I Call 9400 SOFT office warehouse 011 40119 thlkqualiytyclubAsking1111000 on SAVINGS storefrt parking new reno- FENCE COMPANY Be your are your views on the future of money funds? article you mention but the words "out to Several new industrial ware- voted 7 blks from Water Gar- 0 own boss Money-making tattoo house shoo bids's In Everman dens sell or leaX en or sales and installation stablish- ANSWER I have to view that future as good must have been used to describe a new type of area Some are leased Also days 334-0615 or se SandY 509-1600 hurt the money funds Investors will most likely offering ed record customers beautiful 10000 sqN executive MARINE INTERIORS There's nothing on the horizon that will seriously account virtually all banks and will soon be off Ice bidg under S75ft Cal I Dog WAREHOUSErtOFFICE I Outbord inboard seating trim Harvey 793-0699 after 6pm frar WM ilimitio mt cgm etc refurbishing busiess reat opportunity for small busi- venient location0 I an st oft Riverside 7 RECREATIONAL Giant water slide at half price have to settle for lower yields from their money Under a new federal law banks and will ness 5 small towns 9 resort or 3363441 US30 263430 RENT a reas wi thin 15 mi radius Due to LEASE Ideal for smaller rural town fundsHoweverthose yields should remain corn- be able to set up "money deposit accounts" bad health Juestirtrete liurgnt sol IcaglpfWrclgoir2VARDI3EsHaltUt5E PURCHASE MARINE INTERIORS Outboard inboard seating trim ''petitive with often better than other "liq- which Congress states "shall Ile directly equiva- 1 fitc1 artit*kz algiessad Is I phop so matt tin tea IV business 33S-3414 uid" investments from which you can withdraw lent to and competitive with money market mu- I LOCATION FINANCING GOLDENWBUSINESSPARK too Weeth money in a hurry tual Owner sold business -need to sell 10000 SQ FT office zoned retail Corner with Warehouse with officesfor rent 244633 0 IMPOSSIBLE Money market mutual funds invest in short- Because those new accounts will be covered by incrasing traffic flow Building Januaroi 1913- June 19153 61000 land 5130000 mot Wilt ve 6 mo lease it need- Is probably what you term interest-paying securities After deducting federal agency insurance some people feel THE JETT CO 731-210 eol 921-4146 ALSO would say that you cou id make t50000prof- operating expenses a money fund passes that banks and will get back much of the money US Post Office NEW WAREHOUSE Arlington Hurst it first year business Conta ct us and let us money along to its shareholders as dividends including your $10000 that has gone into D00 SO ft Odessa Texas CR downtown Ft Worts i72400 annu'al 7 yrs left on LV70 ft Caltmint Business dc'nevshc: tEnhtlonwfinitsf in elbeon When interest rates fall so do the dividend yields money market funds Other people disagree Iceraesaes'evs1113481117-h nil IP Foritubea moo We West Berry 040 Training school will be on money funds We'll have to wait and see what happens The irreplaceable Stevens Man- tor Office sows or light commer investments in mom Nov lit 19 SIMI 2 structures located on 2 clot use Frontdoorparking2100 Energy Consumer Con- The assets of the money fund industry now If your local bank or tailors its money acres Formerly The Texas Con- Soft floor spoolJ50 mo 58 Y26-1160 Now INVESTORS suite 18601 40 Mesoulte LBJ Tx nection Restaurant 90 owner pit 5 exceed $230 billion Some investors may take market deposit account so that it provides a bet- financing available 924-1131 Available 923-47 14-681-0461 their cash out of money funds as yields decline ter deal than your money market fund switch itif Large warehourtse in downtown Ft Woh for But money funds are here to stay your $10000 back to the local institution Other- 3414NMain senor lease40x100 Wireo1 area Investors Minimum metal bide with 7 lots 624-3794 All loyd 21l2-6221 000 Excellent cash where it is 451-0955 AIRPORT FREEWAY Pow shelter A long ATTENTION! i 8800 so ft office building out of 26000 soft dock-high rail will Tea rorniZrgi Pti 1 rigterba nedelrg Pew I el who your nvestment strategy If that broker keeps state owner must sell incredible 511y1d0Don4uSzs owner 293- 2146369540 growing 6 1151par-sged comDa bugging you shift your cash into one of the more QUESTION A big life insurance company ft Igrigasir: good credit LOT 60I night riles A position that is recession than 150 "general purpose" money funds It's recently acquired majority control of the compa- Gerre4te-o- 3314S1S 8000r ft Warpouse VintftsA'yxcY ii 'gold 'canted Proof with a future finances a flexibility friends Excellent Very aftracil ve office residence Dock meow big inyr Id harsmP training! And you can start part- only when you have a "brokerage-affiliated" ny that is investment adviser to the money mar- or retail blds to be moved 2 sto JOHN MEAirport profit a LCHER 731-4181 2 bath kitchen skyligs 2 warehouses for le ase 1st blcis rg7nagel mentPr ics toner caarli time! send letter of Interest money fund that a broker knows about it ket mutual fund in which I have invested What tIr 0 c11A j7ht 7031911ei 6017 2nd bldg 60xv0 Wired 817-261-7605 atter 6 pm rcruistr Ix Maim effect will this have on my investment? 460V 1 phase I Burleson area V06 Arlinoton74: 760131 I DGLEA Corner free standing Mel 795-7166 QUESTION An article I read states that banks ANSWER It should have none Every mutual 1 ittA ft itwgts a tge a teairetinstcleowroom seam avtil- and savings and loan associations are "out to get'' fund has an investment adviser who collects a awntown build 9 a 5030 ft sgft all S2Painiii25 erarr115- itrIlvest Matt! the money market mutual funds hoping to re- fee as part of the fund's operating expenses Aoo to serttoxle eisatcarteein498n -7323 nary' Y214 IS' competitive return 244-8084 39 new I YI ear lost accounts I had $10000 in a savings Typically that fee amounts to one half of 1 per- a la3 $80K 58mtgza Hwy 26 SW Arlington Hony gross sales bath cadrupPet fenctiorad pgrann'oes WO wit dodt-higil offices drapes 2-story more Lida certificate at an and put the $10000 into a cent of the fund's assets on an annual basis wan per fro 429-1832 Total will Cali nThomas 817-261-1951 Bu MEDICALDENTAL OFFICE carry S00001 mortgage at money market fund When the certificate ma- So on a $1 billion mutual fund the investment 057 siness Fropern (Bent-Lem) 10 1130601enedttAvailable lArDPE1 Crw498-M5 Priced tured advisory fee comes to $5 million a year That DOWNTOWN 7t Jan I 1913: rter ftnanced to sell Division Cooper PolY' I cannot afford to lose that $10000 if the banks makes running a big mutual fund a profitable OFFICE BLDG STOCKYARD Webb Rd Arlington Garland Convenience stores with self sir- FOR LEASESA atexee bids overhe EVickery Ft Worth Jim Gar- and "get" the money market funds May I business which more and more insurance corn a ad alifc4 loading dedt 3-chese gdoors vicegasolineforsale This isyour oad r11801r1025111-0761 atter 6 PM occortunity to go into business have your comments and advice? panies are getting into Rather than start from Interior finish plush Comes Iraffic 75 with built-in desks credenzas New St tvw1--ingCenter ARLINGTON TEXAS 4-Plx for yourself or expand I estab- lished location In Ft Worth Will Will i bee and wine Also well estab- company bought out ANSWER My advice is to relax The risk a scratch an insurance che wet bar kitchen drapes track lighting Oren scope moveable New leelint In HwY- 327- Call 22eFor sale- 23bedroomuni- money market mutual fund investment is so investment adviser to your fund partitions also provided Con- agent Bob Sued" 334443- tact: GaryCK Assoc Inc MID-CITIES WAREHOUSE -84 penertranceiage: conPrircedect Bt000 se81171 Rare vacancy In Bell industrial 2184 investnentTax Credit lim- -0761 ext 244 After 6817-284- 817-73153 District 4000 scoff with offices ited partners maul red for histor- 8865 NEw 1800 mot 732-2222 lc restoration prolects George MONEY-MAKER! Penn Square funds tracked RETAIL or OFFICE SPACE 42009 atatmiral is West Shot Excellent 1r lease Blackburn AAA 332-1910 Own a SpeedQueen Coin-Ost Laundry Frandlise-tyae OPere Mr Solberg 7384233 0811 COMIller thatlanbas 11 buisssirassi Pnenvescr Benbrook Location AZLE commercial or Industrial FrOporty mints available Excellent laceNOY LEASING revealed 2900 snit shoo plus living ouar thins In this area For details BENBROOK SHOPPING contact: tetro 6rgeair and heatHwy SOMEDAY YOULL wish vou Cliff Matters 33S- or 'Extraordinary' level of brokered money red FoInformation rs LA Jacobini CTR had Invested in this large 2 bed- 322 room duclex with assumable Ford Cernmercial Sale 457-2797 or 737-2066 PIPILINE RD HURST loan Good renters on both sides Factory Distributors 1300 to 10010 ft Prirne retail sasa00 Office-Warehouse space 2-202ot 282-2105 aftere lerigtorrman Studio In ofulnivreltor DIOS b5er rap Or yam rotrh WASHINGTON (AP) In its dying days the bidding above market rates for certificates of S198-1210 salt 4720 CHOICE RETAIsterL LOCATION INVEST P4OVI WHILE RATES SE Loop 820 10 air 3603 to anca LSW oLft ARE DOWN Fully leased 4 year centrally lorAted betuween rSte- Penn Square Bank in Oklahoma City had more deposits provided through money brokers" the 14200 so ft dock high front 744-4133 2445763 old duplex Is wag kr youCall phenville COrrIlle than $282 million "an extraordinary high insurance agency said rear loading HALTOM city itoolnenc-Int tetellS TIM' Price Dublin Realty In Patrick Cali Bob Osliton son telt with wetting dodt lf Dublint 121 76446 level" of money directed to it by money bro The amount of the bank's brokered money 496-6778 429-7393 S630 Ezell 509-1362 FR I a TAY IP ONTAGE A Wilet4t45 7115' I HALEALTH CANTER south of urleson on 1-35 744 ft kers looking for high interest rates federal regu- climbed rapidly growing from a "moderate TENER IS INC Also 1-445-3513 so tow- lwr NIA road Midi VIDEO GAMES 138 ft deep available sae-1362 lators say level" of less than $20 million last January to $150 tmotsfigeg ewnerPaing 10000 so ts warehouse Price The amount of brokered money doubled in the million by early May and $282 million by the start NOW leasing beautiful new bust- Snare lust offloog120on Lan- William Ware Co FREE LOCATIONS last two months of the bank's existence so that it of July the FDIC said ness park locabuild tion concrete caster 738-5727 737-3971 warehouse with to suit off- Laroe warehouse A office 295-6156 Realtors 795-3532 All name brands only I mmecti a le rep deliver! represented more than half of the bank's $465 The letter signed by James Sexton director of ice showrooms reewav expo: fenced yard 1105 rince1600 trOOkbankoracriNraGnbuortforrheya baahroripaywiernyr9a sure landscamstilsecurity 2600 rent or lease 429-7705 LOWEST PR ICES million in deposits according to the Federal De- the division of bank supervision disclosed "a t-58iM ta' sH9PP1NG '1731E available' dential-commercial zoning al- 214-484-3336 posit Insurance Corp number of weaknesses" in the bank's internal Hudgins beeluu 1 ritryiskerrrY Cornmerciat lows you to live on property I REAL ESTATE INVESTORS The FDIC turned over its information about controls over the brokered money and the fees 120 BUSINE le t11-013 Rule Penn Square to Rep Benjamin Rosenthal paid on it exposure new oncrete SS PARK Now leasingprime location bust- ness park atmosphere freeway For itieC2100 operate IAINIr own business Enx- t11111110-3 IsrvigriZioude Ig) 'Cloven a i r7lp if :4541 ttrdhYocL'ut sbeT I tIR irasriZt Snow at Glenvtivr 332-4394 fishing lere500down with no Great disCeUntS with financing warehouses with built to suit off- 60x100 building with 4 Igirt over credit lioPrg red t1301artce rtrrarerge mci ritantortert NY chairman of the House Commerce Con- It said some transactions were made without a ice-showrooms 2500 sq ft up to head doors on 3 treed Wts 5M r3'1 -44 monthly 4 46701 Nighreirdeeket rriCts5W1 100 me 33000 so ft available Beautiful- trio 624-3794 45-0955 sumer and Monetary Affairs subcommittee formal contract ly landscaped security Willard wANONOUSE soot 750 Wt Warehouse sublease94011 soft The government agency said the bank used Asa result the bank reportedly paid fees above Hud re-BElocRYarSionTtAit Er23A lam Hart 793-9606 Don gins from S215per mocall336-4073 )(cuetent 738-6760 Ft Worth ft cear VIDEO GAMES 1 tort (IN height Fully sprinkled Lowest Prices above-market interest rates to attract money the going rate to one unidentified broker in 1981 COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL priLCUa close to Airport Frwv Olt overhead dock high through brokers apparently in part to maintain The fees "were reportedly calculated in an un- ARL OFFICVRITAIL Same truck doors 960 Exhaust ventsAc Free Locations Donkey Konl Up to 3 mos FREE 277-2221 1 4Fmtoml4off17431or pm Jr now in stook 5A2 so liquid assets By doing so Penn Square did not conventional manner apparently resulting in ft from 8285 lam adowbrook479-5366457-331 1Ett9hsg )0 more 030 so ft building air conlio CO9APUTEI6S Be the first in Ft have to raise capital or sell assets costs (to the bank)significantly in excess of indus- 2227919 tionectior sale leaseor rental Worth to use Multi level market- 2800 sott with 2 offices 1585 Fiwy fo in In the worttof The shopping center bank was shut down July try norms" it said 4538 soft with 3 offices S935 MansfielH Longhorn onda Ex cellemer nt res- CoMP UTER Commodore 5 by the comptroller of the currency Moreover it said "until early 1982 broker fees 834-6274 taurant gameroom machine Line le VIC-20's SIM Leaders WAREHOUSE-OFFICE OSII Offices for Rot other aorta- rallitiuortistanding incrtives In the Penn Square case money brokers or were not negotiated expenses were not consist- $250 gritswar b) BY OWNER ry investment advisers guided financial institu- ently accounted for and there existed no central- I 1200 sq ft spaces larger Hot TOODOCI corner bun NMaln DEALERSHIPS AVAILAIIILE nearly downtownconcrete Satellite ground receivers over tions seeking high interest rates to the bank ization of the 'bidding' function or for contacting now available! PRESTIGIOUS Garrett Cc) w500- 237- 50channelseveryenewlipone according to congressional testimony in Septem- potential fund suppliers" the letter said 338-1515 ION! Office Space 062 Industrial Property Am ill havekend myti 355i bet Penn Square paid the brokers commissions The FDIC said however the bank made an ittAeTE48 Inthre LOCAT! on the money attempt to correct the practices early this year NOW LEASING Ava ilable a 14120 Hwy 113 sell or lease SKI AREA 31500 soft warehouse 9400 SQ RISTAURANT In trying to find out the "purpose of such an and did eliminate some of the deficiencies RETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE Lfta rweatteouwarshou Lyoetswofithouotsiceide Highseticket resturant and bar II- extraordinary high level of purchased funds" in The insurance agency concluded there was 80WestSh000ingCtr I DGLEA soac next to ROD iver NM ski rea 1450000175000 doymAt For information conta ct Penn Square the insurance agency said it "little evidence of impropriety" by the money LA Jac sublease Se Class 061 reve owner terms 5e5'154 learned the money was apparently used to keep brokers 1 t572297 or 731-2(166 VILLAGE the bank liquid and "to 't intended for emporarily' resaleun" Penn arge Richland Hills itm computir systems i al: Quite simply if blame is to be identified in this Space available at maior shop- 6101CAPAP BOWIE BLVD GMS Micro ComotCr System idaltseirargirostorrocifoarries Dingcenteruo to6003 so ft High wa for small business asy to iearn vent ce stores with ger VA situation it rests squarely with bank manage- trac area Shrre Chi 'kin UMW' Anden" for first time user xcellent ti- JimPiarri 1817)83H1761 at- Square sold Oil an loan commitments gas loans 1 ffi several of the ment imprudent policies and control proce- JOHN DR EWS CO 7311 or 429-991 nancial planning program one ter 7)134-2558 nation of a kindrnall ilft program Sta ts r''s large banks dures it said 926-2600 6 181 out small all grows with you Bob- TROPHIN I PLAQUES Rather than convert some of its assets to cash New SOUTHWEST FORT WORTH Leasing tAartairament BY bye 3340615 479-9220 metro MACHINES shopping ter near DISCOUNT prices rnicrocorn- plie rkH or seek more capital the bank's management Fees paid to brokers totaled about $118000 in Looce20uo to so ftoffice or ratan available at below mar- Henry Miller Wets soffwere 782-1518 ernws "appears to have chosen a course of action which 1981 rising to $206000 in the first half of this year ket rent Steve Chilton 501i esritrtdMi tkrICTx required the soliciting of out-ofarea funds by it said JOHN l6FLIvis CO Management Com ode Business Notices worth exits 61u MASTER CAT ALL VISA LOGOSaloris ads Turnkey lob FidE 0 IT CARD AVAILABLE Mlp Pal Cox 732-7375 ra account fees required SI Pri jiff iai wo SW FT WORTH OF me el rates -Wichi al at PIC SE ta Falls plant is closing' :9 I ti alsehatcarditno or 072 Businessn Eadi 'PIM till IIIIIIIII IIII execyrnial OPPortu Bios to coal Suite 3 HOUSIOno Tx 5 713 914 9881 head door many ether anew A AILABL VI DEllsGikS ties Faun Peters m-91311 Darrah Smitk7 raS 1423 Investigate will Locat nsO WICHITA FALLS surgical equipment feet of this action on our employee's and oui irs i 20 itmur bus' 40 SCI ft Suite 291 HAVFN Before Investing supply company announced Thursday it will priority is to provide job out-placement assist- vex office 3 DistliVitVcisarden flop 873 Call Your Local "sd i Jorge work soft includes kitot 11050 close its plant here and lay off all 195 employees ance" Tanner said "We will continue our efforts area or display room imp Full service Bob hanL Chilton Be Arl 261-3676 496-6778 429-7393 BusInneer and PR Lent wo Into because of intense competition and "the diffi- to find new work for employees until the plant is egl'wnetv'Firsvr ss cult general economic climate" closed" 1 FOR LEASE TENERIS INC' Bureau 70000 So ft commercial bldg SOUTHWEST FORT WORTH 332 VEIN business mariner needatil in Su rgikos Inc a division of Johnson Johnson Surgikos manufactures disposable surgical a431 1 raosidly growing company Must fa said it will transfer its operations next March to gowns surgical supply packs and other surgical vor10y a Lease fermi Cell ottringto 10 suit gyMrtieolneVs have personality Invest LE plants in El Paso and Juarez Mexico items JC OW ASE 535-4In or 8-4636 JOHN DREWS CO EXCITING mint 1 monthly tar 6 mo I LIIIckfols who are plant s4 caiu et mi tell Phil Molina FOR 20000 salt corn- "It is with regret that we take this action in Employees were informed several weeks ago el Irt P76-2400 PROFITABLE 'light of the splendid cooperation the company the company was considering closing the lant busy street 'set upYfor kirnihni ARLINGTON BUSINESS workingpult are not has received throughout the years from our em- and were told Thursday the facility would be rhderattrge4maraliZr I filr1911 1 ages rml OPPORTUNITY 1 grgeCITagflostsirdny 1Perti near 820 535-4992 or 170 nom eata sle 1 how tyoucitilW au of 111SOCIII ployees local officials and the business commit- shut 1845 Or Ca IN FORT WORTH 111(1n 7695" etenriallr off ice swoon nity" said Ernst Tanner Surgikos president Surgikos opened the 43000-square-foot plant exceRibrmkvemabcco*kifrz trutin Aar itc 5 eirts Chen- mtroo sQ ft Will construct to Infigtugh al TEXAS VA "We are especially concerned because the ef- in 1967 senNo asgt grevagihigriFtrAminiirrg! 457- oil nyl wz Newbeingefferedby ab 'males KAWASAKI e'irt Yv its 21'-1- Size of American household declining INESTS1011 WAREHOUSE EXAMCNEROYSYREETS '21300-170m soli near Hwy 110 IL itirs17 agewntchroialroglectvtir MOTORS CORP ogg son to nvest ils hr perrirzkin their 41 Cherry Lane Offices built to suit able 114a Owner Finals rinireincroo ubfn VT: tenant Available Immediate If ly custom wont row us A Airigneocilov rox WASHINGTON (AP) The size of the Ameri- holds in the United States as of-March up 1 Harold Muckleroy s341114 2 call 3384411 If WO011 loin the grow- roNd oferilffrglivrital Prod- Cb214 Plexcessan groat can household continues to drop as fewer people million from the year before ARLINGTON saw so ftW991117Samtr) marry or have children and more live alone the Of the total 61 million were family units A moffeIrtiiettill L-Wti rs os Lod co Do -1171109f 1" Census Bureau reported Thursday a Uedonairkirnsol331 13: 71Inielp futi rAtterfisormation ciKA 1 tr' co or mitmenligelvlacceuntsf130Prrin1141 ltxthPucmfrie toanirlomrs family household contains two or more related 26 1ja sq- AU: vestment Call Mr Roberts OW For more I 323-874 tele or lase re Wren C)111 1 I The average US household contained 272 per persons Showroom 5400 Fstrie arozii 1 0-sons as of March 1982 according to a new bureau Of the remaining 225 million households 19 A3V WAY pftlitlitanitoilal3r915ittenb ni1115 45 dirow '4udy million were unmarried couples 12 million were interior to you specifications WI' 5461 MOTORS CORP or JOHN MELCHER 731-4111 Iroorrilffillliniversityorea316 utISAIIILfiesEYI61d100 4monoa31-12121 1 340 871 711-a4619'A419911tn 0ad tisk': a small That's down from 273 the year before and 276 households made of unrelated people such as 22500 San KR room PIM Sit SO ft Arlington Texas 76011 busipesswi th high returns for un- AskInfocirlianual et 540-Wil 7)sa" at the time of the 1980 national head count The college students and 194 million were people 1 MFGWAREHOUSIC average household was 314 people in 1970 and living alone tease We also nuild to suit Frit ATTN: Louia Laa Mg 0 co*ckyvr- 367 in 1940 Since 1970 the number of people living alone 0R EL NWAY ASSOC 244-8084 irm--nrwm-- 1-------- "Among factors contributing to the decline has grown 78 percent from 109 million Centers Fai-Nal111A 67aWail iiiuus LOuNoit FOR REN Arlington camp rale at 5113 Pershing PwLOMLBUSIIVISS In For More information Oil: the ula- 072 Hwy 80 1440 soff Worsts Mhospoof rent camroll Is' I exec ltrnIIY 335-5592 lir bynr it omi di sssuci ocen 1 cs toumi aoutIonmotv htlaw: during the past 12 years were relatively low birth The study found that 73 percent of 914 IJ Hwy 80 6 630srft 746-2481 or 246-072 orient growthpotential inunder yr anchise available for Ft orth area for more information call rates declining marriage rates high levels of tion lived in families maintained 13y a ma led 4100-13 US Hwy 80 17 mo Charles Weissenborn 37-4169 greenhouses well-keot turn-of fury home on grounds with NO Business 'separation and divorce and an overall increase in couple It was 82 percent in 1970 1 Excellent wareuse srvith Investments nice officesAm46 OW and ioutt sAct num nf Den ort 1-000-292-5373 tSCAllartlit rspecePtorInurssal ry lington Sewing Center snort- the number of households containing only one The decline in married-couple families has DOWNTOWN DA itrkluwsittrlartra7kft' 111)00'N'AW AC LLAS yst10c7k croaxspotil9ndFstowSotrarrhTtria-: Le 6r16b J000sinecosmciercetepsellilitioalni person" the bureau reported been paralleled by a growth in the number of Way at Hendley4derville Rd Laicotrzttzl 4 InvestmentIP Ed Baker 33219 1 0661 The bureau said there were millien house- people deltying marriage Future is looking good for money market funds QUESTION It pains the broker through we opened our money market mutual fund account to see all that money staying in the account multiplying itself He keeps calling with all kinds of ideas about investing it elsewhere So far I've been able to fend him off My wife and I have no intention of buying stocks and bonds We are retired and live comfortably I suppose we have been spoiled by the high income our money market fund has provided However interest rates and the yields on money funds have come down and probably will go even lower Given these circ*mstances what are your views on the future of money funds? ANSWER I have to view that future as good There's nothing on the horizon that will seriously hurt the money funds Investors will most likely have to settle for lower yields from their money funds However those yields should remain com'petitive with often better than other "liquid" investments from which you can withdraw money in a hurry Money market mutual funds invest in short-term interest-paying securities After deducting operating expenses a money fund passes that money along to its shareholders as dividends When interest rates fall so do the dividend yields on money funds The assets of the money fund industry now exceed $230 billion Some investors may take their cash out of money funds as yields decline But money funds are here to stay In your situation there's no reason to change your investment strategy If that broker keeps bugging you shift your cash into one of the more than 150 "general purpose" money funds It's only when you have a "brokerage-affiliated" money fund that a broker knows about it QUESTION An article I read states that banks and savings and loan associations are "out to get" the money market mutual funds hoping to lost accounts I had $10000 in a savings certificate at an and put the $10000 into a money market fund when the certificate ma' tured I cannot afford to lose that $10000 if the banks and "get" the money market funds May I have your comments and advice? ANSWER My advice is to relax The risk in a money market mutual fund investment is so Penn Square funds tracked 'Extraordinary' level of brokered money WASHINGTON (AP) In its dying days the Penn Square Bank in Oklahoma City had more than $282 million "an extraordinary high level" of money directed to it by money bro' kers looking for high interest rates federal regulators say The amount of brokered money doubled in the last two months of the bank's existence so that it represented more than half of the bank's $465 million in deposits according to the Federal De posit Insurance Corp The FDIC turned over its information about Penn Square to Rep Benjamin Rosenthal DNY chairman of the House Commerce Con sumer and Monetary Affairs subcommittee The government agency said the bank used above-market interest rates to attract money through brokers apparently in part to maintain liquid assets By doing so Penn Square did not have to raise capital or sell assets The shopping center bank was shut down July 5 by the comptroller of the currency In the Penn Square case money brokers or investment advisers guided financial institutions seeking high interest rates to the bank according to congressional testimony in Septem': bet Penn Square paid the brokers commissions on the money In trying to find out the "purpose of such an extraordinary high level of purchased funds" in Penn Square the insurance agency said it learned the money was apparently used to keep the bank liquid and "to 'temporarily' fund large loan commitments intended for resale" Penn Square sold oil and gas loans to several of the nation's large banks Rather than convert some of its assets to cash or seek more capital the bank's management "appears to have chosen a course of action which required the soliciting of out-of-area funds by Wichita Falls plant is closing tirri IrM IP It "1 VI WICHITA FALLS A surgical equipment feet of this action on our employees and our first supply company announced Thursday it will priority is to provide job out-placement assist' close its plant here and lay off all 195 employees ance" Tanner said "We will continue our efforts because of "intense" competition and "the diffi- to find new work for employees until the plant is cult general economic climate" closed" Su rgikos Inc a division of Jainson Johnson Surgikos manufactures disposable surgical fr said it will transfer its operations next March to gowns surgical supply packs and other surgical plants in El Paso and Juarez Mexico items "It is with regret that we take this action In Employees were informed several weeks ago light of the splendid cooperation the company the company was considering closing the plant has received throughout the years from our em- and were told Thursday the facility would be ployees local officials and the business commu- shut nity" said Ernst Tanner Surgikos president Surgikos opened the 43000-square-foot plant "We are especially concerned because the et in 1967 Size of American household declining WASHINGTON (AP) The size of the Ameri can household continues to drop as fewer people marry or have children and more live alone the Census Bureau reported Thursday 4 1 The average US household contained 272 per- psons as of March 1982 according to a new bureau study That's down from 273 the year before and 276 at the time of the 1980 national head count The average household was 314 people in 1970 and 367 in 1940 "Among factors contributing to the decline during the past 12 years were relatively low birth rates declining marriage rates high levels of 'separation and divorce and an overall increase in the number of households containing only one person" the bureau reported The bureau said there were 833 million house MEM 1 Bill Doyle small it's virtually nonexistent I didn't read the article you mention but the words "out to get" must have been used to describe a new type of account virtually all banks and will soon be offering Under a new federal law banks and will be able to set up "money deposit accounts" which Congress states "shall Ile directly equivalent to and competitive with money market mutual funds" Because those new accounts will be covered by federal agency insurance some people feel banks and will get back much of the money including your $10000 that has gone into money market funds Other people disagree We'll have to wait and see what happens If your local bank or tailors its money market deposit account so that it provides a better deal than your money market fund switch your $10000 back to the local institution Otherwise leave your money where it is QUESTION A big life insurance company recently acquired majority control of the company that is investment adviser to the money market mutual fund in which I have invested What effect will this have on my investment? ANSWER It should have none Every mutual fund has an investment adviser who collects a fee as part of the fund's operating expenses Typically that fee amounts to one half of 1 percent of the fund's assets on an annual basis So on a $1 billion mutual fund the investment advisory fee comes to $5 million a year That makes finning a big mutual fund a profitable business which more and more insurance companies are getting into Rather than start from scratch an insurance company bought out the investment adviser to your fund bidding above market rates for certificates of deposits provided through money brokers" the insurance agency said The amount of the bank's brokered money climbed rapidly growing from a "moderate level" of less than $20 million last January to $150 million by early May and $282 million by the start of July the FDIC said The letter signed by James Sexton director of the division of bank supervision disclosed "a number of weaknesses" in the bank's internal controls over the brokered money and the fees paid on it It said some transactions were made without a formal contract As a result the bank reportedly paid fees above the going rate to one unidentified broker in 1981 The fees "were reportedly calculated in an unconventional manner apparently resulting in costs (to the bank)significantly in excess of industry norms" it said Moreover it said "until early 1982 broker fees were not negotiated expenses were not consistently accounted for and there existed no centralization of the 'bidding' function or for contacting potential fund suppliers" the letter said The FDIC said however the bank made an attempt to correct the practices early this year and did eliminate some of the deficiencies The insurance agency concluded there was "little evidence of impropriety" by the money brokers "Quite simply if blame is to be identified in this situation it rests squarely with bank management's imprudent policies and control procedures" it said Fees paid to brokers totaled about $118000 in 1981 rising to $206000 in the first half of this year it said Imo holds in the United States as ottlarch up 12 million from the year before Of the total 61 million were family units A family household contains two or more related persons Of the remaining 225 million households 19 million were unmarried couples 12 million were households made of unrelated people such as college students and 194 million were people living alone Since 1970 the number of people living alone has grown 78 percent from 109 million The study found that 73 percent of the population lived in families maintained by a married couple It was 82 percent in 1970 1 The decline in married-couple families has been paralleled by a growth in the number of people deltying marriage revealed EDITION Mon Tue Wed 055 Business For Salo For Salo ARLINGTON TEXAS For sale 10000 sq ft class A office building excellent location and tenant list Lease rollovers within 12 mos Price S600000 Loan $144000 equity $456000 Call 265-7095 BIG SAVINGS Several new Industrial warehouse shoo bides In Everman area Some are leased Also beautiful 10000 soft executive off ice bidg under S25ft Cal I Don Harvey 293-0699 after tom Great0000rtunity for small business 5 small towns 9 resort a reas wl thin 15 mi radius Due to bad health Termite Business going out of business 12 ml of Texoma Lake WhitesboroFor more information 214-564-5524 LOCATION FINANCING Owner sold business -need to sell office zoned retail Corner with Increasing traffic flow Building land $130000 THE JETT CO 731-210 US Post Office 5000 sq ft Odessa Texas S22400 annual 7 yrs left on leasewith3-5yrocitions within creases- 5297000 817-731-2317 The Irreplaceable Stevens Mansion 2 structures located on 2 acres Formerly The Texas Connection Restaurant 90 owner financing available 924-1131 3414 Main senor lease40x100 metal bidg with 7 lots 624-3794 461-095S 8800 sg ft office building out of state owner must sell Incredible financing with good credit LoCr tion-Westside Garrett Co 331111615 Very attractive office residence or retail bldg to be moved 2 sto- ry 2 bath kitchen skylights plush carpeting 1700 soft 517000 4925 rwy 738-9888 I OGLEA Corner free standing building zoning suitable forma-fly tYDeS of business 923-1107 bowntown building 5003 to settle estate 498-7323 Aoorox 1 acre in Diaza Hwy 26 183 180K 5892656 057 Business Property (Rent-Lease) DOWNTOWN OFFICE BLDG FOR LEASESALE Approx 11150 mitt 2 story with elevator Interior finish plush Comes with bulltdn desks credenzas wet bar kitchen drapes track lighting Oren scope moveable partitions also provided Con tactiGaryCK Assoc Inc 817-7314453 NEW RETAIL or OFFICE SPACE Excellent Benbrook Location Now LEASING SENBROOK SHOPPING CTR For Information contact: LA Jacob Ini 457-2297 or 737-2066 Office-Warehouse 51984210 salt SE Loco 820 10 air 3600 to 14200 so (Jodi high front rear leaeanlf13ob Chilton 496-6778 429-7393 TENERIS INC MARINE CREEK BUSINESS PARK NOW leasing beautiful new business Dark location concrete warehouse with build to suit office showrooms reeway exposure landscaped security 2500 soft to 200M soft available Willard Hart 2939606 Don Hudgins 738-6700 820 BUSINESS PARK Now leasingprime location busl ness park atmosphere freeway exposure new concrete warehouses with built to suit offIce-showrooms 2500 so up to 30000 so ft aval lable Beautifully landscaped security Willard H38-6200 art 793-9606 Don Hudgins 7 COMMERCIAL-INDUSTRIAL Close to Airport Frey 960 so ft from 8285 1819 SQ ft from LIB 2269 saft dock high from kW 2719 sqff with 3 offices $640 2800 soff with 2 offices 1585 4538 soft with 3 offices 8935 834-6274 WAREHOUSE-OFFICE $250 Utp ft 1200 sq spaces larder how available! Garrett Co 338-1515 NOW LEASING ETAIL OR OFFICE SPACE 80pestShopointr or Informal on contact: LA laatoini 45722e7 or 731-2066 Richland Hills Space available at malor shop-Ding center llo toe000 sq ft High traffic area Steve Chilton JOHN DR EWS CO 926-260a SOUTHWEST PORT WORTH New showing ter near L000120 up to so ftoffice or retalt available at below mar hat rent Steve Chilton JOHN pFzews co Mtp STE5 -Of NuuSE (2) warehouse spaces 1 milite of bell Helicopter MO 4160 Psi' lEadi space has ettMes over head door many ether amenities Paws Peters 331-9041 SQft Suite reopp2trD area private office 3 ices large work area or display room An 261-3676 FOR LEASE 300o0 ft commercial bldg heat I air conlditionDreat loco-bon Any type of retail very favorable Lease terms call: JC Dyer 535-492 or 4711-4636 FOR LEASE 0000 solft cornmercial building heat and air conditioning Plenty of parking busy streetAattplo for furniture and apoilan sulttable tor other uses tMnsffeld Hwy near B20 535-4992 or 534E70 NEW Retell or office space Excellont Senbmk Lecation Leasing Benbrook Informotion A cat(' 452-nw or 731 WESTSIOE WAREHOUSE 2000-1700010H Aster Hwy SOL Cherry Lane Off ices built to Hilt tenant Available immediately Harold MucklerOW 831114 ARLINGTON Mini kill S(1-261L-116 sq Office Showroom 5400 Ai PORIFF1 kg WAY 3000 0 so Interior to your wecifications JOHN meLCHE It 7314111 22500 SOFT MPOAVAREHOUSE1 for We build to stilt GR I NWAY ASSOC 244-8084 h000lng enters fCamp towle at S113 Pershing 972 Hwy 80 1440 sa 914 Hwy 80 663040B 810013 US Hwy 80 S7 mo Charles Weissenborn 37-4169 Excellent wareuso svcoovith nice offices 460W and 000 sq ft (with 20000 ft loft) ichland industrial Park Airoort Free way at Handley- deryille Rd Ed Baker 33219 1 MESS DEADLINE 5 pm Fri 11 am Sot 5 pm Mon 057 Business Property (Rnt-Lease) LocationLocationLocalion Now Loos' RETft OR OFFIC1SPAC 'OWE STSHOPPING ENTE Information call LA Joccell 457-2297 or 737-2046 9400 VIFT office warehouse storefront parking new reno- voted 7 Wks from Water Gar dens sell or lease en or Sandy days 334-0615 or 5091600 WAR HOUSE OFFICE K42 sell ample parkins on winked location 2301 4th St an Riverside USA 263-1307 or 336-3641 NEW-OPFICE WAREHOUSE COMPLEX 400D-20000 so ti cated Ad Easy access to 170- Hwy 137Matlock Rd 465-9382 GOLDENW BUSINESS PARK 10000 SQ FT Warehouse with offices for rent January 1903- June 1963 $IOOD mo Will ohm 6 mo lease If needed 9264616 NEW WAREHOUSE Close to downtown Ft Worth 2500641ft Call Bah SWdarth 3367103 For lease leposoe West Berry or office space or light cornmer cial use Frontdooroarking 2100 sofi floor spootSCSO mo Now Available 923-425a 926-1160 rAl SPAE ulikti scuAR aro Call md rt2-622t AIRPORT FREEWAY 26000 sgff dock-high rail will divide Don Hudgins owner 293- 9606 night 7306200 8000r ft Warehouse Dock igh Airport Freeway JOHN MELCHER 731-4181 2 warehouses tor lease lst bldg 60)070 2nd bldg 5000 Wired 460Vphase In Burleson area Abco Steel 295-7166 Large showroom space available in nice shopping penter3745 sett at $2soff Semi- nary 9214196 SW Arlington 3601) wit dock-high offices 1595 per tro 429-1037 MEDICALC4NTAL OFFICE Helen Medical center eaullepa4 1060 sell Available Jan 1 Wel 737-76 i 1 STOCKYARD 3000 Bids overhead dearth load333-4075 ing dedt 3-citase goad traffic New Showing Center Now leasine on Hwy 377 Call agent Bob Suddarte 336-7103 mio-CiTies WAREHOUSE Rare vacancy In Beil industrial District 4000 scoff with offices $800 mo 732-2222 4200 soft at Trails West ShoopingCenter Hwy80WS850 ft 1 Yr lease with cottons Mr Solberg 738-1233 AZLE commercial or Industrial 2900 sail shoo plus living ouartleor9s6gigeair and heat Hwy PIPELINE RD HURST 1300 to 100 so ft Prime retail space 22472or2132-210Saftere CHOICE RETAIL LOCATION 4720 Lancaster LiM 7441113 2445763 HALTOM city 500) milt with leading dads 5400 Ezell Si lit-1362 HALTOM HEALTH CENTER Mb Denten Hwy ISM sqff available 589-1362 10000 so ff office warehouse sows lust off LooD120 en Lancaster 7311-5227 737i971 Large warehouse office fenced yard 1105 Prima IMO rent or lease 479-1105 SHOPPING SPA 31E available 4 4 Vickery Commercial I 2100 Se ft 4444 RICHLAND HILLS For lease 2100 scs li4100-0 Rule Snow at Glenview 332-4394 60)(100 building with 4 14t1 nverf head door' on 3 fenced tots Si rhot 624-3794 WARIHOUSIE some 730 from 521Soer MOC811336-40J TCUBERRY ST AftleA Prime retail iocallont 23-2654 ARL OP IClR ITA I UP to 3 mos FREE Vila 000 WM warehouse $750 3001 shamrock 132-1643 Worohouso for Ws gt3o6x MCO Sq tionMoonolla6 05111 Offices for Rent PRESTIGIOUS Office Space Available at I DGLEA VILLAGE MOO CAMP BOVIIII BLVD Canted Barbara Anderson 735-1881 or 429-9191 Leasing Management BY Henry Miller Management Corn SIN FT ORTH Primo off or mace tromoVretccittgOcv or tiolgoo It IlkArillityrrre Darroh StolOk7114O23 wpoo HAVF 2 soft t8 ELM Full ovular uu nhun 496-6778 429-7393 TENERIS INC SOUTHWEST FORT WORTH Now space availOle at 21o cations mimed0o occvpancv Or finish to suit Stove Chilton JOHN DREWS CO 42N NUJ NGTRU reANt rolgpiti sip rv- leAT Air3Iornomical 3 i 50 to WOO SQ ft Will construct te Suit tenants ortnw ligation 5 Min from downtown Ft Worth new bide conepptitive rites on Airport FVVY1214111 tderrnen Maples 11910 CHERRYSTREETS alree7karjrntsvgleere roginteir abW 1-14e Owner II provide cultism tenraimic no llrangitlanirverostil2tI icescoveredoarking 4 AVI Off tuarox 655 ft oireled carpet drams anitoria12915denbrook Hwy 1 4411 laarorithiligniversAyir211216 ease Sell wen utilities pant ele-eeez rmi5170 rowm air carpet tent: tor 4 311 4311 4 311 4311 24VEST 4-foaiJirn Urannin 746-2481 or 246-021 NO Business Investments IsAC DOWNTOWN DALLAS ac ptiond Investment 6U-01 44 CLASSIFIED DISPLAY ADVERTISING 0 TO PLACE ADS 335-6850 Ask for Ms Block 059 Office Equipment IIMM0 41'0'Cbc Oi1019 RENT LEASE PURCHASE 7917 Ifinv SO wst too Moth 2444330 ALSO Arlintoon Hurst 060 Business Investments INVESTORS Large warehouse in downtown Ft Worth for investors Minimum $5000 Excellent cash flow shelter long term yield Please contact Kermit Stanley at 21443S-9540 PHARMACY in Art located across from malor hospital profitable 2 yr old pharmacy Ideal for owner operator arrangement For information call 817-261-7605 after 6 pm Developer seeks partners for new NNN leased officeidistribution facility Leased to AAA Nail Credit tenant Safe investments competitive return 2441084 39 new duplexes 3 bedroom 1 VI bath carpet fenced apollances drapes 2-story more Total will carry $700000 mortgage at 10 498-W08 Owner financed Priced to sell Division Cooper Poly-Webb Rd Arlington Garland EVickery Ft Worth Jim Gar riosn (817)831-0761 after 6 PM (817) 8241-2558 ARLINGTON TEXAS 4-Plex For sale- 22bedroom units-osveredparking assumable loan of S173000- salespriceS230000 Call 265-7095 25 investment Tax Credit m- lied partners reoul red for histor- lc restoration prolects George Blackburn AIL 332-1910 061 COMMOrCial Property SOMEDAY YOU'LL wish you had invested in this large 2 bedroom duolex with assumable loargdod renters on both sides INVEST NOW WHILE RATES ARE DOWN Fully leased4year 6d duplex Is waiting kr you Call financing details Total price 5630 FREEWAY FRONTAGEA south of Burleson on 135 744 ft road frontage 138 ft deep Owner financing available Total price 889950 William Waresp 785-6156 Realtors LOOKING for a bargain? 156 ft frontage on heavily traveled Lake Granbury highway Residential-commercial zoning allows you to live on property end operate your own business Extras Include private parks swimming pool boat ramp and fishing pier 1580 down with no credit rm Wed 55130 balance and $10796 monthly 443-0708 731-M4 arehouse subleasetM SQft xcelient access to rwyj Ft Worth ft clear stacking height Fully sprinkled 10ftxleft overhead dock high truck doors Exhaust vents 11ccess to rail Custom office For more Information 1417431-4187 )0030 so ft building air conlo tionedtor sale leaseor rent41 Mansfield Hwy former Longhorn Honda Excellent restaurant gameroom machine shop very many other varia- ble uses 336-1506 OWNER Hot toppeg corner lot on NMain nearly downtown Concrete biWt metal bldg 859500 237- 381 after 3 PM 062 Industrial Property -1420 Hwy 163 sell or lease 31500 mit 9400 so ff war11hOy se lots of outside soace713446-1715 Large Warehouse with office sublease See Class 061 066 Computer SSsseess GMS Micro Compeer System for small business asy to iearn for first time user xpellent ftnanciel planning grogram I one of kindrnall lift program Starts Out sm all grows with you Bob-bye 334061S 479-9220 metro DISCOUNT pricesrnicrocom- puters software 737-iSie Oa Business Notices LOGOSotratisi2Thrgby lob 072 Business Opportunities Investigate Before investing Call Your Local Better Business Bureau 332-7585 EXCITING PROFITABLE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY IN FORT WORTH TEXAS NowbeIngofferedbY KAWASAKI MOTORS CORP USA rctlu ldi like loin Grow- Ms awn rtfrgirnal Prit ttltir For more Call or Write: KAWASAKI MOTORS CORP 3400 Pt an milt Road Arilnoton Teen 16011 117-469-1991 A Louise Lona LARGO FLOPAL BUSIWISS In central west Texas Family operatad since 1917 Ex Wien growthpotential inundersaturated market Retail $hop greanhouses I wellkeot turn-of OWItUrY horn on grounds with abundant room for expansion Carallent space for nursery stock Rasoond to Star-Tile gram Box 219 Ft Worth Tx 76102 UTI 9 EDITION Thur Fri Sot 072 Business Opportunities Knapp8c Co CE7411(10aE LIQUOR enkt tit Better-type crowd patronizes this oual ity club 11000 FENCE COMPANY Bo veer own boss Money-making fence sales end installation Established record customers MARINE INTERIORS Outbord Inboard seating trim etc refurbishing busiess RECREATIONAL Giant water slide at half price Ideal for smaller rural town MARINE INTERIORS Outboard inboard seating trim etc refurbishing business 1701 River Run 135-31114 IMPOSSIBLE Is probably what you would say that you couldmaket50000prof It first year business Contact us and let us Show you how It can be done with an initial i vestment of $8180 Training school will be In oroces Nov IS 19 Energy consumer Con- Fitant 18601 LESJ Ite519MesoulteoTs 1461681461 ATTENTION! Independent people who would like tobea manager In oneofour 5 growing 8 established companies A position that Is recession Proof with a future finances flexibility friends Excellent training! And you can start part-time! Send letter of interest backgroundor resume Pesonnel Dept PO Box 13006 Arlington Tx 76013 Ma lor Retail Liquor og- eration for sole 13 millionyear gross sates Can Undo Thomas 817261-1951 Convenience stores with self servicegasolineforsale This isyour opoortunity to go into business for yourself or expand I established location in Ft Worth with beer and wine Also well established location SprIngtown over 10003 so ft Includes I lying area Facreage Priced to sell finance Contact Bois 617- 1-0761 ext 244 After 6 817-284- 8865 MONEVMAKER Own a Speed Queen Coin-Op Laundry Franchise-type OPere Non No franchise fent One of the best small business kw's meats available Excellent locations In this area For details 1r5litt Masters 333-54116 at Ford Oarnmercial Sales Factory Distributors For Sale Merle Norman Studio In Dublin Tex Over $16000 worth of Inventory DiUS beauty parlor amtrally looted behveen Ste phenville Comanche Dublin Realty 129 Patrick Dublin 76446 Office 114537 or 1-445-34(4 Residence -4451706 Also 1-445-3513 VIDEO GAMES FREE LOCATIONS All name brands only LOWEST PR ICES free dellyerY 214-484-3335 REAL ESTATE INVESTORS can find you best itegis on single family houses areas Great discounts with financing arranged Management Ken D'AngeloBrolusrDeys2611- 4140 Nights Weekends 5T1-1100 VIDEO GAMES Lowest Prices Pm Locatkels Donkey Ron jrs now In stock 542 Meadowbrook479-5386457-331 COMPUTERS Bt the tirst In Ft Worth to use Multi level market 'rig In the world of COMPUTERS Commodore Lino ke VIC-20's $118 Leaders needed Outstanding Incentives national bonus DOO no ry required Cali 206434-2120 DEALERSHIPS AVAILAKE ground receivers Over channel everyone wlen6pone do you have one? Days 3551 nights weekends 577-11 AM-SAT HOME SATELLITE RECEIVING SYSTEMS SKI AREA RESTAURANT High ticket resturent and bar license next to Red II ho*r NM ski area S450000 S75000 down Atrzstive owner terms 505-754- stops with restaurant i- Hwy Hwyl5northof Dallas Large storage canopies diesel eguipment Also nice con- venlee stores with gas Cali Jim Garrison (817)031-0761 if tar 6 (117)034-2558 TROPHIN I PLAQUES ENORAV MACHINES Auto Mark 7800 high speed p5M Hew Hermes GTX Super4 r50t A elitrtdMitr610 WIt IT: Ft worth otos MASTEP CARIB ALL VISA CREDIT ree CARD AVAILABLE rvice account fees required ails Write or call Con- sumer ndustrial Marketing As- 5 Cedol Suite 5 Houston Cf 713-911-9061 VI DE9insGnotAgS Will platexrit busi- Must PS on have 'God traffic 42risk 457-3319 PRINTING I copying business ande400 toll off Ice warehouso storefront parking new renovated 7 bike from Water Gardens son or loose Honor SandY days n4d615 or 519-1600 business partner neededl in reoldly growing company Must have personality invest mint monthly for 6 mo itzilleotrigiallPhil Molina MARRIED couples who are working but are not satistiod 41 tog how you can wt cut of financial prison 269-5046 Your pyrrld-type company may not rewarding you enough for all iyour etforts Chen-net your energy withrme growing highlY-rowar nocorn- pans' Call today Theo 1-1326 nvost usingilrgrsspviltIriawttylThleti? 's increase income 1500S2500 Oar tr Submit re- gmt aISWIVAISrsrlisM8c81113 CASH Plow-Recession proof business Nat'l concern seeks eilified persew to own and too vWt accounts High return on In it Call Mr Roberts KB-For sole or lease rerturant compiri with fixtures elp- men? eting capacity 50 Cop nor lot 330 Rosedale Call 237-l 437 or 2138-6858 FORAALA small who would I lko to get into a small busines4withhigh returns forum der 15000 including ai mmi seary tools Ask for Paul 540W77 NISNI 0 CPC Krf LOUNGE FOR REN Arlington For More information cell: 335-5592 T8 yr old successful automotive transmission company has franchise available tor Ft Worth area kl -5J7 mo3 re information call I-800-797 klington Sewinp Center sacriP SI 5000 complete Will train Other 61 business forces sale 161 86 1 1 DEADLINE 5 pm Tues 5 pm Wed 5 pm Thur 072 Business Opportunities Irving CPA desires to sell book audit practiceMall reply to Star Telegram Box 227400 7th Street Worth TX 76102 Cambridge UsersDealers Free comparison products marketing Wan with the new I'm Living Proof 284-3655 CONVENIENCE STORE -In Ideal area High volume great return! Terms! VR BB 649-2828 LADIES Clothing Store- Easy to runt Makes owner a good living Reasonable terms VR BB 649-2828 CARWASH High-traffic location Just reduced In price for wick sale! Great terms! VR4BB 649-2828 GIFT STORE EASTSIDE 12 years established location Low cash price for stock a fix tures 42e04e or S36-1441 16 space mobile home park Includes 3 bedroom home mobile homes $165000 Call Don 2377820 home 738-1372 office Owner must sell cafeteria-style restaurant S10003-includes all furniture fixtures Inventory 283-6151283-0851 Ft Worths nicest weightlifting gym located on Westside Reasonable If Interested call 560-2721 or 926-1988 or sale 1 year old brick 4-bay carwash located 40 miles NW of Ft Worth lerating In the black 017-683-64 CAR WASH Besteoulpment madeR obinson 6)4-0744 JANITOR IAL CO $2500 338-0561 DAY CARE CENTERS Our Specialty Scope Properties Inc Realtors 1214) 644-2412 PHOTOTYPESETTING Business tor sale Leas vailble Call Ken at 4294220 BUSINESS CARD PRINTING BUSINESS for sale complete Ken 314-0615 Established gameroorn in An Ington best otter accepted 274-9052 Itam-opm Unioue Franchise OcoortuniN RAMEIT Hulen Mall Call (113) 890-5900 collect Washateriafast food One pays both expenses Will train 543000 Makes 870000 338-9151 STOCKYARD'S BAR For Sale Established 13 years 927-7077 or 834-6951 for Information NEW RESTAURANT 90 complete for sale due to IIIness 923-1107 to buy or sell a business call YR BUSINESS BROKERS 649-2828 AUTO MACHINE SHOP GARAGE FOR SALE North Richland Hills 656-1983 Souttiside flower shop Hallmark Cards A gifts 10 years In business After 5pm 294-2124 Complete furnishing for ice cream popcorn shoo Good prices 293-4010 CHILDRENS resale consign mans shop $7000 237-1410 or 595-2067 FURNISHED LOUNGES FOR RENT Call for details 335-5592 k0CAL Hardwareimochinory tore approx $100 030 invonto- ry 647-M58 or 261-4150 Hair Styling Salon for sale by owner Wedgwood Cr 737-1065 after 6 DM Idols area Beauty Salon for solo Great locallon great pricel Call 246-1559 after 6 for info Cafe for sale thling quarters hove now men Blum Texas 249-5452 795-6991 CONCESSION trallor soft drifts steam tabtomicrowave awning tables SAW 481-1472 INTERIOR DESIGN STUDIO Established 17 yrs eautiful showroom pieces 737- 207 Photography studio 5134 Mansfield HwyBuy some or all call 793-467 anytime For kW Ttwiving IV repair shopinGrapevineCa11481-3211 Mixed Drink Bar for sate Ari Phone 2614789 Janitorial Service Equipment 781-8797 bnusual floe market sp0000vollable in form market5314534 LOUNGE for rent 4928 Mans-Bold Hwy 457-5188 Pinball and Foosball machines for sale 6254436 LOUNGE FOR LEASE Frwy Allen Call 625-6436 Convenience store for lease $200 mo Inventory 237-7621 Liquor store spites for leas S200 ma 237-7621 Barbershop for sale phone 625-07529am-SomTues -Sat 2L1OUORSTORESFOR SALE Waco Bolknap 817-776-2566 076 Oil (Unitas and Roya Itlas) Wolf Dr Ming Co water wells domestic and municipal Oil gas wells to 2000ft-surface DIDO set Modern eouipment and 80 barrel' water transport Avail able immediately 817-965-7106 OIL a GAS DRAFTING itysical Structure Base icfs't'Cross-Sections lsopachs Air Brush (817) S-5855 LARIAT DRAFTING INC Worklng interest available in proven field in Jack County to drIll immediately Seven Pro doction Co (817) 567-3566 lewells 167 BPD33m1 1 Principals only Metro 6545322 077 OH Equipment bVolf Drilling Co water wells domestic and municipal Oil gas s1 is to 2000 ttisurface pipe set Modern equipment and SO barrel water transport Avail able immediately 117965-7406 NO Monty to Lend cow uo to $250 on yoyr auto oarq to women Plaza Finance 21537 You'll begladyoudid I MONEY TO LOAN s10000 to stooutwou I A guarantd loansuotot500 714-221-78V PRiVATS Consolidate lie hotne improve ment Call 7374259 anytime pgNIALPROPORTYOANS Dial Flamm Co 135-40114 012 Money Wanted reAO INVESTMENT NEED New company with viable dea seeks inyeltor looking for a high return or prospectmt write to: A ublicetiona WI Srnretary (Or: Suite 17i Arline ton Tx 76015 OM Mortgages Stocks We buy owner financed notes na2 fionwlite Mortgage Fun Ono Corp Dallas PA ro 20-1932 fIrst end 2n0 len notes 49-0152 SLAY Cashes Notes 263-1336 CASH FOR Insi LIENS 737-6734 140 shoves Southwest Stank Stock $11 ger share 924-1368 095 Heavy Machinery txcellopt krkilt4 exaillen pricesCall Bon et (817 )594-1401 I 091 Professional Services ZCOtintin9 dons In my horn specializing In of gas and ranch business (817) 1173-M03 LoemortIzntIoq 1 30 coos 81292'49 ty 221ted materiels S3S5 tat LINE ues tea 'hur is tunities MIEMNIMMMINOINNOMENEIMP sires to sell book practiceMall reg am Box 227 400 tWorthTX 76102 UsersDealers son products 1 with the new mt 284-3655 STORE in ideiolume great re649-2878 no Store- Easy to mer a good living rms 649-2828 High-traffic locaaced In price for eat terms! 649-2828 le EASTSIDE 'Wished location for stock or S36-1447 le home park Mom home 0 mo- 165000 Call Don 738-1372 office ell cafeteria-style 0002-includes all tres Inventory 351 cast weightlifting Westside Interested call -19138 sr old brick 4-bay 40 miles NW of Izating In the WASH tmadeRobinson IAL 338C9561 CENTERS 1 Scope Prmertles 141644-2412 'PESETTING ale Lease all-e 429-9220 ARO PRINTING sale complete ameroorn In Art-ter acceoted -6pm Opportunity ir Hulen Mall 190-5900 collect St food One pays Will train $42000 338-9151 'S BAR For Sale years 927-7077 or lormation STAUR ANT for sale due to III-a business call ESS BROKERS 9-2878 CHINE SHOP FOR SALE Hills 656-1983 er shop Hallmark 10 years In buslr 294-2124 nishing for ice corn shop Good 0 resale consign co 217-1410 or ED LOUNGES RENT 'tails 335-5592 waremachinery S100 030 Invento- 261-4150 ialon for sale by god area732-1065 Beauty Salon for anon great pricel Her 6 for info living gyarters en Blum Texas 191 trailer soft asbak microwave I WSW 481-1472 I Irrao yrs eautlful cos 737 207 itudio 5134 Mans' some or all call me riving IV repair 411X11481-3211 an for sale An vice Equipment 1-1797 larket speopevallsarket531-8534 rent 4928 Mans-5188 oosball machines 136 LEASE FrwY 25-6436 lore for lease $300 wy 237-7621 lease sale phone SomTues -Sat 5R ES FOR SALE nap 817-776-2566 eases and ties) municipal 011 102 H-surface DID0 and 80 transport Avail-leis 817-965-7406 I DRAFTING Structure Base lactions Isopachs (817) 3-5855 RAFTING INC rest available in Jack County to lely Seven Pro117) 567-3566 21333m1 PnincIno IU PMOnt waThr'77we municipal 011 100 ft-surface Dim iquipment and SO transport Avail-sly 817-965-7406 to Lend g7s7 In Plaza Finance ibegiadyoudicil A 1 214-221-78X '1111 MONEY sn home improvg-4259 anytime U54094 ftwoonmo Wanted STMENT NEED many with viable altor looking for a or prospectus ublicetions Kla suite in Arline- Inanceftes na-ucnonktdosisng PA'S ro 263-1932 317366 Wiles let pee LIENS 1-6 gouthwest Bank share 924-1368 MENIMMINMEIMENNOMMEI Machinery INEENIMEINNOMININIMIN salami ww oll gas end (817) e23mo3 'or produce teri11 5355187 Okak1MIJIINAftAtAr.

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Author: Ouida Strosin DO

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Author information

Name: Ouida Strosin DO

Birthday: 1995-04-27

Address: Suite 927 930 Kilback Radial, Candidaville, TN 87795

Phone: +8561498978366

Job: Legacy Manufacturing Specialist

Hobby: Singing, Mountain biking, Water sports, Water sports, Taxidermy, Polo, Pet

Introduction: My name is Ouida Strosin DO, I am a precious, combative, spotless, modern, spotless, beautiful, precious person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.